
My Alley Cat Boy

On a chilly New York city night, Jane at her balcony spotted green beaming eyes in a dark alley. These eyes were owned by a black cat, shivering in a little cardboard box. Concerned, Jane goes over to help the cat but before she could, a grown man with a mask slips the cat into a bag and picks his pace down the alley. She runs following and finds out the cat is actually an arrogant mafia dude?! Is she captured for knowing such a secret? Will they stupidly fall in love? We'll see ;)

Meri_ · Fantasía
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1 Chs

My Alley Cat Boy [Chapter 1- Hello Cat Boy]

<p>by meri :><br/><br/> On a chilly Monday night after a hard shift, Jane stood at the balcony, enjoying the breathtaking view of New York City. Her gaze wandered around the city, admiring the lights, skyscrapers, cars, and mood. While the sounds of passing cars and constant chatter, kept her at peace. She lifted her gaze to the sky, then down to an alley nearby, and then back to the streets.<br/> After admiring the view for a while, she soon grew bored. So, to pass time, she took a packet of watermelon gum from her jacket's right pocket and popped a piece in her mouth. She then began attempting to blow a big bubble. On her third try, she successfully blew a bubble that obscured her eyes for a second. And when it popped, her gaze was drawn to something enticing in the alley that had only been empty a second ago. Its eyes were green and it gleamed so brightly at that time of the night. The occasional lights from passing cars helped her catch quick glimpses of it, and soon she was able to tell that it was a cat. It was a black cat that appeared as soft and plump as a pillow. It was lying on a piece of cardboard, looking frightened and cold. Jane recalled how her nine year-old self had always wanted one just like it. As she stared at the cat in delight, a loud honk blew from one of the cars. The cat jumped and shivered in fear.<br/><br/>"The noise from these cars must certainly be disturbing this poor cute cat," she thought. "I wonder if he has an owner. I could help him…"<br/><br/>She stood there, debating whether or not to go save the cat. But when she looked at those adorable terrified green eyes, she thought not a second more. She grabbed her jacket from its rack nearby, slid into her cat flip flops, and ran down stairs. As she stepped outside, cold air swooshed across, sending chills through her body. She quickly slipped on the jacket she brought and zipped it all the way up.<br/> "Brrr, it sure is chilly today," she said. "I can't imagine what that cat has been through."<br/> With her hands in her pockets, she looked both ways, waiting for the cars on the busy streets to slow down. As she waited, her eyes shifted to the alley again to check for the cat. There she saw a grown man with a black mask picking up the cat. Immediately, her body lit up in adrenaline as she ran to save the cat from the suspicious guy. Though the streets were still busy, she slid through cars, almost getting hit by one. Many cars honked in response to this disturbance.<br/> "Hey! What are you doing with that cat?!" Jane yelled out.<br/> Hearing the ruckus of the cars and Jane's yelling, the guy hastily dropped the cat in a black bag and picked up his pace down the alley with it. The cat whimpered as it struggled in the bag.<br/> When Jane made it to the tip of the alley, she also picked up her pace, chasing the alley dude as she shouted,<br/> "Hey! Get back here; that cat is not yours!"<br/>The alley guy gave a brief glance back before continuing to run as fast as he could.<br/><br/> When Jane reached the end of the alley, she looked to her right and saw a rusty metal door, slightly opened. She quietly opened the door a bit more and slid in. The place was very dark and smelled like a dozen guys just had a workout session there.<br/> Pinching her nose with her fingers to avoid the smell, she walked around searching with her other hand for a light switch. She was about to flip the switch that she found when strong arms grabbed her from behind as another tied a piece of cloth around her eyes and mouth.<br/> Struggling, she muffled, "What's going on?! Let go of me!"<br/> They ignored her and continued towards a room, with her in their grasp. When they got to the room, Jane noticed that it smelled and felt sweatier than the last room. She was about to pinch her nose shut again when she remembered her hands were tied. They dragged her to a chair nearby and made her sit on it.<br/>"All right, take the cloth off ," said a deep voice close by<br/> In response, they untied the cloth and slugged it away, no longer obscuring Jane's view and muffling her lips. In front of Jane stood a tall, fit man with gleaming green eyes. He had fluffy hair the color of the night sky and a perfect tanned complexion.<br/>"Uh...howdy," Jane choked, distracted by the beautiful, perfect creature standing in front of her. </p>

Hiya! :)

Just a lil reminder: I am not really a professional writer but I do love writing and think this story is great. I would definitely love to add on to this story.

K bye <3

Meri_creators' thoughts