
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

chapter :- 9 part 7

(after one year)

Now both Kaju and I were studying in seventh class in different schools. She used to go to girls' school and I used to go to boys' school, now we had gone to a higher class, but Kaju's school was dismissed at 12:00 only. It used to be done and my school leave was at 2:00 pm.

I told my two best friends that I have a girlfriend. They both were a little shocked at first and then asked me who is that girl who is my girlfriend. I told everything about Kaju that she is the best girl in our school. Hearing that she was a popular girl who is my girlfriend, both of them laughed at me because they could not believe that my girlfriend could be a popular girl from our previous school but today I would like to satisfy all their worries by introducing them to Kaju but how will I do this? .

Should I take both of them to Kaju's house, was it right to do this, after thinking a lot, I decided that today I will introduce both of them to Kaju, so I took both of them to Kaju's house. After Kaju reached outside the street, I asked both of them to wait there and I went to call Kaju.

"Will Kaju be at home or will she be ready to meet these bastard friends of mine?" I thought very seriously while climbing the stairs and went straight to Kaju's house and stood near the door and started checking the room to see if Kaju was there or not. . Aunty who was lying on the bed watching TV asked smilingly at me.

"No, nothing aunty, I wanted to ask Kaju something, but I think she has gone somewhere, so I will go home." I told aunty and then as I moved towards the stairs, Kaju was standing in front of me. , She held me and pulled me up the stairs and started kissing me lovingly.

I did not expect that today Kaju would be so full of love that she would start kissing me at the sight of me. I pushed Kaju away and then caressed her cheek lovingly. "What happened? Has something happened? Can you tell me? Do I know about you?" "How can I solve the problem?" I asked her, looking at the cashew nuts lovingly.

"No, I was just missing you so I did this because we haven't met for four-five months and you also never came to meet me. I was just a little sad, but not anymore because I found you today" Kaju told me. Told and said while hugging.

I also hugged my lovely girlfriend and kissed her head lovingly "Okay, I will never do this again but what should I do? It is important to pay attention to studies too, otherwise when we grow up, we will get married and I will feel good. If I don't get a job, how will I be able to keep you happy after marriage, just like you, I am concentrating completely on my studies and it does not mean that I do not miss you, I miss you all the time, cashew, these four-five months. There won't be a single day when I don't remember you, I love you so much, how can I forget you?" I said consolingly to Kaju.

"I know that you love me very much and I do too. If I don't love you then I would look at you and kiss you lovingly, then let's talk to mother and me for a while and go." Kaju held my hand and pulled me down the stairs. Hui said. "No Kaju, not today, some other time, I want to ask you something, will you please meet my friend, I have told him about you today only but he does not believe that you are my girlfriend" I told Kaju and asked him.

" Is it necessary to do this, whether there is trust or not, I am your girlfriend, if he doesn't trust you then let it be, no problem, he will trust you later when he finds out for himself and I don't want to meet him, Munna. Don't trust you" Kaju said convincingly to me and then expressed his disapproval of meeting those two friends.

"But cashew...", "Munna, do you know what father had said, we should concentrate on studies now, we are not old enough to roam alone with lovers, we still need to know and learn a lot, so right now We should not bring our relationship in front of our friends until they come to know about it themselves, so leave it all now, come sit and talk with mother, she has been wanting to meet you for a long time, she always complains to me that I She is deliberately not trying to introduce me to you and now that you have come, come,' Kaju first explained to me thoroughly and then said to me while opening her sandals.

I couldn't do anything now, because my girlfriend explained to me at length that we should not deliberately reveal our relationship to our friends until they themselves know that we are lovers.

As soon as Sindhi stood up after taking off her sandals, I held her waist and pinned her to the wall. Kaju looked at me with surprise, "What happened? Now what are you doing? Mother will see. I had just roamed around you, so why this now?" Kaju asked me in a whisper.

"Why, if you do it, mother will not see it, but if I do it, she will see it, just once and then I will leave." I first kissed her neck and then looked at her red lips. "Have you already started paying attention to your grooming? It's because of the fear that I may fall in love with some other girl, isn't it? I said this to tease Kaju, he glared at me, "Well, if I don't do this, will I still have your full attention?" I don't think it will be on me because every boy loves a girl only when that girl looks beautiful and I am also doing the same because I don't want you to look at any other girl " Kaju said while telling me.

I smiled after listening to her, "Ah... Umm... Leave it Munna... Umm..." I started kissing Kaju lovingly because I also did not want my girlfriend's attention to be on any boy other than me. I wanted that after this loving kiss, whenever she sees another boy, she should already have love for me in her heart and she should not think about any other boy.

This was the first time that I kissed Kaju for about a minute, after which both Kaju and I's heartbeats increased. I was getting excited. I wanted to kiss her more, so I pulled Kaju closer. Kaju was already breathing. When she saw that I was going to do it again, she looked at me angrily, "Go away, you are getting carried away. Father had already told you to keep a distance from me so that we do not do anything wrong, but Whenever we meet, we kiss each other and today you did it too much, that's why you got carried away. Go home, don't wait too long. Go home and don't forget to take a bath with cold water. By doing this, your mind will become calm. Go." Kaju said while explaining to me and took me away from her and went into the house.

What Kaju said was right, I got carried away today because today Kaju kissed me and then I kissed her for a longer time than her, due to which my mind started thinking about something else, I was not able to think about anything other than kissing Kaju. Would this be the beginning of the mistake about which uncle had warned me earlier and asked me to keep some distance from Kaju? After leaving Kaju's house, I went to my two friends who were standing outside the street and were looking at me. We were waiting to arrive, "Munna, how are you leaving Kajal's house? Does your girlfriend also live in the same building?" One of my friends asked me.

"Just think, Kajal lives there but I haven't seen her yet, I don't know where she lives," I said while agreeing with my friend. "We just saw Kajal going to the same house and you are saying that you did not see her even though you were there for hours," my other friend asked me, doubting me. "Maybe I was at my girlfriend's house, that's why I couldn't see her. Well, leave it, let's go home, my girlfriend refused to meet me.

Now I can't do anything, she doesn't want to tell anyone right now that we both are lovers." I told my two friends and started walking. "You are lying, in fact you don't want us to see your girlfriend. Come on. It doesn't matter friend, our time will also come when we will have a girlfriend, then we will tell you to get the quotes, now go home and yes, if you have made a girlfriend, it does not mean that you should forget us, we will not leave you if this happens. Understood, "My two friends got angry with me and gave me a long speech and also warned me.

Now should I laugh at what my friend said or should I be happy that I have got such good friends? Yes, okay, I will introduce her but the time has not yet come. Her father told me to keep a distance from her until we grow up. It would be so that we can be called lovers, just so that he and I are concentrating only on our studies and we rarely meet each other." I explained and consoled both my friends.

Hearing this, both of them raised their eyebrows. "You have met your girlfriend's father, didn't he beat you?" One of my friends asked me nervously. "Yes, I have met both his parents and they both are very nice, they like me a lot and treat me like their son and my girlfriend has also met my parents and they also like her more than me and so "My mother has already told my father that my girlfriend will become the daughter-in-law of our house," I said while telling my friends.

Hearing this, both my friends were surprised and looked at each other and then at me, "What did you say? Your parents and his parents also have no problem with you two being lovers and they also like you." Brother, you have already made a girlfriend who can also become your wife. You are lucky that you have got such a good girlfriend whose parents also like you and your girlfriend is also liked by your parents. The path for both of you is completely clear, in future you both are going to live together brother" one of my friends told me.

We three friends were walking while talking, I had reached home so I said goodbye to both of them and went to my home.

( five years later )

Now I Kaju had grown up, I was 18 years old and my Kaju was 17 years old and now we were studying in class 12th, our exams were near now so I did not meet Kaju for many months because this was the order of my parents and Kaju. Today I took leave from school because I wanted to meet Kaju and I knew I could meet her at her school only.

Actually, today I made a plan to pick up Kaju from school and drop him to his house and who knows, he might be surprised to see me. It will be a lot of fun when Kaju will see me waiting outside her school with surprise. Let's see what happens. I am very excited. Am. I quickly wore my shoes and left for Kaju's school. Now I am not cute but I have become very strong and Kaju also said that I look good now and she also said that I have become taller than her. He told me these things on the phone when I sent him my pictures.

O... I forgot to tell you all, now both me and Kaju had our own phones. Once Kaju's family and my family had gone out somewhere together, then it happened that I and Kaju went out for a walk together. But we got so engrossed in walking holding hands together that we didn't realize when we came away from our hotel. We couldn't find our hotel. We were scared because we were just 14-13 years old at that time. Then I realized something. I remembered that we could ask someone for help and contact our family through their phone and it was true that I had forgotten about it after seeing Kaju getting nervous, it was going to be night soon, we had to reach our family as soon as possible, I Asked for help from a middle aged man who was sitting at his shop, I told him everything, he agreed to help us and after that we reached our family safely and this incident made me and Kaju happy. Motivated parents to put phones in our hands.

Now I had reached near the gate of Kaju's school, I saw many parents and boys and girls standing near the gate, some were waiting for their sons and daughters and some were waiting for their brothers and sisters, but I had come here to take my girlfriend. I could see that many girls were staring at me.

I was really very good looking but I never even once looked at any girl because if Kaju saw me looking at any other girl, she would hit me and peel off my skin and would get angry, she would be different now 12 When it was 10 o'clock, children started coming out of the school. Children of both older and younger ages were taught in this school.