
Chapter 4- "Alpha, You're Late To School."-01

Seneca Mordecai's PoV:

'I want absolute silence,' I dictate in a firm tone through our link, and my voice — even without the Alpha command — quiets them down immediately. We are here in the ass-crack of dawn before our normal training time even starts because sightings of one of his men have been reported, and that's something that cannot be postponed to be dealt with.

I can feel my comrades' anticipation through the link as we near our target. The link I'm referring to is the tele-link. It's a sort of a mind link that all packs have between its members, which allows them to communicate among themselves. It can also be used to project emotions, though, at almost all times if we're not careful, our emotions flow into the link even without our intention to do so.

Ezra nods at me, pointing his chin to the thick cover of trees ahead of us. I nod back, an almost imperceptible shake of my head, letting him know that I can feel the stranger's presence, too.

I signal them with a wave of my hand, and we trudge silently across the covering of trees. The green blanket of leaves forms a roof over us, letting almost no sunlight through them, which makes this part forest darker than the others.

Once we reach the point where the scent of the intruder is the strongest, we — which consists of Ezra, David, Jonathan and Me —pause and each of us takes cover behind one of the thick trunks of the abundant pine trees surrounding us. We wait a few seconds and that's when we hear it.

The silent crunch of shoes hitting the dry leaves and stones littering the ground.

I spread my palm and raise it in a silent message; which, with years of training, is understood as 'I'll do it. Back me up if anything goes wrong.' I receive three silent nods in answer, and I take a slow breath, preparing myself to do what I've done so many times before.

I walk swiftly, yet silently, my feet making absolutely no sound as they hit the gravely ground. I peek cautiously behind the tree trunk — behind where I sense his presence — and sure to my guess, there he is, looking at the forest in front of him with wide, careful eyes.

Just as I near him, he senses my presence and spins around fast, but not faster than me. I swiftly reach out and punch him, catching him off-guard and making him stagger back in the force. I use his surprise as my advantage and before he could comprehend the truth of what was about to happen, I punch the side of his midriff, bruising his internal organs.

He bends forward, clutching his stomach with a groan and not a second later, I grab the knife strapped to my forearm and reach out to grab him by his neck. I push the sharp blade into his chest cleanly, killing him instantly. Blood oozes from the puncture in his body, and his dead face is set in a permanent mask of horror, but I don't let my mind linger on it; as looking at him further would only stir up unwanted emotions.

My fingers uncurl around the grip I had on his neck, letting the dead corpse fall to the ground. I hear footsteps and I turn around, meeting my Beta's eyes, "Dispose of this filthy spy," I command and make a move to go in the direction of the river. In the last second, I stop and turn around, "Oh and I'm going for a run," I inform them, just in case my company is requested by someone in my absence.

Quickly, I spin on my heel to leave, but David—my Delta's urgent voice stops me. "Alpha?"

I stop, but don't turn around; which he takes as his cue to speak, "You're late to school."

"Fuck!" I swear, hurrying in the direction of the house.

We reach the familiar gates of Greenville High and I pull my car to a screeching halt in the best parking space available, smirking slightly at the fact that it's surprisingly empty.

Hm, I see that the school's prepared for my arrival.

I grab my bag from where it's resting in the passenger seat — which is almost always not occupied since rarely anyone ever accompanies me anywhere — and pull my keys off the ignition. I glance at my rearview mirror to see that Ezra has just parked his car—a blue Nissan GT-R, in the spot behind mine.

Yes, he decided to come to school again just for my sake.

I know, he deserves some kind of award.

He meets my eyes and gives me a nod and a smile, and the small gesture reassures me. The next moment is almost like a scene right out of a cliché teen movie as we open our car doors at the same time, gaining numerous whispers and looks from the kids loitering around the parking lot. I studiously ignore all of them but keep my head high like the Alpha I am, slamming my door shut. Ezra walks the few steps from his car to mine and falls into step with me and we make our way to the main building.

Just then, the warning bell rings loudly, making everyone rush to their classes in a hurried frenzy. We both exchange contemplative looks, knowing that no one would dare question us even if we bunk our classes or arrive late. I give him a lazy shrug, and he smirks knowingly.

"I like the new attitude," He comments as we continue our lethargic trudge to the receptionist's office.

"Don't count on it. I'm not one to abuse my power, I'm just not feeling too eager today go to class," I reply, looking straight ahead sourly.

"Hm, I know. But I like it," He states and we exchange smiles. Or more exactly, he smiles and I just look back.