
My Adolescent Romantic Comedy Is Incorrect As I Had Logically Proven

My Adolescent Romantic Comedy Is Incorrect As I Had Logically Proven [ Oregairu ] Hikigaya Hachiman is anti social person who believe only himself, but one stupid essy in his High school led him to service club. yukino Yukinoshita come from a big family from Chiba. Yukino Yukinoshita is president of service club . when Yukino Yukinoshita meet Hikigaya Hachiman there's going to changes in there which led them to find their own answer . but what answer ? JUST READ YOU WILL FIND OUT. ___&&&&______&&&____&&&____ Hello guys I'm starting this novel as new it's in my mind to start something new . now for I will continue previous oregairu I just take short break this never going to happen again until it's reach its end . Warning: Massive plagiarism from: My teen rom-com is SNAFU. I don’t own it. It’s the property of Wataru Watari (What a name). Please support the official release.

_EternalAuthor · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Mission accomplished.

It was the second day after the Hotel Royal Okura incident. I had skipped school day on the first day as the morning and afternoon had me in bed catching up on missed sleep. It was too late last night for me to have the mental foresight to prepare for the eventual hangover I was going to be hit with.

As my parents leave for work early, they would not have noticed that I was still in bed with the intention of missing school. As my sister and I are estranged, she did not notice that I was still in bed while she got ready for school. She may have assumed that I had left for school early like I normally do. If our positions had been reversed, I would not have woken her up. The resulting punishment would be more than enough to ensure she did not do it again. As always with her, prefer to demonstrate a kind cruelness.

Around two pm, I managed to make my way downstairs and ingest some instant ramen and aspirin before going back to sleep.

At around six pm, I awoke with a clearer mind for the first time in days. I now knew what the problem was and how I could now try and tackle it. Flipping open my phone I was greeted with a few text messages in my inbox which I promptly dealt with.

It appeared that Yukinoshita was shaken by what Kawasaki and I said so Yuigahama had spent the night at her place comforting her. When they arrived at school today, they did not see me and so decided to enquire about my general health. I messaged them back, apologies about my actions last night and asking for some favours.

After all, Taishi-kun request was still not solved. Not just him wanting to know what his sister was doing and why but the unspoken cry for help to assist Kawasaki Saki with her problem. I had messaged him to come to the McDonald's on the high street at five o'clock in the morning and to message his sister to be there as well. At that time, Kawasaki should be able to make it as it was after her work shift.

I messaged one last person to also apologise to and ask for a favour as it was to do with a Service Club request. After some explaining of my intentions, she sent me the information I required.

I then pulled out an empty binder, loaded up my laptop and printer and got to work. But first, now that my hangover symptoms; like the throbbing headache were gone, I was reminded that I crushed a glass with my bare hand. There were bloody hand prints that I had accidently left all over the place which needed to be dealt with, along with the tiny shards of glass still in my hand.

There were bloodstains on my bed sheets, proof that the devil on my shoulder had finally been submerged as it did not make any dark comments about that.

Before I could leave my room to get some cleaning supplies and change my bed sheets, a feminine scream echoed through the house. I guess my sister must have arrived home and saw the bloody hand print on the refrigerator door handle and among other places.... Better deal with this misunderstanding immediately before the police are called.

I was down at McDonald's at half past four in the morning. Sitting in a booth that faced the doors, nodding off and sipping on my second serving of tea. Sadly due to me abusing MAX Coffee-chan, I thought it be best if we took a break from one another. I was also hoping that this will be the final all nighter I will have pull during my time in high school. I was probably better off sleeping before the meeting, but I didn't have confidence that I would wake up before five.

The sky was already lit and the sparrows were busily pecking at the ground before returning to flight once again.

"So you came…"

The automated door made a sound as it opened, and Kawasaki Saki appeared, scraping her feet listlessly. "What do you want?" she asked much more irately than usual, possibly because she hadn't gotten much sleep.

Please stop, now that I was more awake than before I could really take in everything that I like about you. Normally a person would put on a fake smile when greeting someone, but not you. You are blunt, honest and wonderful. Kind of like Coffee-chan but like with her, our relationship is damaged.

Kawasaki Saki appeared so pissed off the thought of lying prostrate on the ground in front of her crossed my mind for a brief moment, but I dispelled the thought and acted as casually as I could. It was good that my previous outburst seemed to have been disregarded for the moment.

"Well, comb down." I fumbled over my words with exceptional finesse. "I mean, calm down."

Okay, so acting casual was a huge failure. But that was because Kawasaki fascinated/scared the hell out of me.

Having blundered and looked like a fool, I could think more clearly. No point in trying to impress her now that I messed up and also, what's the point? Anyway from then on my words came out smoothly, more natural. "Everyone'll be here soon. So just wait a little longer."


As a puzzled Kawasaki looked at me the automated door made a sound as it opened once again, signalling the arrival of Yukinoshita and Yuigahama.

Near twelve hours ago, I sent Yuigahama a brief text. I instructed her to stay another night at Yukinoshita's place after asking her parents and come to the McDonalds with Yukinoshita at five in the morning. That was one of the favour I asked. After I profoundly apologised for my behaviour of course.

"You guys again?" Kawasaki sighed deeply in exasperation.

As Yukinoshita and I looked at each other, Komachi suddenly appeared from the restaurant's bathroom. After nearly giving her a heart attack, I explained the situation briefly (no need for her to know about my first drinking experience. Do as I say, not as I do) she wanted to accompany me the next time I was doing something to help Kawasaki Saki.

"Ah, I had to bring my little sister along after she demanded me to when I explained how I got this." I waved my now bandaged hand. "More importantly I brought our client here for the ending of this mess." I pointed at Taishi who also appeared from the front counter after ordering. He nodded in response.

"Taishi… what are you doing here at this hour?" Kawasaki glared at Taishi with a mixture of surprise and anger colouring her face.

But Taishi remained unperturbed; he was finally getting the answers he wanted. "I'm the one who should be asking you that, nee-chan. What have you been doing up to this hour in the morning?" To face his older sister in front of others and not back down. Apparently, family love gives one balls of titanium.

Hang on, when I texted you to come here before your sister, I told you about her bartending job. To put your mind at ease that she wasn't up to anything shady. Heck the only seriously terrible thing she has done was to serve me alcohol knowing I was underage. She could have gotten into a hell of a lot of trouble if she was found out, way more than underage working. Blackmail was truly one of the darkest of crimes.

"It's none of your business…" Kawasaki severed the conversation right then and there.

But while her aggression tactics might work on others, it had no effect on Taishi, who was part of her family. Up until now, Kawasaki and Taishi had been talking one-to-one, and it was because of that Kawasaki had countless avenues of escape. She could arbitrarily cut the conversation short and leave. She could do whatever she wanted. But now, she couldn't do that. We had encircled her, preventing her from running.

Now I was going to make her confront her family, she was going to tell him the truth or I was going to do it instead.

"It is my business," Taishi insisted. "I'm your family…" Ah, it seems like he wanted to hear conformation about her bartending from his sister.

"…I told you that you don't need to know," Kawasaki answered, her voice weakening. Perhaps my words to her the night before had an effect but time had passed, strengthening her convictions. Her will not to speak remained.

The reason she was remaining silent was because she didn't think she could talk to Taishi about it. She was burdened but could do something about it. Taishi, on the other hand, would know but be helpless to do anything about it. She believed that it was then easier not for him to know. Ignorance was bliss after all.

"Kawasaki, let me guess why you're working and why you need money," I said, prompting Kawasaki to glare at me. Yukinoshita and Yuigahama turned to me with keen interest. Seriously? They could not figure it out? Even sleep deprived, I had managed to connect the dots. Maybe I should become L.

"The reason Kawasaki started a part-time job: clearly, only she would know. But if you thought about it, that was a hint in itself." I started.

"Kawasaki Saki became a delinquent in her second year of high school, according to Kawasaki Taishi. It would certainly seem that way from Kawasaki Taishi's point of view. But you could not say the same from Kawasaki Saki's perspective." Huh, why did this feel like a villain's monologue?

"From Kawasaki Saki's point of view, she started her part-time job when Kawasaki Taishi entered his third year of middle school. In that case, her reason fell in that time frame." At this part of the story, Kawasaki Saki had unfolded her arms and let her arms rest by her side. Her fists were clenched with the skin going as white as pure snow. She had stopped glaring at me and had looked down in impotent rage. Here I was spilling all of her secrets like the bastard I was. Hate me, I (don't) care and long as it repaired the relationship you have with your family.

"Taishi, did something change when you entered your third year?" I asked him. Time to see if the others or he himself could figure it out. If they could and come to the same conclusion as mine then that meant my assumption was most likely right.

"Er, uh… wasn't that around when I started attending cram school?" Taishi wracked his head for various other memories, but that was revealing enough. As if she had guessed what I was about to say next, Kawasaki bit her lip in frustration.

"I get it, it was to pay for her little bro's tuition fees-" Yuigahama chimed in, but I interrupted her. Close but no cigar.

"No. The tuition fees themselves were already settled by the time Taishi started going to cram school in April. The enrolment and teaching material fees are already paid by that time. That means the Kawasaki family took those expenses into consideration beforehand. On the other hand, you could say it was a situation where only Taishi's tuition fees were settled."

"I see what you're getting at." Yukinoshita turned her gaze at Kawasaki with complete comprehension and just a small amount of sympathy. "Indeed, it's not just the little brother whose tuition fees must be accounted for."

Finally, the penny dropped. It had been free-falling for awhile now.

"Right," I agreed and carried on, "our school Soubu High is dedicated to preparing students for university. The majority of students hoped to advance to university and many of them actually do so. As a result, quite a few people become fixated on their entrance exams at around their second year of high school, and there were also people who thought seriously about taking a summer course. Which all costs money."

"It's like what Taishi said. His nee-chan used to be straight-laced and kind. Basically, she's still that way," I stated in conclusion. That last part was wish full thinking, but hey, a guy could hope.

Kawasaki's shoulders sagged listlessly.

"Nee-chan… I'm going to cram school, so…"

"…that's why I said you didn't need to know. You did not need to know about me working for money," Kawasaki knocked her brother on the head comfortingly. Finally the truth comes out. This looked like a heart-warming resolution to all the drama. I mean good for them. And they all lived happily ever after.

Idiots, if Kawasaki is the person I think she is, there will not be a happily ever after. This isn't Disney after all.

My speculation came true when I saw Kawasaki pursed her lips tightly.

"Still, I can't quit my bartending job over all this. I intend to go to university. I don't want to cause you or our parents any trouble over that, Taishi." Kawasaki's tone was sharp.

She was clearly keeping her decision and her iron-clad will once again drove Taishi into silence.

"Um, can I just say something?" A carefree voice broke the silence.

It was Komachi. Kawasaki turned to her exasperatedly. "What?" she demanded half curtly, half-belligerently. Oi! That's my younger sister you are talking to. If I did that to your younger brother, you would crush me.

But before I could go overly protective brother mode (TM), Komachi deflected her anger with a grin. "'kay, so. Both our parents have been working for ages, and so, like, when I was little I'd go home and no one would be there. Whenever I announced I was back no one ever greeted me."

"Um, if someone did greet you when no one was home it'd be creepy," I pointed out. "What's with the sudden spiel?" Seriously, what did this have to do with anything?

"Oh, right. Onii-chan, shush for a bit."

Shrugging with acceptance, I held my tongue and turned my ear to what Komachi was saying.

"So then, I got so sick of coming home to a house like that I ran away from home for a day. That time it wasn't my parents who came to pick me up, it was onii-chan. So from then on, my bro's been coming home earlier than me. So I'm grateful to my brother for that."


What kind of bullshit was that? Don't get the wrong idea, it wasn't like I came home early for you in particular. No, seriously, in those days, I had no intention of taking care of Komachi whatsoever; I only came home early because I wanted to chill in the comfort of my house.

Kawasaki turned to me with something very much like newfound respect in her eyes, while Yuigahama's eyes were a little watery. Yukinoshita was the only one to merely cock her head slightly. Oh come on. I did not needed to have Mob's psychic ability to foresee what was going to happen next. Just when I finally managed to gain her attention in a positive way, another black haired girl was going to tear me a new one.

"The reason Hikigaya-kun came home early was because he never had any friends from that time, I believe?"

Hey it was mutual!

"Well, yeah, I'm well aware of that," Komachi admitted nonchalantly, "but I thought saying it like this would make other people see my brother as the kind person is really is."

Oh so that's your plan sneaky little sister. For scaring you, you were going to tell my peers that actually I am some sort of kind person therefore their low but justified expectations of me will be artificially raised. The level of misunderstanding that will arise from that simple statement is mind boggling.

That prompted Yuigahama to speak up. "You really are Hikki's sister," she said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you implying…?" Was she saying that I did not really have a sister? You met her before already!

"So what are you even getting at?" Kawasaki demanded irritably. Oh, back to square one, actually more like square minus one.

But Komachi looked Kawasaki straight in the eyes with her usual cheerful smile, completely undeterred. "Even though my brother is strong by himself, he still reaches out and helps people, which is what I'm getting at. Even the little things he does to help me out makes me feel happy." She grinned. "Oh, even though he acts like a total tsun while doing it."

"Don't just tack something unnecessary on at the end!" I wasn't blushing. I wasn't!

"No way, it's obvious you're just hiding that from me in embarrassment."

"Enough already." Looking away flustered while trying to remember what I wanted to say.

When I didn't speak up again, she resumed her conversation with Kawasaki.

"So basically, just like how you don't want to be a nuisance to your family, Saki-san, Taishi-kun doesn't want to cause trouble to you either, y'know? I'd be happy as a younger sibling if you could understand that little point."

No answer.

Kawasaki was engulfed in silence. And at that moment, so was I.

…crap, I had no idea what to make of these feelings I had. I could hardly believe Komachi thought that way about me. I hadn't realised since we have never really connected or so I assumed.

"…well, something like that, I guess," Taishi added lamely. He turned away, his face red.

Kawasaki stood up and stroked Taishi's head gently. Rather than her usual languid expression, she smiled ever so gently. Ah, a layer of tenderness under a coat of apathy. To know that she wasn't just a bitter, cold person like Yukinoshita. Wonderful.

Even so, the problem had not yet been settled. The only thing that had happened was that Kawasaki and Taishi had opened up to communicate again. Being emotionally satisfied did not mean everything is fine and dandy. It wouldn't somehow break down tangible problems or render those problems meaningless. In the end, physical possessions and money were absolutely indispensable.

Money was a quite a severe problem for a high school student. The money you earn at some half-assed part-time job was nothing compared to the scale of the real world. It was depressing to calculate the number of hours you'd have to work to obtain the millions of yen it costs to cover the tuition fees of a private university.

Handing over one or two million yen would make us look great and all, but we didn't have that kind of money and it was against the very principles of the Service Club anyway. It was like Yukinoshita had said that one time. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

With that in mind, it was time for me to step in and take care of the rest.

"Kawasaki," I stated. "I have something for you, an apology gift for the way I had acted toward you during the other night."

I pulled out a tightly packed, dense binder from under the table and placed it in front of her.

"You know what a scholarship is?"

Kawasaki nodded her head sadly.

"Of course I know what a scholarship is, idiot. I did look at other options before starting to work but I don't have the grades for it and scholarships are high sought after."

"Ah, that is where you are wrong," I said simply, feeling smug. "Please, take a seat."

I gestured to the chair opposite me which Kawasaki took with some reluctant. The others decided to watch our conversation take place on the side lines. With Yukinoshita and Yuigahama, they knew by now to sit back and watch a master at work. The younger siblings sat next to them with wide-eye fascination.

"Look," she began. "I already checked out some places I wanted to go but they are really prestigious. I just don't have the grades to achieve such a scholarship so please don't waste my time and give me false hope."

"That is acceptable as I did discover something similar to that but I think you have missed out some things." Arms out spread. "What's the harm of a quick look?" I finished pushing the folder to her.

It looks like I managed to peak her interest, enough to look at my ten hours of work.

As she began to pour through the binder, I provided the commentary of what she was looking at and why it was important.

"So the first page is an index for the rest of the file. It goes; Universities, Summer jobs, Loans and Apprenticeships." I said, pointing at each topic and the corresponding page. I left out mentioning the sub-categories as I did not want to overwhelm her right at the start.

She turned the page and was immediately faced with information printed from a university website. I pointed at all the relevant parts that I highlighted and annotated.

"So as an example, this is one possible university you could go to for a career in fashion-"

"Hang on!" The delinquent girl exclaimed. "How do you know that I want to pursue fashion?"

"I have connections," I stated, in my eyes, like a badass. Actually I should have said connection. Hiratsuka-sensei was willing to help once I explained what I was doing and apologised for skipping school. She did demand a favour off me in the future though, as if helping with the Service Club wasn't enough. Well she was doing me a favour by breaking some sort of confidentiality so I guess I do own her one.

"Anyway," I continued showing her more pages from different university websites, "here are the short descriptions of the courses at the top of each university section. Then comes the grade requirements to enter, after is the Open Days to attend and check out the university. Those are important as it shows the professors that you are interested in the course. Of course, the interviews are more important so I included their dates and times as well. I also incorporated some links to websites that can prep you for such things. There are teachers at our school who are willing to give up some of their time to coach you in mock interviews as well." Provided you fulfil some conditions, like give up working but I wasn't going to mention that just yet.

"W-wait, hold on! Why have you done so much for me! Even I haven't looked at this stuff in this in depth detail. It's impossible for me anyway if I can't pay for it!"

"I'll get to that. As well as interviews, there are summer vacancies in the university where you could assist the professors and lectures thus getting familiar with them and improving your chance at getting in and a scholarship."

At that word, Kawasaki perked up.

"Look I told you already, I have checked-"

"And I am sure you did," I interrupted kindly. "But just academic scholarships? What about First-in-family Scholarships, Merit Scholarships, Community Scholarships and Writing Scholarship etc. Each one has its own page further in the folder. The universities that have such Scholarships have been cross-referenced to both sections."

At this point, her lacklustre attitude had disappeared and a certain intensity had entered her eyes. Although it was hours since she had some decent sleep, Kawasaki was now wide awake and focused.

"You are first in your family to go to university so this, this and this university has the First-in-family Scholarship. You are, well used to be, a perfect student so these universities have the Merit Scholarship. A few teachers were alumni of those universities and they are willing to write a letter of recommendation for you" provided you quit your job and come back to school properly "Writing Scholarship require essay which Yukinoshita" a nod to her which she nodded back in responds "has agreed to assist you with. If she is not available, I have a decent score in Japanese Literature so I too could help you."

Listening intently to my words, Kawasaki's eyes darted around the pages as she flicked through the many paged, dense folder. Here I stopped and took a deep breath.

"F-for the Community Scholarship, y-you could join the Student Council o-or our S-service Club as it would c-count."

I was so happy that she was too busy reading certain sections to notice my nervousness. When she looked up at me, I coughed and tried to regain my momentum.

"I-in case that all fails, the penultimate part of the folder has loan schemes that the government has set up for people who want to attend university. To apply, I have included the necessary steps you need to take. And if, and only if, that all fails then there are apprenticeships you could do. More details about them in the last section of the folder."

I sat there letting it all wash over Kawasaki who, in my perception was moved by the work I have done for her. I finished my cold cup of tea and waited. The others had ordered some beverages with caffeine in them to help deal with the approaching school hours. They sat away from us and were having their own conversations.

After a couple of minutes of watching the sky getting brighter and brighter, I stood up. Unlike last time there were no flinches but Kawasaki did realise that she was spending a lot of time on the information and had unintentionally ignored everyone else.

"Apart from applying for various Scholarships, placements and writing essays, the best thing for you to do is get your grades back up. Which would mean quitting your night job and coming to school seriously. Yukinoshita often holds revision sessions that she would like to extend to you as an apology for the way she acted the other night. Again, I am sorry with the way I also acted the other night. I hope that the help makes up for it. I'll see you around Kawasaki or not."

With that I started to leave the restaurant, for some odd reason Komachi decided to abandon Taishi and come with me. Probably so that I could give her a lift home, this time there will be no coin toss. While I believe constantly depending on people is bad thing, I guess I could make an exception for my little sister. She is family after all and I have seen the lengths people go to for it.

Before we could make our way, a bunch of colleague girls walked opposite us. A few of them were smoking which caused my nose to wrinkle in disgust. After they had past, I turned to my sister and told her that she should never try smoking. Under any circumstances like peer pressure or to see what's it like. People, including me, hate those who waste their life on cancer sticks. After that random outburst from me, I continued on my journey not wanting to see the expression Komachi was wearing. Screw being distant, she is my little sister and she needs to be protected. A sound of hurried footsteps behind me caused us to stop and turn.

It was Kawasaki. I thought she would stay behind and thank/make up with Yukinoshita for her offered help.

"W-wait," the attractive girl called out to me. "Here, I forgot to give you your change back from the other night."

If it was another girl, I would have screamed in my mind, 'Phrasing!' but not if it was Kawasaki Saki.

She had in her hand some of the yen I left for my drink, damages and tip. I raised my hands to indicate I did not want it back and that the excess was a tip for her.

"I can't accept this as I cheated you! There was no way I was going to risk being caught giving alcohol to a minor" my sister looked at me with surprise, oops. "There was only Coffee liquid and milk in both of your drinks, no alcohol at all."

"Doesn't matter," I said, disregarding whatever the reason was for her to return the money. "I was rude and lost my temper. The money was a weak attempt to sweep it under the rug. Listen, it's late. You are probably very tired, I know I am. I am going home now, maybe I'll see you at school."

Refusing to take my money back, I turned and started to walk toward my bike. Kawasaki shouted to me her gratitude for the new information and that she will be coming to school again.

Mission accomplished.


Wait. What was that about the lack of alcohol?