
Chapter 58- "Your Thoughts Are The Dirtiest. Ever."-02


Oh! The Annual Lunar Mating Ceremony!

"When is it?" I croak, feeling the fear creep up my gut and grip my neck in its vise-like hands.

"This Saturday," She answers. "On the full Moon." She explains.

"Cool," I nod like a maniac, feeling my palms sweat.

In front of all those Alphas, Lunas, Alephs, and Betas?!


"I know what you're thinking, Cage." She says softly, "And trust me, it is not as bad as you think," She pauses. "Who knows, maybe you'll even love it," She adds and I turn so fast, I barely escape a whiplash.

I give her an, Are you out of you darned mind?!' look.

She raises her hands in defense. "Okay."

I glower at her and turn my head, going back to the ceiling staring again.

"What happened to you?" She whispers, her voice barely picked up by my senses over the whoosh of the ceiling fan. While the words sound generic, it's clear her question is actually about my past.