
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

chapter :- 7 part 5

" Sorry for being so rude. This is the first time I have kissed a girl so I couldn't control myself. Did I put too much pressure? Please forgive me. I just wanted to do it once. From next time I will only I will kiss your cheek only, okay?" I asked and told her while explaining about cashew nuts.

"If you were going to do this then why didn't you say forcefully what was needed, let's go down now otherwise mother will doubt what we both are doing on the terrace so late and I don't want mother to think wrong. Come on shameless." Boy "Kaju passed me and hit me in the stomach and kept walking. I smiled and followed him down the stairs. "Wait Kaju, is he your brother?" When I came down the stairs, I saw two people in the house at the top. While watching the children reading, I couldn't understand who was Kaju's younger brother whom I had not seen till now, "Yes, he is that loving child with the red T-shirt. He is my brother Kamal. Why what happened?" Kaju asked. He pointed me towards the child wearing a red T-shirt in the house and asked me to tell him.

"No, nothing, I will talk to him. Wait and call him out." I told Kaju to call his brother out and introduce him to me. "No, leave it, there is no need for it right now, let's go down." Kaju disagreed with me and took my hand. She grabbed me and started pulling me with her. "Kamal Babu, come out?" I called Kaju's brother and asked him to come out.

"No, nothing, I will talk to him. Wait and call him out." I told Kaju to call his brother out and introduce him to me. "No, leave it, there is no need for it right now, let's go down." Kaju disagreed with me and took my hand. She grabbed me and started pulling me with her. "Kamal Babu, come out?" I called Kaju's brother and asked him to come out.

Kaju looked at me with surprise, "Wait, my friend, there is only one brother-in-law, so let me socialize with him. You go, I am coming my dear Kaju, otherwise wait here." I said sarcastically to Kaju and smiled, "Yes brother, what happened, you are the same. "Be my sister's friend who is always talked about in the house" Kamal asked me while coming near me and telling me. I turned my head and saw Kaju who was laughing with her hand on her mouth because my girlfriend's younger brother called me bhaiya.

"You are laughing too much and you listen Kamal, I am your sister's future husband, which means your brother-in-law, so from today onwards you will call me brother-in-law when you and I and your sister are together and do not say this in front of anyone, except in front of your parents. You don't even understand, if you call me brother-in-law, I will give you 100 rupees, that too right now, but first call me brother-in-law. " I first told Kaju to laugh and then I tried to convince Kamal to call me brother-in-law, and I gave him a 100 rupee note in my hand. Took it out from his pocket and started tempting the lotus.

"Okay brother-in-law, now just give me 100 rupees brother-in-law." Kamal called me brother-in-law and tried to snatch the 100 rupee note from me but I raised my hand which had a 100 rupee note, "You are very scoundrel, my brother is upset." Don't do it, you said that if brother-in-law asks you to give him 100 rupees, then bring it here, Babu, now thank him." Kaju said scolding me and then jumped up and snatched the 100 rupee note from my hand and gave it to Kamal.

"Thank you brother-in-law, let's go, I am going to study now, we will talk later." Kamal thanked me brother-in-law and went back to his friend's house and started studying. I smiled happily as my girlfriend's younger brother started calling me brother-in-law. I wanted to dance with joy, but we were standing on the stairs.

"Don't you be angry with me now? Come to my house. My whole family is going crazy to see you and is driving me crazy. If you don't want your boyfriend to go crazy then you have to come to my house today. Tell me, are you coming?" " I asked Kaju to come to my house because my mother wanted to see my girlfriend and I also told her that after convincing Kaju, I will meet you directly and Kaju's anger was over, which means today I had a chance. , to introduce him to his family.

"Let's go down first. If mother and father agree then I will definitely go. If they disagree then I will not go. You show my picture to your family. Is it okay?" Kaju said while explaining to me and started coming down the stairs "Kaju like this." "No, I came to your house to meet your parents and you will first take permission from your family to meet my parents," I said while explaining to Kaju.

"Okay, you had asked me before coming here, leave it Munna, it is not right to fight by remembering the past, I am saying that if either of my mother or father agrees then I will definitely go, let's go now" Cashew She also said while explaining to me and took my hand with her and pulled me down the stairs to her house, "Uncle ji, you have come, greetings uncle ji" I said while touching uncle ji's feet.

"Well Munna son, you are not doing this right. You greeted uncle ji but you did not even greet your aunty who was already at home." Aunty ji said to me complaining angrily.

I smiled and went ahead and greeted him too, "Oh good child, come on, tell me what you want to eat, you have come after a long time, just tell me what you want to eat, your aunty will present it right away." Aunty asked me and said smilingly.

"Okay mother, it has been only a few days since you met Munna and you both started liking this boy more than your own children. What is it that you both like him so much?" Kaju said to aunty and uncle while envying me. Asked complainingly. "Why didn't you like me? Well, uncle and aunt liked me. Are you jealous of me?" I said teasingly looking at Kaju lovingly and asked him. "You keep quiet, okay, I am not asking you, do whatever you want," Kaju said shyly and pouting.

Seeing both of us quarreling lovingly, aunty and uncle both started smiling, "Okay, okay, tell me cashew nuts, you also tell me what you will eat. Your mother will pay for Munna and I will pay for my beloved daughter cashew nuts." Uncle ji coaxed Kaju and asked him. .

Kaju's eyes sparkled with happiness and she started looking at her father like an innocent child. "Hey, look at uncle, how happy my darling is and look at how she is looking at uncle like an innocent child, wow, this drama." I told Kaju. He said teasingly and aunty also started laughing at me, "You keep quiet, you can make everyone yours completely but understand that you can never make my father stand against me." Kaju said while hugging his father.

Uncle ji smiled after listening to his daughter, "Okay uncle ji and aunty, I need a permission from you guys" I said looking at uncle ji and aunty. "Yes Munna son, tell me what permission do you need, at this time I am very happy to see my daughter open again, just tell me today I will not refuse for anything" Uncle ji said while caressing Kaju's head lovingly.

"Uncle, my father must have told you that everyone in my house wants to see the cashews, so I want to take the cashews with me to my home and don't worry, I will also come back to drop the cashews back home, just let me know." Let me take Kaju home. Everyone at my house has made me crazy. Everyone wants to see Kaju once. Under any circumstances, will I take Kaju. I will eat the food some other day. Now it is necessary for Kaju to meet my entire family. " I told uncle ji and asked him to take the cashew nuts to his home.

Uncle Ji agreed to let Kaju go with me and then said teasingly to Kaju.

"Yes uncle ji, cashew nuts are very sweet, there is no doubt about it" I said, agreeing with uncle ji. Kaju looked at me staring at me "Okay wait outside I am coming shameless boy you will have to improve again" Kaju pushed me out of the room of his house. I smiled and started wearing my shoes and then stood on the stairs waiting for Kaju to come out of the room.

"Yes, okay, I will pay full attention, now why are you staring, have you never seen me getting ready and going out?" Kaju came out of the house and said to her parents and then staring at me she said. "But I have never seen you in such cute jeans and white shirt. You are looking very beautiful today." I looked at Kaju from top to bottom and said while praising her.

Kaju's cheeks turned red like a tomato. She started feeling shy because I praised her. "Yes, okay, let's learn from you how to tease a girl, my crazy lover." Kaju left me and started coming down the stairs. I also followed her down the stairs. But it came down to me, "You noticed one thing, no one, neither your mother nor your father, no one saw my injury, no one noticed, everyone was just happy, did you see your lover so fascinated by anyone? It's possible that that person can't see anything else except me," I told Kaju.

" Okay, let's go to the doctor now, otherwise the injury will cause more pain. You should get it bandaged. Come on, what can I give? " Kaju caught my hand and started pulling me behind her, " Leave Kaju, I can walk, don't pull me like this, leave Kaju" I He told Kaju and released his hand.

Then I quickly increased my walking speed and went near Kaju and held his hand. Kaju stared at me, "Now why are you holding me, leave me, I am also feeling pain, leave my hand" Kaju said with a pout. I did not leave her hand and kept walking beside her holding her hand. After some time, both of us went to a doctor, she was a female doctor, "Kaju, who is this boy?" The doctor probably knew Kaju from before, she smiled and asked Kaju about me.

Kaju looked at me, "Just understand this, he is my friend and my family also likes me very much, I am jealous of him." Kaju winked at me and told the doctor. I understood that Kaju winked because he was lying to the doctor. She was jealous of me. "Oh... I thought he was your lover, that's why you forcefully brought him to get treated." The doctor told Kaju and tied a bandage on my hand and took some medicines. After that we left for home.

After some time both I and Kaju reached my house, now it was night, I took Kaju inside the house "Mum, Dad, look who has come" I said to my mother and father while entering the house with Kaju. Those who were sitting on the bed talking, my brother had gone out to bring something, "Oh... she is so sweet and beautiful, come daughter, sit, I don't know where such a lovely girl was hidden by the scoundrel boy, go and take a cold drink and Chole Bhature with her." I will not let my daughter-in-law go without eating, please bring it quickly." My mother made Kaju sit near her on the bed and asked me to bring cold drink and chole bhature.

Now I could tell in advance what was going to happen next, just as I had made Kaju's parents like me by being playful and polite, similarly Kaju had made my parents like me by showing his cute face and beautiful and innocent behavior. Was she going to force me to do it or my parents started liking her after seeing her, this could also be the case, after half an hour Kaju finished the cold drink and Chole Bhature, not only did he eat it but I also had Chole Bhature with him and Finished the cold drink.

Now my brother had also come, he was staring at my girlfriend, "Look, your brother is staring at me, refuse to look at him, otherwise I will go home." I was sitting next to Kaju. Warned while telling me. I looked at my brother, "Mother, tell brother not to look at the cashew nuts like this. The cashew nuts are feeling a bit strange," I said softly while telling my mother.

My mother turned her head and looked at my brother, "Sooraj, why are you looking at your sister-in-law like this, she is younger than you, you should not look at her like this, understand?" My mother said while explaining to my brother and then I took my eyes off the cashew nuts. And started using the phone. "Now aunty, I should go, it is already late in the night, my parents must be waiting for me." Kaju got up and told my mother, "Okay son, go, but how will you go alone in this late night?" My mother replied to Kaju's words. Agreed and then asked him.

"Mother, I told Kaju's father that I will drop Kaju to his house. Come on Kaju" I told my mother and then asked Kaju to walk. "No, you will not go to tease Kaju's daughter, your father will go, you stay here," my mother said, stopping me. I was shocked to hear what my mother said.

"Why mother why can't I go and leave Kaju, let father rest, I am going to leave Kaju, let's go Kaju" I held Kaju's hand and pulled him out of my house. "Hey," I said, "let him leave the cashew nuts and come. They both like each other and we can't separate them, so the children should be given some freedom." My father said while explaining to my mother. Kaju and I were walking in the street after coming down the stairs, "So how did you like my parents?" I asked Kaju.

"It's good and your parents like me just like my parents like you," Kaju said while telling me. After some time, I took Kaju to his house, I went to drop Kaju to his house, I held Kaju's hand on the stairs, "What do you want now? You asked to meet your parents and I did, so what should you go now?" Home " Kaju asked me to go.

"I just want one kiss, then I'll go home," I said while telling her the cashew nuts. Kaju glared at me, "Leave it, you say this again and again, just give me a kiss, I won't ask again, so why is it not necessary again, go home quietly, don't spoil my brain" Kaju said scolding me.

" Ah... Umm... Munna... Leave it..." I held Kaju and started kissing her lips " Okay now I can go, don't be angry my dear girlfriend, this is just for today on my side. "After kissing Kaju, I left her and walked down the stairs towards my house. I don't know whether Kaju would be angry because of me at this time or angry but I know this much that she loved me very much, after reaching home after some time, I saw that everyone was talking about Kaju only, "She is very She is lovely, I want her as my daughter-in-law, even though she is small, but when she grows up, she should become the daughter-in-law of our house. Understand, husband." My mother said to my father.

"Mother, this is wrong, I am the elder of the house, so I should get the girl and not this one younger than me who hasn't even gone to the senior class yet," my brother said complaining. I understood what he meant to say was that he wanted to make Kaju his own which was impossible because Kaju loved me, "What do you mean when you say Suraj that you like Kaju" my mother asked my elder brother.

My brother slowly nodded in agreement, "She is my girlfriend, so how can she give it to you? Mother and brother, if you also want a girl, then search for it yourself. Don't cast an evil eye on my Kaju. She only loves me, you don't know." I achieved it after so much trouble and now you want to snatch it from me, this is never going to happen" I said angrily scolding and explaining to my brother.

"You are younger than me, it is the elder brother's first right to get everything in the house before the younger one, which means I should get the cashews too." Hearing this from my brother, I felt as if he was considering cashews as something which I could give him. I was so angry after listening to him that I started beating him right away.

"Listen, please give me that stick, I have made him big. He thinks that cashew daughter is something that he should get first. Let me correct his thinking." My father asked my mother for the stick which was kept in the corner of the room. My father used to beat me and my elder brother with this stick and used to scold me. My mother picked up the stick and put it in my father's hands, "Father, you will hit me, have I said something wrong?" My brother said to my father. Started getting scared after seeing him holding the stick.

"Yes brother, you called my cashew nuts a thing which should be given to you first but you don't know the meaning of love. Love is not imposed by force but it happens and I and cashew nuts also love each other very much. You can't snatch my cashew nuts from me even if you want to." I told my brother.

Now my brother understood what he said wrong and he bowed his head in embarrassment. "Father, leave my brother, he did not do it intentionally, he was just a little carried away, but now he has understood," I said, stopping my father. "Okay, you stand quietly, how dare you look evil at such a nice girl and your brother's girlfriend, if you have grown so much, then why don't you find a girl like Kaju for yourself, why don't you marry your brother's friend? He is snatching" my father said angrily scolding my elder brother.

After some time, somehow I and mother calmed down father's anger and saved my brother. At this time we were eating food, "Mother and father, now both of you are happy after seeing the cashew nuts. I worked very hard to bring him here." "First of all we should convince her and then take permission from her parents and let us come" I asked my mother and father.

"Oh… what is this injury on your hand, how did you get it?" my mother suddenly shouted and asked me. "Show me, yes, this injury is new. Tell me how did you get this injury?" My father also asked me. "It's nothing, I accidentally collided with a car on the road and got a scratch on my hand. This is a minor cheat, mother, don't worry," I consoled my mother.

"Well, who got you bandaged because I know you would not have gone to the doctor quickly, if you were there you would have come home saying it was a small injury" my father said doubting me and asked me who got my bandage done "He Father, Kaju forced me to take me to the doctor and got a bandage, she is very stubborn father, she did not even let me pay the money, " I said while telling my parents.

Mom and Dad looked at each other and then both smiled together "Kaju did absolutely right, I liked that you can be controlled like that" my mother told me while praising Kaju. Whatever you say, I was very happy today because everyone liked cashews and my mother had already decided that she was going to make cashews the daughter-in-law of her house and my father also agreed with my mother. If we talk about my brother, he was a little jealous of me.

Because I had made a very sweet and beautiful girl my girlfriend, whom both my mother and my father liked, but no problem, in a few days my brother will be fine and then he will watch movies with me on the phone more than me. He could not stay away for days because I was the only one in this house who could help him get pocket money from his father and mother.

Two days later, it was afternoon and Kaju's father said that today I should take Kaju to his restaurant for a visit and after that he will take us to other places. I wore the clothes which uncle ji had given me as a gift that day. After getting ready, I went to Kaju's house to take him. As soon as I entered his house, I saw that Kaju was lying on the bed and aunty was not at home. It was, so I took advantage of the opportunity and climbed onto the bed.

"Kaju, my dear girlfriend, what happened? Don't you want to go for a walk? Come on, get up, Kaju." I pulled Kaju's cheek and tried to wake him up. "Ah... you climbed on my bed, get down, shameless boy." Kaju immediately got up. She went and pushed me down from the bed. I didn't feel much pain, just a little pain in my ass. "Hey... what happened? I have come here to pick you up. Don't you want to go to the restaurant? Uncle has called me. Come on, get ready quickly." I stood up from the ground and took the cashew nuts. told him.

Kaju looked at me staring at me, "You seem very eager to go out with me because father has given permission" Kaju asked me. I went closer to him "Hey... why did I get impatient when uncle ji is also going to roam with us and how will both of us roam with uncle ji, I will be happy only when uncle ji will let us roam alone which is impossible. " I said disappointedly while telling Kaju.

"Yes yes, okay you go out and wait till I get ready and come out, go out" Kaju started to take me out of the house but then I stopped and turned around, kissed her lips and went out. "You scoundrel boy, I don't understand what to say to you. I am not going. Go alone, understand." Kaju shouted from the room and refused to go.

I opened the door with a smile, "Kaju, my dear girlfriend", "Don't try to seduce me from here, you shouldn't have done this and if you had to, you should have asked first. Understand." As soon as I opened the door, Kaju threw a pillow on me. Mara, I grabbed the pillows to defend myself and entered the room and went to Kaju who was sitting on the bed with her mouth full.

"Forgive me, I made a mistake, I will become a cock for you, if not better then I will lay eggs too", "Crazy boy, cock doesn't lay eggs" Kaju said laughing at me. I also laughed, "So, even your dear girlfriend doesn't get angry on small things, so why do you get angry?" I asked her while pinching Kaju's cheek lovingly. Kaju immediately blushed and bowed his head, "It is not I who gets angry every now and then, it is you who forces me to get angry again and again." Kaju said complaining to me. "Okay then this won't happen, this time I will ask you before kissing you" I said consoling Kaju.