
Chapter 49 - "Are You Trying To Kill Me Strutting Around Half-Naked?"-01

"Whoa!" Beta Ezra shouts, as he loses balance and sways to the side.

Why, you ask?

Because of my well-aimed blow, of course.

Yeah, I deserve a pat on the back.

"Phoo," I blow my knuckles the way James Bond blows his gun after firing with it, shooting The Beta a victorious smirk.

But just before he could fall completely, he somehow magically regains his equilibrium, and straightens himself up. He puts his hands on his knees, and exhales for a few seconds. He then looks up, his eyebrows like mine, dripping with sweat.

He smirks. "Better,"

My grin drops.

"'Better'?" I exclaim in shock, "I just made 'The Beta', the one who could, 'kill a Wolf in three seconds' fall to the ground—"

"Almost," He interrupts,

"—and all you can say is, 'Better'?!" I holler, glaring at him.

"Okay. That was kinda good," He admits begrudgingly, dusting his palms.