
Chapter 88 - "A Horny Alpha, Closed Doors & Poor Lil' Me In The Same Equation."-01

"Hey, stranger." I call in lieu of a greeting, as I rush past students and fall into step with a familiar mocha-skinned girl.

She jerks in surprise, reluctantly pulling her eyes away from her huge, black, touch-screen mobile phone.

Mobile phone? Since when did she have one?!

"Hey, Micajah!" She greets back with a wide smile, her happiness and cheer splitting her face into two, when she realizes that it's me.

"Someone's haaaaappy," I drawl, dragging out the 'a', as I tilt my head and waggle my brows at her.

She blushes.

"Wow, I didn't know that telling you you're happy is enough to make you blush!" I snicker, observing the pink color in her cheeks shown clearly despite her dark complexion.

"I—um, uh—" She stutters, her eyes fluttering to me and then fluttering away rapidly.