
Chapter 34- "For You, I'll Do Anything."-03

"It's something you have to figure out on your own! See you at PE!" She calls back, and runs faster, making me lose sight of her. I can still see her head full of black hair here and there, but I'll have to push everyone out of the way to catch her, and I don't want to do that.

I sigh in frustration and walk back to the cafeteria.

⍟ ⍟ ⍟

I glance at my tray full of food, clutching it carefully with both hands, as I walk slowly to avoid the box of fries sitting precariously at the corner from falling, and the so full vanilla milkshake from spilling.

I bought half of the things on this tray for Beta Ezra.

Just a small treat for him for being so good to me.

I know. Kind is my middle name. No need to mention it.

Speaking of which, I really need to get a job. Although I have a lot of money saved, it's not enough for college—
