
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · Cómic
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65 Chs

Chapter 42: Return

Rihito: After extracting all the information the demon had, I dealt with it. I then walked back to where everyone was. I wondered what Hajime had decided, in canon event, Hajime was the one to finish Shimizu. But here I intervened and prevented him from doing it. Sighing, I then sped up and appeared where Shimizu was lying, dead.


With one glimpse of Shimizu, I understood what transpired here. Aiko looked devastated, Aikawa and others looked sad, Shea and Tio looked lightly concerned and Tohru was back to normal.

Tohru upon noticing me called, "Master~" saying that she happily stood beside me.

Suddenly Aiko who was grieving spoke up, "Why… why did you… kill him." She asked looking at Tohru with grief.

Tohru confused, asked, "Are you asking me?"

Aiko spoke louder, "Why!"


Tohru gave Aiko a neutral look and said, "He controlled me when I was severely wounded. Us dragons do not interact with other species. Even if by chance it happens, we avoid or in most cases kill them. But in rare cases, if the individual is special enough, we make exceptions, like Master Rihito." Tohru looked at me with a happy smile. "As for why did I kill him? He already failed the condition and on top of that, he forcefully controlled a dragon like me, it already warrants his death. You are lucky that you are related to my master. If you were not, I would have killed you and the four beside you." Tohru released her blood lust at them.

Rihito, seeing things getting out of hand. He put his hand on her shoulder, which calmed her.

Sighing, I then looked at Aiko sensei and spoke, "Sensei."

Aiko looked up at me. Confirming her gaze, I spoke, "It was me who killed Shimizu. I gave her the order to kill him. The mental state he was in made him too dangerous to be left alone. I know it's hypocritical coming from me. Still, in the future, if someone does something similar to Shimizu, I will do it again. If you want to hate someone, hate me."

Saying that I turned around and started to walk away. Shea, Tohru, Hajime and others followed me. While walking away, from behind, I heard the sobbing voice of Aiko.

We headed out of the city of 'Uii', and through 'Brise' we headed to the 'Fuhren' with Will in tow. He was sitting in the back with Tio, who was also coming with us.

In the driver's seat, Hajime was seated, in the co-seat Yue sat there. As for me, I was seated behind them in between Shea and Tohru who were holding my hands up to my shoulders.


[Sigh, I have to add Tohru to the list.] Well, nothing is conclusive yet. Is this what they call Stockholm syndrome? As I wondered when I became a chick magnet.

Just then Hajime called out, "Hey, why did you stop my attack."

I responded with a pause looking outside of the window, "Because I feel like it."


Hajime then pressed a button on the steering, which turned on the autopilot. He turned around and grabbed my collar, and angrily said, "DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP, YOU THINK I DIDN'T NOTICE. You at first aimed for Shimizu's wrist. It was me who aimed for Shimizu's head. You stopped my attack and in turn, cut his shoulder off." saying that he glared at me.

To his inquiry, I stayed silent not confirming or denying his claims.


"Tsk," Seeing me not answering he Clicked his tongue, he let go of my collar and seated back, concentrating on driving.

I noticed Tohru was angrily glaring at Hajime, so I patted her head which calmed her down and she was back to normal.

Shea seeing my interaction worriedly asked," You Okay."

In her eyes, I saw a slight anxiety. I just patted her and told her, "Don't worry, everything is fine."

I then again looked outside of the window and pondered, [It seems that I have inherited more of Rihito's personality than I originally thought. Well, at least I don't have his trauma that would have sucked.]

After half a day of journey, we reached Fuhren at dawn.

Hajime drove Brise and stopped it in front of the entrance gate which was closed for some reason. Then from the smaller entrance from the side, about a dozen guards came with weapons in hands and pointed at us.


Seeing the commotion, we came out of the car. All the guards saw this and looked at us like we were some new kind of monster.

After that, it took some time to convince them that were not monsters and that the black box thing was an artefact from the age of gods, which finally convinced them.

The guards then asked for identification to that end I showed them the quest request paper signed by the guild master himself. Seeing this some of them confirmed that they were informed about this and told it was an urgent request.

"Is the request completed?" one of the guards asked.

"Yes," I responded to him.

Then a messenger was sent to the adventurer guild and we were respectfully welcomed in the city.

We were then escorted to the guild; it was the same room as the last. We then sat on the sofa, waiting for the guild master to come.

In about a minute, I heard two hurried footsteps coming towards this room, probably Ilwa and his assistant glasses guy. [What was his name again, I forgot.]

The door was then loudly opened and Ilwa barged in, and spoke, "Will! Are you safe?!"

Will who was seated on the single-chair sofa stood up and smiled looking at Ilwa, "Uncle Ilwa, I am fine. But I need to apologise for causing trouble for you, I am sorry for everything. All this happened because I was too stubborn."

Ilwa seeing Will unharmed was relieved, though he looked slightly skinny it was a minor problem, with proper food he would go back to normal, "It's fine… what matters is that you are back and in one piece. Now you should go see your parents."

"Okay," Saying that Will looked in our direction and thanked us, "Thank you for saving me, Rihito, Hajime, Shea, Yue, Tohru and Tio. In future, I will be sure to repay this favour." Will left the room.


"It looks like this adventure had done him some good after all." saying, Ilwa took his seat in front of us, and glasses stood behind him.

Hajime then spoke up, "That should be it for the job, right?"

To confirm it Ilwa said, "Yes… and I thank you all. To be honest I almost gave up on him at one point. I am truly grateful for bringing him alive."

"You do not need to thank us, he survived because of his luck," I said from the side.

"I see," Ilwa responded.

Right then a staff member knocked on our door. With Ilwa's permission the staff entered and poured us tea and left.

Ilwa then spoke with the demeanour of a guild master, "I have to say, what you had accomplished in 'Ull' as shocking as admirable 'Oh The goddess shield and Sword.'" Ilwa said those words with a smile observing our reaction, though his eyes stayed on Rihito a bit longer because of his change of hair.

Hajime about to drink the tea almost choked and Rihito who was about to pick up the tea stopped; he had an expression like someone who was holding his laughter.

Ilwa seeing both of their reaction already had an idea as to whose plan it was, and he also got a rough estimation of both of their personality, with this, Ilwa has no qualms about holding his end of the bargain.

Sighing, "That piece of news travels fast, I see." Hajime said wiping tea from his lips.

"Yes, it's all thanks to the long-range communication artefacts each guild keeps. I am mostly aware of what happened thanks to my men. But please, I love to hear the details from all of you."

"Sure, sure as long as you two keep all the details to yourself," I said with a smile.

Ilwa, noticing the hidden meaning, said with a serious look, "If you want, I could prepare a document with clauses written on it."

I responded with a hand gesture, "No need. As long as you keep your word, we are good."

Ilwa with a slight sweat nodded, "Yes."

"Alright, Dott if you will,"

Just as Ilwa said, Dott presented four status plates.

"I have noticed you have two extra members in your party, so I added two more plates as a service."

===<<STATUS >>===

Name: Shea Haulia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Level: 50

Class: Diviner

Strength: 6960

Vitality: 6900

Resistance: 6960

Agility: 6910

Magic: 3520

Magic resistance: 3480







===<<END >>===


===<<STATUS >>===

Name: Tohru

Age: 799

Gender: Female

Level: ???

Class: Draconic Brawler

Strength: 70899

Vitality: 71099

Resistance: 70099

Agility: 68999

Magic: 68009

Magic resistance: 68909







===<<END >>===


===<<STATUS >>===

Name: Yue

Age: 323

Gender: Female

Level: 75

Class: Miko

Strength: 500

Vitality: 710

Resistance: 450

Agility: 300

Magic: 7980

Magic resistance: 8250







===<<END >>===


===<<STATUS >>===

Name: Tio Klarus

Age: 563

Gender: Female

Level: 89

Class: Guardian

Strength: 5390

Vitality: 7700

Resistance: 7700

Agility: 4060

Magic: 4580

Magic resistance: 4220







===<<END >>===

"Chapter end"


Author note:

Lucky for you guys yesterday night I was motivated for some reason and wrote down this chapter, enjoy.

What do you guys think about Tohru's status and class? Do you think it's appropriate for her? If it's not, give me an estimation and suggest a name for her class.

Thank you.

(If you like my story please comment, give me power stone, and Rate my FF. It will motivate me plenty to write more. Thank you.)