
Chapter 12- "I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You."-02

"You made me lose everything," She mumbles softly. All of a

sudden she lets the that was hand squeezing my neck drop to her side, and she

turns away abruptly. I fall forward at the sudden action, clutching my palms to

my knees just in time before I crash to the ground face-first. I take slow

breaths, trying to pull myself together long enough to escape to the safety of

my room. And then I hear sniffling.

Goddess. She's crying.


Okay. I'll address the fucking elephant in the room. She's not sane.

That's right.

My mother is mentally ill. The sheer pain from losing her mate

combined with her suddenly lonely life as a single mother to a kid she resented

made her lose her sanity. She has had intermittent periods of minutes when she

actually knows what's going on, but it's mostly the same cycle of depression

and anger for the rest of the time.