
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

chapter :- 4 part 2

"No... I had agreed that day to talk, now it's your turn to talk, so let's go quietly to the park. Now we are going to go to a bigger class, Munna, so now we can roam in any park. And we can talk, it's just a matter of some time, after that we will come home and if you don't go to the park with me, it will be your loss, just think about it." She told me stubbornly and when she said that it would only be my loss. What did he mean by not going, "Okay... let's go to the park, I am ready but we will not stay in the park for long and I will also drop you to your home," I said while agreeing. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and she smiled. After some time, we entered a park. This park was very close to our school and there were not many addicts in it during the afternoon, except for a few people who played cards at this time. She took me to a place at the back of the park where no people were visible at all. I told her that we should talk somewhere near people and not here, but she refused and took me to the same place and sat on a bench. And instead of sitting near him, I stood next to him.

"Munna why are you standing, come sit near me, we both can sit on this bench" she said calling me near her. I was not sitting with her because if someone saw me sitting with her then who knows, they might wrongly think that at such a young age these two children were lovers, which was absolutely false. Yes, I wanted to make her my girlfriend. But she refused me, "I will stand here because if I sit near you and someone sees us, then who knows, wrong thoughts will come in their mind that we both are lovers and I don't want this, so I will stand here. "Tell me quickly," I said while explaining to him. "You also wanted to make me your girlfriend earlier and now you are scared of even sitting near me. Come and sit quietly near me otherwise I will not go home and will remain sitting here, then don't tell me that the family will say if I go late, that's why. Come and sit down" he said warningly to me.

Now I had no other option but to sit with her, because if I did not sit with her, she would not go home. She said this, "You asked me that day to be yours and I refused." But after that when I went home I thought about it a lot and when I wanted to tell you my right decision you were not talking to me. I tried very hard to talk to you but you always ignored me when you You started keeping distance from me and also stopped talking to me, so I used to cry a lot secretly at my house. Yes, only because of you Munna, but today I had decided that in any situation I will talk to you. " She said while telling me but I couldn't understand what she was trying to say, "You tell me clearly, I don't understand what you want to say" I told her.

She looked at me angrily, "My friend is right, you are not even worthy of sitting near me, you idiot, this means that I also love you and am ready to be your girlfriend. Move away from me and go and soak in the water." Drown and die, what kind of a lover are you? You can't even understand what your girlfriend is saying." She pushed me down from the bench due to which my ass hit a stone. I felt a lot of pain but I was more happy than the pain because she said that she too would love me. She loves me and is ready to be my girlfriend. I wanted to dance with joy because my girlfriend was the most popular girl in our school whom the whole school knew. At the age when children were thinking about studies and their future. At that age I was already in a love bond, I stood up and started looking at her, she was looking at me with an innocent face because she thought that I would punish her for what she did to me "So that means you are my girlfriend now." And I'm your boyfriend, right?" I didn't want to make any mistakes so I asked her again.

She looked at me and bowed her head in shame and nodded in agreement. "How can I believe that you love me when that day when I asked you, you denied it and now you are saying that you love me." I Asked him. I asked her this because I am a boy and unless she does something, how can I make her my girlfriend? She should do something for me. "If you don't trust me then tell me, what should I do so that you trust me, tell me Munna?" he asked me.

"Give me a kiss, I've been wanting to do this for so long" I asked her for a kiss like a shameless boy, otherwise what if making the most popular girl in the school a girlfriend was not an easy task, I had to make a lot of efforts and if I could get a girlfriend If I don't get any reward for taking it, then what is the point of making such a beautiful and lovely girlfriend, I just have to kiss her. She looked at me with surprise, "You are shameless Munna, we are not old enough to do all this and see if you believe it or not." I love you and I am not going to do all this even if you get angry or angry. Just some time ago, you did not even want to come to this park and were saying that if someone sees us together, he will think wrong, so what now? No one will think wrong you shameless boy" she said angrily scolding me and disapproving of the kiss. I felt a little bad that I had upset my girlfriend with my childish behavior when we had just become lovers, "Okay... sorry for being so rude. It's getting late now. We should go home." Then our parents will be worried" I said to her apologetically and offered my hand to help her get up from the bench.

"No problem, this is the first time for both of us. We have just become lovers so some mistakes are bound to happen in the beginning. Be careful from the beginning" she said explaining to me and gave me her hand. I held her soft and tender hands and went to the bench. Then I did this deliberately. My hands held her waist and I started looking at her shining lovely eyes. "Munna, why leave this now, someone will see me, you had just apologized to me, so again you made a mistake. Why are you doing this?" he said, pushing me away from him. But even then I did not listen to her. I was only a few inches away from sucking her red lips. All that was going on in my mind was to kiss her but I had never kissed anyone before. What if I did something wrong, she would be angry with me. His eyes were looking at me with anger, "If you think that I am a decent boy, then you have misunderstood because I am even more scoundrel than the boys of my class, it is only in front of you that I become a decent boy, you know." No why but I never thought that I would have to change myself for a girl and now that you have become my girlfriend can't I even just stand there quietly and do nothing" I told her that I made her my girlfriend. I changed myself to make her and now after making her my girlfriend, I should get some benefit.

She started biting her lips because she thought that I would kiss her lips which was what she wanted, but I held her tighter in my arms and then kissed her cheeks lovingly. Her cheeks were also very soft, I kissed a girl for the first time. Kissed the cheek and felt it. When I left her after kissing her, she looked at me as if she was thinking about something else, "I just did what I wanted, now let's go home. I didn't know how to tolerate and convince a lover in love." It must have been so difficult, but today you have proved that a lover can force his beloved into anything. Munna, now let's go home." She said scolding me and started walking. I smiled and started following her. For some time we were on the road outside the park and she was quarreling with me because I was insisting on dropping her to her house and she was refusing me to drop her." Are you crazy? If someone saw us walking together on the road and you were following me, wouldn't anyone think wrong and who knows if someone stops you and asks why are you following me, what will you do, so I I don't want anything like this to happen, so you go to your home and I will go to my home. " She said while explaining to me and continued walking. "Nothing will happen, you are just thinking so much unnecessarily, I will go to leave you no matter what happens." I then told her. Said insistently.

He did not say anything and he increased his walking speed but I too was no less, I also increased my speed and kept walking beside him. In no time we turned on a road near the school, perhaps her house was just ahead of it, "Just listen, our school will be closed from tomorrow and only after a few days I will be able to see you at the time of examination, so will you give me your number please?" So that I can talk to you whenever I miss you" I told her, asking for her phone number. She turned and glared at me angrily, "I won't do this and anyway I don't have my own phone, my father has it but I won't give you his number. We will meet in the exam so wait till we meet. You are very naughty." Now listen to me so that I can explain it better," he said, disapproving of giving the number and warning me.

I could no longer argue with him on the road, so I silently followed him. There was still a lot of time to reach, "Just stop here, don't go further than this, my house is on this street, someone can see you." He led me to a street. I stopped at the corner of the street and myself went into the street. I remained standing outside the street because I wanted to see which house was hers. I had come to drop her to her house to find out. I saw that she had left four houses in the street. She went to a big five-storey building. Probably her house was on the top floor, because I saw her climbing the stairs. Within a few minutes I saw her peeping from the balcony of the first floor. She motioned me to go. I watched her on the balcony for some time, perhaps she was waiting for me to leave, so I didn't stop anymore and moved away from her street.

I wanted to say goodbye to her but she did not give me the chance and now I was going home smiling, because now I also had a girlfriend who was very beautiful and sweet, when I reached home my elder brother started asking me questions and answers. Now what should I tell him that my girlfriend had taken me to the park after school to express her love, if I had told this then I would have got beaten by him and also by my parents, which was very wrong, so I told him this. That I had gone to a friend's house because I had to borrow one of my notebooks from him, after saying this my brother stopped questioning me and kept on using his phone quietly. Actually my brother was older than me and was also in a higher class, so He had the phone in his hands and I was there. My brother used to let me use his phone for a few hours. When the night came and the whole family was together, my mother and my father noticed something strange in me and they asked me to Asked why I was behaving so strangely, actually I was smiling the whole time, because today I was very happy, now that I had a girlfriend, I explained to her that now I too am going to go to a bigger class like my brother, so I am happy and nothing else. This excuse was right to avoid questions from my father and family.

I was very desperate to see my girlfriend for three days, today was the beginning of class 5 exams, I woke up early in the morning, took bath and got ready, I wanted to meet her at any cost, I loved my girlfriend more than the exams. I was worried that I was madly in love, because I had loved her since the third grade and now that she had become my girlfriend, how could I not yearn to see her. I set out to give the exam with two close friends of mine. On the way, all three of us laughed and joked a lot and I thought of telling both of them about my girlfriend but then I stopped. Because it would not be right that a boy had become a lover at this age, within some time all three of us reached near the school gate. The school gate was still closed because there were still a few minutes left for the gate to open, along with us others Even the students of fifth class were waiting for the gate to open and go inside, my eyes were searching for my girlfriend, then at some distance on the way I saw her coming with her friends. When my eyes saw her I saw her. I can't tell how satisfied my heart was, I can't express that feeling in writing "Munna, what happened, which girl are you looking at, all of them are beautiful, which one do you like?" My friend Bunty said teasingly after seeing me. asked me.

I didn't respond to what she said, I was just looking at my girlfriend, then once she paid attention to me and saw how lovingly her boyfriend was looking at her, but she didn't look at me even once and started laughing with her friends. She kept talking, probably she was pretending not to see me, the door of the school opened, I quickly went near her "Ah... can I show you oh..." I pushed her and seeing her angry I knew. I felt and she was scolding me when I turned and saw me, she immediately became silent and started walking slowly with her friends, I did not say anything because her friend was with her, I went inside the school. "Does that boy have any problem? Listen, should we teach him a lesson?" Her friends asked her, getting angry at me.

"No... let it be, you might have collided by mistake, all of you don't get angry and let's give the exam" she said while explaining to her friends. I was just waiting for the time to pass as quickly as possible and then to meet my lovely girlfriend, after about an hour and a half the time for the exam ended. I was already sitting for the exam, so that I could go out of the class immediately. I had also told my friends that I will go home alone, both of you should go home, I have some work, they did not question me. Because I was always maintaining a distance from them, but still they were my friends, my friends had gone and I was standing outside the school gate and waiting for them to come out, within some time I saw the students of fifth A class. When I saw her leaving, I became happy when I saw her walking among her friends.

She also looked at me with her head raised and squinting as she passed by me with her friends. "Look, he is looking at you again, I get angry just by looking at him," one of her friends muttered while staring at me. I too was getting very angry at his friends. Had it not been for my girlfriend, I would not have left her friend. Hey, at least respect me a little. You are abusing me in front of my girlfriend, but I can't do that. Because I was just looking for a chance to talk to my girlfriend, when I realized she wasn't going to stop, I agreed to follow her as she walked down the street with her friends. I was doing it very late, she was going to come home shortly, one of her friends was still with her, so I could not get close to my girlfriend, now her friend left her alone and went to her home. , Her friend's house was also near her house, I could no longer stand seeing her alone, I ran to her and held her hand "Why are you ignoring me" I asked her.

"Hey... leave it, how can you hold my hand like this, we are on the way, my house is a short distance away, what will happen if Kiya sees it, there will be a huge uproar" she tried to free my hand and tried to convince me. I also felt that she was right, I should not have been so impulsive, I left her hand and started looking at her lovingly "Now don't wait for too long and go back to your home, I too am going to my home. I am here." "I don't want to wait any longer," she told me and turned to leave. "But listen, I have to talk to you a bit." I shouted at her.

He turned and looked at me angrily and put a finger on his mouth and signaled me to keep quiet. Now I was standing in front of him helpless on the road like an innocent child watching him go, within a few moments he disappeared from my eyes. She didn't talk to me even for a second that if she was so afraid of falling into the bondage of her lover, then why did she love me? Why did she make me her lover? Was she only concerned about herself at this time, a little talk about me. What would have happened had she done it?

I was very excited to meet her in the morning but now I was sad and going to my home. Well, I couldn't leave her because I was madly in love with her. Well, no problem, if not today or tomorrow, I will talk to her and if Even if we did not talk to her yesterday, then the next day the fifth class exam was to be held for five consecutive days, which means I could talk to her any day and if I did not talk to her even in these five days, then after that I know her house. See, I will reach home to talk to her, on this pretext I will also get to know her parents a bit. Yes, it is true, she will be shocked when I will go to her house after the exams, that too without informing her. Today was the exam for Hindi subject but to be honest, today I was more interested in seeing him again than the exam, even if he doesn't talk to me, even if he ignores me. Me and my friends, all three of us stood near the gate outside the school, waiting for the gate to open. While waiting, my friends were busy joking among themselves and I was busy looking at my girlfriend. She was standing a few meters away from me with her friends but her face was on the other side.

I could only see her back, one of her friends whom I had met was no longer looking at me angrily. I don't know how she suddenly changed. She was trying to hide from me, maybe this had happened since then. That my girlfriend had told her that I was now her boyfriend. I was overjoyed, guessing that at least she had told someone about our relationship. Within moments, the gate opened and all the fifth graders The students started entering inside. This time I entered the school along with my friends.

Because I did not want to upset her by troubling her, firstly, I was not able to talk like this, so how could I find an opportunity to convince her, I was comfortably giving the exam on Hindi subject in the class, I had no problem in Hindi. , This subject was very easy and anyone could succeed in it, there were a few minutes left after the exam, there was recess, so I remained quietly sitting at my place, when the bell rang for the end of the time, I saw her at a short distance from my class. Standing alone, I quickly got up, handed over the exam papers to the teacher and went out of the class. I didn't want to delay even a second. "So how are you, my dear girlfriend, let's go." I said to her while passing by her. Said and kept walking because after seeing her standing here alone I understood that she was waiting for me only, after coming out of the school I turned and saw that she was also coming out following me but this place was busy for both of us. It was not the right thing to do. I wanted to ask her if she would like to talk to me or should I go with her to drop her to her house today. I was looking at her, "Now stop staring like that and walk quietly, I will go home with you today you idiot." Boy" She came out of the school and passed by me saying the same thing as me and kept walking silently.

I smiled seeing her reaction and then started walking behind her "May I know how you felt pity on me today?" I followed her as we were on the road so she asked me to keep my distance. "Because I don't want you to do the same thing that happened yesterday, just for the sake of it, and nothing else," she said while explaining to me. I stuck out my tongue and smiled, "That's right you should be afraid of me" I said teasingly. She turned and looked at me angrily and then turned back and continued, "Okay, listen, I have told one of my friends about you, did I do the right thing or should I have asked you first?" She asked me while telling me.

Exactly what I expected happened, she actually told her friend about me and that I am now her boyfriend, "I know it's okay but from the Ugly Bar, please check with me before telling anyone and yes make sure that you The person you are telling this to should be trustworthy, otherwise who knows, your parents may come to know about this and then my family too will be the only one to suffer loss in this, so think carefully before telling anyone, haven't you, my dear girlfriend? Said while explaining to him. Her face was facing forward, but I could tell that she was very shy at this time, I could see her tomato red cheeks, she was shy because I was calling her my dear girlfriend, " You stop calling me like that first Munna it's very strange" she told me.