
Chapter 103 - "She Is My Alpha."-02

"Okay, then. Be careful. Don't overwork your ribs." She nods, letting me off the hook as she begins to turn back to her work.

I exhale silently in relief and am about to turn around when she calls me suddenly, "Hey!"

What now?

I resist the urge to fidget as I turn around, raising my brows in question.

"You're forgetting something." She taps her lips, and a genuine grin splits my face as relief floods through me.

Crap. In my nervousness to keep things a surprise I'd completely forgotten our ritual.

Now she'll be definitely suspicious.

I chide myself for being so stupid as I make my way to her. I cup her cheeks in my palms as I tip her face up and give her a deep kiss, taking my time to make it drawn out and lingering enough to erase all other thoughts from her mind.

She moans slightly as I pull away, leaning my forehead against hers, as we take a moment to catch our breaths. "I love you."