
Chapter 27 - "Now The Real Game Begins."-02

It's easy to say that they're powerful and not weak like Rouges, because their eyes are of different colors, unlike the standard pitch black ones that the Rouges possess. And their furs are also well-groomed in shades of grey, a sandy color, and the last Wolf a white color with dark brown patches.

In the blink of an eye, the grey Wolf launches himself on Beta Ezra's black one, his jaws snapping at anything he could find. Beta Ezra dodges his attacks effectively, snapping and biting and things seem to go well until White one pounces on his back.

One of Beta Ezra's paws pushes the grey one off his feet, and before he could recover, Beta turns to White, pushing him off his back. He goes for the kill at White's exposed neck when Sandy intervenes, biting hard on Beta Ezra's leg from behind.