
Chapter 5- "Alpha, You're Late To School."-02

We receive our identical schedules and I let Ezra do all the talking since the receptionist — with her dyed red hair and hot pink nails — annoyed me at first sight. She completely disregarded me — disrespectfully turning a blind eye to the fact that I'm the Alpha, which she surely must've realized the moment I stepped into her room — paying full attention to my Beta, not even smart enough to put two and two together and figure out who we are. He shamelessly flirted with her and she flirted back before she finally asked for his name.

The look on her face when she heard him say our names was downright comical and I had to resist the urge to smirk evilly. I'd just raised an impassive brow, not in the mood to teach her a lesson on respect, making her shrink back and hand me my schedule with shaking fingers. I snatch it out of her hand and pirouette on my heel, leaving Ezra to finish his flirting.

I walk just a few steps before Ezra finally decides to wrap up his conversation and join me, his long strides matching mine. We walk in silence and the second we round the corner, he bursts out laughing heartily, the happy, booming sound reverberating loudly across the silent hallways.

"I-It's been a w-while since I've been out of the Pack. I almost forgot that people give such reactions whenever we tell our names! Her reaction was priceless!" He chokes, forcing the words out in between his uncontrollable guffaws. I look at him — his laughing face and mirth-filled eyes — and shake my head, wondering how I have a person so immature and juvenile as the Beta of the largest pack.

"It's not that funny," I respond and just as he's about to shoot back some smart-ass remark, we reach the doors of our homeroom, so he falls silent. I exhale deeply and push open the double wooden doors with a loud creak, drawing all eyes in the class to the intruders disturbing the teacher who seems to be taking attendance.

Ezra and I set foot inside at the same time and the class erupts into a series of hushed whispers and panicky looks when they feel our presence and identify who we are. The teacher — a new man who wasn't there last year when I'd been studying, looks up with an annoyed look from his seated position in the front of the class. But just as I'd predicted when realizes who we are, all indignation vanishes from his expression, and I watch with concealed amusement as fear and apprehension cross his eyes – before they shift to a kind, professional mask.

"Welcome to Greenville High, Ms. Mordecai, Mr. Harland," He greets respectfully, nodding at both of us. I nod in return and so does Ezra, which apparently seems to shock him.

Prejudiced much? I may be an Alpha, but I can respect people who should be respected.

I barely control an eye roll before he motions us to sit. I nod once again, while Ezra thanks him and we make our way down the aisle between the rows of desks. My Wolf takes pride in the fact that people seem to move away ever-so-slightly when I pass them, feeling the almost primal instinct of a predator approaching them.

I catch sight of the last desk which is empty and walk towards it, while Ezra chooses the vacant one adjacent to it. After the two of us are seated, the class slowly goes back to its previous state of mild chatter, though one could tell that the normalcy was forced and tension still hung thick in the air.

I grab a random text out of my bookbag and place it on the desk with a silent thud, feeling bored and out of place already. Believe me when I say that I already know the entire book by heart. It's just that, some incidents had occurred during the final exams last year and had distracted me from writing the exams well. Those incidents had also earned me a black mark the size of Texas that had tainted my college application and had ended up ruining my dreams.

"Hello, beautiful," An annoying voice interrupts my mental monologue, making me glare in displeasure. I focus my attention in the direction it's coming from to see that the vaguely familiar blond boy — probably an Alpha heir of some sort — who'd been sitting in front of me has turned around in his seat and is currently smirking cockily at me; the arrogant expression on his face clearly conveying the message that he's one of those guys.

The players.

The realization makes my irked glare hateful, my despise for the kind of guys who think that girls are just things to be used and played with clearly visible in my face. He looks taken aback by the instant dislike from me since he probably would've expected me to swoon and gasp like the other girls probably did around him.

He quickly composes his expression, hiding his shock behind the arrogant smirk he previously wore. "Wanna go out sometime?" He asks, still maintaining the same look on his face.

Whoa, if that is a line that works with other girls, then the girls in this grade must be completely, utterly pathetic. I tune him out him blatantly, focusing my attention back on the book I was pretending to read. Yet, he's barely fazed by my obvious rejection of his offer, which anybody with two cells in their brain could understand was a charade for trying to get into my pants.

"I'll bring my Ferrari, we could go to the new restaurant in town . . . You're Seneca, right? Well, your name is as sweet as you, Seneca. I'm Chance Parker, by the way —"

And that's when I decide that it's enough.

"Fuck off," I snarl at him, standing up furiously as I put my book back into my bag. Ezra follows suit immediately and I make a move to leave, but stop, turning around to shoot him one last look of venom.

"It's Alpha Mordecai to you," I pronounce, ignoring his baffled look and the gasps and whispers from others as I storm out.