
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

chapter :- 6 part 4

To go to Kaju, Muchhi held his hand at the same time "If you scold me then hit me, but leave me, don't stop me, you will not stay without me even for a moment, I have learned how to do this till the exam is over." Big trouble awaits to see the side, I saw her without talking and you are the one who is sad. If you want me not to stay here then it's fine, everything is fine "I said explaining her.

I had flowers in my eyes and I didn't want her to love me with this flower of mine so her hand got fixed and I left for my home. Something was about to happen even late in the evening, when I reached home my brother asked me that I had come very late, I told him that today I had gone for a walk with all my friends and after that I came to the moon ohkar so Went.

It was night and both my parents had come home, my brother had gossiped that I was staying out of the house for a long time and had come very late which was true so I just told him twice, " said That if you are going somewhere to smoke beedis with your friends, then you are not drinking alcohol. You who are always out of the house, that too with friends, " my mother asked me, troubling me.

"Mother, how can you say that I have started smoking beedis, this is a lie, I don't do anything like that and as for hanging out with my friends, we go for a walk, play cricket and nothing else," I explained to my mother. Hui said. "So where did you go today?" this time my father asked me. "Today also I went to visit and play with my friends," I told my father.

"No, this is a lie. If even today you had gone to play with your friends, then why did your friend say that you were not with them? They had gone to play without you even today, so tell me where did you go?" My father asked this. He told me with a serious expression and asked me again.

I got scared after listening to my father because he had come to know from my friend that I was not with them. Now I had no other option but to call Kaju's father, because he had told me that if anything happens at home. If possible, I should call him. "Okay, I will tell you where I had gone, but for that I will have to call whose house I had gone to. You should ask only those people, brother, I gave you the phone." I took out Kaju's father's business card from my pocket. Took it out and took the phone from my brother and dialed the number.

The ring rang and the phone was picked up, "Hello, who?" The phone was on the sticker, so everyone heard the girl's voice and started staring at me. This girl was Kaju who was playing her father's phone, "I am Munna, calling me." I need to talk to uncle, get him to talk to me." I said to Kaju on the phone. "Why should you talk to father? Didn't you just go after talking to father? If you want to talk to father again on the phone, forget it. I am not going to make you talk. You will complain about me to father because I have not forgiven you." Cashew He started saying anything on the phone without thinking, but what he didn't know was that my family members were listening to all his words and were looking at me with surprise," I switched off the speaker of the phone.

"You don't say anything and quietly make me talk to your father. Here my family members are asking me where I had gone" I explained to Kaju on the phone gently and told him about my situation. "Are your family members also sitting near you? Forgive me, I will call father," Kaju said nervously on the phone.

"Hello... Yes Munna son, what happened or is there any problem?" Now uncle ji's voice came on the phone and he asked me. Now I again put the phone on speaker, "Yes uncle ji, my parents are asking me what I said throughout the day, so will you please explain to them" I said to uncle ji on the phone. "Okay, are they listening to me?", "Say yes uncle, everyone is listening", "Okay then listen, your son was at my house, both my daughter Kaju and Munna are good friends and Munna is a good boy." So I was the one who called him and today he went out with us, don't misunderstand him, your son is a good child who is my daughter's best friend." Uncle ji told everyone on the phone and explained.

"Have you heard, father and all of you, I had gone for a walk with my friend's family and nothing else," I said looking at my mother and father. "Okay, okay, now disconnect the phone, we are sure that you have not gone somewhere else, that's all," mother said while explaining to me lovingly. "Yes uncle ji, thank you for saving me, now I am keeping it" I said to uncle ji on the phone and hung up the phone. "So now tell me, is that girl your friend, isn't she your uncle's daughter Kaju, your best friend?" My mother asked me sarcastically.

I got scared because now another problem had come upon me, "Mother, she is just my best friend and nothing else. If you are thinking something else in your mind then it is not right" I said while explaining to my mother. . "Okay, so when you were talking to that girl, why did she say that she is angry with you and you called because you are not agreeing to it and that is why you will complain to her father, tell me why would she be angry with you and will Also, tell me, what is the special relationship between you two?" my brother asked me, digging into the matter.

"Yes, I also want to know who is that girl who is such a good friend of yours that her entire family likes you. Do you and that girl love each other, am I right?" My mother also doubted me. asked me. Now no one could save me as my family got suspicious of me being the best friend of a girl who was not going to let go so easily, all because of Kaju telling everything on the phone without thinking but It was not his fault either, because little did he know that I had put the phone on speaker. Had I not done so, my family would not have suspected me.

"Why are you silent? Is your mother right?" my father asked me, staring at me. "I will tell you how to explain but don't get angry at me, I will tell you everything" I told my father. Because I did not want to be beaten, before I could even tell, I nervously said to my father, "Okay, you just tell me, am I right? Your father or no one will tell you anything, we will just explain." My mother consoled me. Huye said. On hearing my mother's words, I got some courage to tell, but I had not thought of this, I had thought that when I go to class 10th or 12th, I would have enough courage to tell my parents about my love relationship. I can tell.

But now I have to tell this right now, "I liked Kaju since the third class and she was not studying in my class but in the fifth A which is an English medium class, but now after coming to the fifth class when we both had a painting competition. And we started talking because we met in painting class, we became friends but I did not tell her that I love her, but when our exams were announced, I told her that I love her but she denied me. Gave and said that we are still children, it is not important to love but to concentrate on studies. At this time he explained to me, then I also did not force my love on him and being sad, started trying to forget him... Just like this we met each other. and his parents also came to know about us but he started liking me "I could not touch a single thing and told him everything that happened," so I guessed right that you two are not friends. Rather, you love each other. Is that girl so sweet that you made her your girlfriend at such a young age? Tell me, " my mother asked me.

I bowed my head and nodded in agreement, "You see, even the milk teeth of Laad Saheb have not fallen yet and he has made a girl his girlfriend and I am surprised to know that even the parents of that girl like it." "What a crazy family they are. At such a young age, instead of trying to explain things to their children, they are encouraging them to love more," my father said, getting angry at me.

"No, father, uncle ji has explained to me and Kaju that we are still children so keep some distance but there is nothing wrong in meeting and talking occasionally. We can do this. He told me that if I face any problem. So let me tell them that they will help me in every way, Kaju's parents are very good to me and I like them very much." I explained and told my father.

"Okay, I was going to say the same thing, you both love each other and his parents have no objection, so neither do we, but keep in mind the age, you both are still children, you should focus on studies, then you will grow up. After this, both of you can meet and talk as well, you both are not old enough to go out alone, you understand what I want to say, " my mother said while explaining to me.

I nodded in agreement to what he said. My brother was looking at me with surprise, probably because he came to know that his younger brother had fallen in love and he had a girlfriend whose parents had also liked his younger brother. Just then my brother's phone rang, "Yes, hello who?", "Oh Munna, yes it is her uncle", "Please talk to your girlfriend's father." My brother told me and gave the phone to me.

"Yes uncle ji, what happened", "Are you standing outside the street of my house", "Okay, I will come right away". After talking to uncle ji on the phone, I returned his phone to my brother. "Mother, Kaju's father is standing outside the street. I think I should go." I told my mother and asked for her permission. "You bring him home and we will also talk to your uncle. You children have increased the conversation now." It's our turn to meet mother." My father said scolding me.

I came out of the room and after wearing shoes, quickly came down the stairs and went outside my street. I saw uncle standing with a bag in his hand. He smiled after seeing me. I went to him. "It is right that you have come, I bought these clothes for you. You go home and tell me that you had forgotten to bring clothes from my house which I had bought for you today, when we went for a walk, when you tell this to your parents. They will believe you that you actually went out today with your best friend's entire family." Uncle ji said while handing me the cloth bag.

What should I say to uncle now, nothing was going to happen because now he had come to know the truth that cashew was not my friend but my girlfriend, "Uncle, my family members came to know that I love cashew and my father. Yes, I want to talk to you, don't worry, my parents have agreed, like you, they too have no complaints with me, they just want to talk to you and see how you and your family are. They asked me to bring you home, do you like it? There is no objection if you come with me to my house and talk to my parents, I will just talk to my parents and leave. I would also like it if you come to my house and see how my family is." I told uncle ji and started walking along. At first he thought a little but then agreed.

I was taking my girlfriend's father to my house to meet my parents. It was 9:30 in the night. After climbing the stairs for some time, I entered my house with uncle. My father was sitting on a chair watching the news on the phone, my brother was lying on the bed playing the phone and my mother had gone out to the market to buy vegetables. When my father saw me and uncle entering the house, he switched off the phone. Uncle ji welcomed me with a smile.

I gave Uncle ji a chair to sit and also gave him a glass of water to drink, "Munna son, I am not thirsty" Uncle ji said to me smiling. Then after that both my father and my girlfriend's father started talking, I sat on the bed and started listening to them, "So you run a restaurant of your own, it is true that you are running your own business, you must be earning income too, right?" Because nowadays in a city like Delhi, people mostly eat in restaurants and also like to go out, then you must have a good income, why am I right? I asked my father to uncle.

"Yes, I get as much as I can to fulfill the wishes of my entire family. It is God's gift that the restaurant is doing well and what do you do?" Uncle ji said while first telling about his business and Then asked my father about his work.

"I am a contractor and take the contract to build a house. I manage my family's living with the money I get after work. However, my wife also helps me in running the house. She works in a shoe manufacturing factory. Whatever money comes into her hands, she saves it so that it can be used whenever she needs it." My father told uncle ji about his and my wife's work. He did not feel embarrassed at all that he and his wife My father was talking openly to uncle ji probably because he was my girlfriend's father and he liked me, so my father ji. They were trying to develop friendship by talking, so that the children as well as the parents could get to know each other.

For some time, I felt that my father and Kaju's father had started knowing each other well because they had also exchanged each other's numbers while talking and now they were talking laughing like a friend, "Okay." Now I should go, it is quite late in the night, I had just come to give clothes to Munna which I had given him as a gift while roaming today but I did not know about it.

That I will get a chance to meet you and talk to you, I felt good after talking to you, now you have my number also, we have become friends, you can call and talk to me whenever you want or if you have any problem, you can definitely contact this friend of yours. Remember, I will be happy." Uncle ji said smilingly to my father and both of them stood up from the chair together and shook hands and smiled. "Just by talking within the next hour, my father had made friends with my girlfriend's father. Actually, my father had no answer, he was an expert in making friends, after uncle left, my mother returned from the market after shopping for vegetables and my father told her everything about how he had helped uncle. Yes, he also asked for another friend's number. He was very happy to make a friend at this age. It was not that he did not have friends, but he had made a new friend after many years, which happened because of his younger son.

Seeing my father happy, my mother could tell how good uncle would be, that's why it was impossible to meet such people these days, to talk to a man at a man's house for half an hour without knowing anyone and to become friends without any greed, "Munna son. Your father has made me a friend, now just introduce me to my girlfriend, otherwise forget that girl." My mother said in an angry tone, she wanted to meet my girlfriend but it was already night, it was impossible to meet her at this time and above. Since she was still angry with me, I had to accept her first, only then my mother could meet my girlfriend.

"But mother, I cannot introduce you to him right now, he is angry with me, I have to accept him first, only then you can meet him," I said while telling my mother. My mother looked at me angrily. "She is angry with you. What mistake did you make that she got angry?" My mother asked me. "I made a mistake which I shouldn't have done, that's why she is angry but don't worry her anger won't last long, I will convince her and bring her to meet you" I told my mother and consoled her. .

After that, two days passed, everyone in the house had to meet Kaju, now father also wanted to see uncle ji's daughter, everyone was pressurizing me to meet Kaju but I have not yet called him and convinced him because I had to convince him. It was necessary to have a phone to make calls, which my brother had, he used to give me the phone, but he also used to talk to me on the phone, so I never got a chance to convince Kaju by calling him. If Kaju has to be convinced, then To make her understand better, I will have to keep the phone with me for an hour or two and my brother will let me but will let me watch the movie and will also watch it together.

Today after two days, I got a chance to go somewhere because today my brother left the phone and went to play cricket in the park with his friends. My parents had forbidden my brother from taking the phone out, so today my brother's phone was with me. And I was alone at home today, which means I could have convinced her on the phone, but wait a second, I had forgotten about it, Kaju uses her father's phone, which means uncle must have taken his phone with him to work. Meaning now I have no way to convince Kaju, what should I do now, it had been three days including today, Kaju was angry, I wanted to see my girlfriend smiling like before.

Now I decided to go to Kaju's house and convince him. After my brother came in the evening, I told him that I was going to Kaju's house and then left for home. It was 4:30 in the evening, I reached Kaju's house shortly. I saw aunty sitting on the bed watching TV at home, "Hey Munna, son Kaju, you are on the terrace, you have come to meet him, right? I think she is very angry. "Go convince her, till when will she remain angry and till when will you introduce her to your family. I know your family is pressurizing you to see Kaju and after convincing her, quickly introduce her to your family." Aunty told me. Told that Kaju is on the terrace, so I ran and climbed the stairs and reached the terrace. I found Kaju standing near the balcony of the terrace looking at the clear sky. "Kaju, are you still angry?" I reached near her and asked her.

She turned and looked at me angrily, "Yes, I am angry right now. You have done such a thing that I have no other option but to be angry. Now I don't think that we should live together anymore, so I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore." You forget me " Kaju told me that she no longer wants to be my girlfriend. Did I make her so angry that it came to the point where she wanted to leave me " Why is she so angry that you no longer want to be my girlfriend? It's not such a big mistake that I wanted to live, that you are giving me such a big punishment." I asked her while trying to convince her.

"You are asking me, don't you know what a big mistake you have made, I don't want to fight, you go Munna, there is no use of talking from here, so go" she said scolding me and then tried to convince me to leave. Said. "So now you don't want to be my girlfriend and don't even want to talk to me?" I saw the door placed in a corner and went to her. "So you don't like me anymore?" I said looking at her angrily and then walked towards her. I hit that door hard with my hand. She was shocked to see my anger at first.

I once again hit my hand hard on the door. Now I felt pain in my hand. I saw that my hand got hurt by the latch of the door due to which I started getting happy. I looked at him in front of me. His gaze was emotional only seeing the injury on my hand. I was watching, I turned to leave because now she had refused me to stay here, so I myself don't know what big mistake I had done that she told me that now she doesn't want to be my girlfriend. I was crying inside but didn't want tears to be seen.

"Wait come back you crazy boy" he shouted at me asking me to stop and called him towards me. I turned towards her and saw that she had started crying, I walked towards her and looked at her lovingly "Thappad… Do you think you are going to come here, make me angry and hurt myself and go away and I will keep watching? You are very scoundrel, my heart is hurting after seeing this injury, what should I do with this pain, you will show your anger and hurt and go away, but even once thought about me, what will happen to me after seeing the injury on your hand." He slapped me and She tore her scarf and wrapped it around my hand to stop the bleeding from my injury and started crying and scolding me.

I smiled seeing her crying and scolding like this, "Why are you smiling now, am I telling a joke?", "No, when you scold, I find you very cute, especially when you cry, you look even cuter." I said cashew. Said this to make someone laugh. "You shameless boy will never improve, don't get out of here" she said, pushing me away from her.

I also started pretending to leave and went towards the stairs, then she ran from behind me and hugged me and started crying, "How long will you keep troubling me, just leave it now, I won't be able to bear it anymore, I also get angry but I I never thought of going away from you. I told this lie just to see how you would react but little did I know that even at this age you would try to hurt yourself so deeply that if anyone saw this What will happen, everyone will scold me and father told that your mother also came to know about us and she also has no objection to our love and my father also told that your whole family wants to see me if In this condition, if you take me to meet your family, I will be afraid to even show my face because this injury has happened to you because of me." Kaju was still hugging me from behind and was explaining to me.

I turned around and wrapped both my hands around her, "It's okay, it's not your fault, I will explain to everyone that the injury happened by mistake. Now you are not angry with me, right?" I asked Kaju while consoling her. . She agreed that she was not angry with me and started rubbing her head lovingly on my chest. "Hey, don't do this Kaju, I am tickled, your hair is very big" I said while telling Kaju.

"Why isn't my hair nice?", "No, it is very nice and soft too, that's why I like you, my dear Kaju." I said caressing Kaju's cheek lovingly and looking at her shining eyes "What?" "Can I have a kiss from my lovely girlfriend once please?" I asked Kaju to kiss her. She slowly nodded and agreed. I smiled happily. We were on the rooftop so I don't think anyone would be watching.

I placed my hands on Kaju's cheeks and then moved forward to kiss her. She must be thinking that I will kiss her cheeks like I always do, but this time my aim was different, "Ah...ummm...Munna this.. " I started kissing Kaju's soft and tender lips. She tried to push me away but when I was kissing her lips, I felt a sweetness in my mouth which was forcing me to keep kissing her. When I opened my eyes, Kaju's cheeks were turning red. She was trying to breathe. I was kissing my girlfriend for the first time, so I became a little rude. I released Kaju and then wiped my mouth. And started looking at her. She was looking at me helplessly. She was looking at me angrily while adjusting her breathing.