
The Principal's Lament


He had, of course, been aware of her approach. Not only were his quarters warded to hell and back, but Harry had actually been vaguely awake for a good half hour by the time Principal Weems finally worked up the courage to come barging into his room and make her stand. She's lucky, because if he hadn't been, the wards would have dealt with her most… aggressively.

Regardless, as far as SHE is aware, the Principal has rudely woken him up to express her IMMENSE dissatisfaction over his inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior that it must be said, Harry can't even deny. Mostly because… well, he's engaging in it right this moment. Or rather, Enid and Divina are the ones engaging in the inappropriate behavior and he isn't stopping them.

See, the reason Harry has been vaguely aware for at least thirty minutes is that that's when the two young women woke up and began fighting over his morning load. Laid out between his legs, their bodies squished together as they vie for space, the bright blonde werewolf and the brunette siren are both going to town on his cock and balls… or at least, they WERE.

They each stop dead in their tracks at Larissa Weems' entrance, frozen like deer caught in headlights. Chuckling throatily, Harry reaches down and pets a hand through each of their respective hair, relaxing them and infuriating the Principal of Nevermore Academy all the more in the process. Still, he just gives Larissa a wicked grin as he tilts his head to the side, clearly unbothered.

"Enough of what, exactly? Enough of all of us having some good, honest fun… or enough of you not getting to join in on it?"

That gets the shapeshifter's goat something fierce. Weems' eyes damn near bulge out of her head at his accusation, and Harry can tell it hits way too close to home. The truth is… he's been here, doing this all, for days now. And there's no doubt in his mind that the Principal knew what he'd been doing with her students all this time. Hell, he was pretty sure most of the Academy knew. Certainly, everyone on THIS side of the Academy had been hearing his nightly activities.

What had changed things, Harry wondered? Was it the inclusion of Alcina Dimitrescu? Had Weems caught a glimpse of the other inordinately tall woman and taken umbrage with her presence? Perhaps the Principal had been fantasizing about filling some imaginary 'big woman' gasp in Harry's life. Or perhaps she'd simply been too cowardly at first and it had taken all this time for her to work up the courage to finally confront him on the depravities he was enacting within her school.

… Either way, he remained unimpressed by the ire of the seemingly imposing blonde. She simply wasn't a threat to him. That said, he wouldn't pass up the chance to add another shapeshifter to his stable. After all, he'd had oh so much fun with Tonks…

"M-My office! NOW!"

Harry snorts derisively, spending just a moment considering whether he wanted to do this here or there. But ultimately… Weems' office is as good a place as any. Better, actually. Ruining her in her own place of power would surely make the lesson stick much more effectively. If he just dominated her and put her in her place here, she could go crawling back to her office and recharge so to speak, potentially coming back later with a vengeance.

… No, better to take away any safe space she might have had and make it clear to her who was really in charge now, all in one fell swoop.

And so, without much of a fuss, Harry lets the Principal drag them all to her office. He even facilitates the speed of such matters by using his magic to cloth himself, Enid, and Divina with a flick of his wrist. Needless to say, Weems jolts at this display of power, but doesn't say anything, simply biting her tongue as she marches them all through the Academy.

Reaching the Principal's office, Harry pauses and glances to Enid and Divina with a wicked glint in his emerald eyes.

"You both wait out here while the Principal and I have a little chat, girls."

Stopping short, the two young women blink and glance at each other before nodding. Of course, this makes Principal Weems sputter all the more in irritation and disbelief.

"E-Excuse you! You do not tell them what to do! I tell them w-what to do!"

There's a pause… and then she scowls angrily at the two female students.

"Wait out here! Don't go anywhere!"

As the Principal spins around and marches into her office having 'laid down the law', Harry just grins at the girls and gives them both a wink before entering behind her and closing the doors with a wave of his hand and an audible SLAM.

Within the office itself, Principal Weems jumps out of her skin at the loud sound, spinning around to glare daggers at him as she crosses her arms over her chest and leans back against the front of her desk.

"You, Mister Potter, have gone back on everything you told me the first day you were here. I told you that this was not a School of Witchcraft or Wizardry. I told you not to step on any toes. And you told me that you were not here to disrupt anyone. You TOLD me that you would keep your head down!"

Harry hums as he walks further into the office, stopping at about the center point of the room and standing a few feet away from her with his hands clasped behind his back. Then, he nods, grinning rather carefreely as he does so.

"You're not wrong, Principal Weems. But to be fair… I made those promises before I found out how many troublemakers you had in your halls. I wouldn't have had to act if you had merely kept your girls on shorter leashes… but alas, everywhere I turn, there seems to be another young woman wanting to try my patience."

Larissa Weems' nostrils flare at that, her eyes widening at his… description of events. Her teeth audibly grind as the shapeshifter clutches at her arms, crossing them in a way that makes it clear it's more of a defense mechanism than anything. Before she can muster up a response to his admittedly ridiculous assertions, Harry continues on, his grin growing in size.

"Besides. Has anyone ACTUALLY complained about me, Ms. Weems? Has anyone really had a problem with my teaching… or my disciplinary methods?"

If she were smarter, Larissa would have lied and said yes. She would have either told him that such complaints are confidential, or she would have made up some story to help defend her side. But while the Principal wasn't stupid… she also wasn't the slyest, most cunning tool in the toolshed. Ultimately, Harry knew that there had been no complaints. He would have heard about it already… mostly because he'd magically bugged Principal Larissa Weems' person his first day here in her office.

Which was how he knew that despite the shapeshifter's outrage, despite her attempts at taking him to task… she'd actually spent a fair amount of the past few days masturbating, be it behind her desk or in her bed. Now, he couldn't say for sure that she was masturbating to fantasies of what he might do to her if he got his hands on her. It was entirely possible that the Principal just had a… healthier libido than most women, on account of her shapeshifting abilities.

But all the same, knowing what he knew about her and seeing how long it took for her to finally confront him on this… Harry can't really take any of this seriously. And he knows Larissa can tell as much.

"That's… that's neither here nor there. I-I am not so poor an educator or administrator that I NEED complaints to keep an eye on what's going on in MY school, Mister Potter! You are jeopardizing the ability of this Academy to peacefully coexist with the Normies! If word gets out about your depravity here in Nevermore, the authorities in Jericho might decide they need to investigate themselves and hold us accountable to THEIR laws!"

Really? That's the line she's going with. Harry rolls his eyes but has to admit… she sounds serious. In fact, she sounds downright determined to make him see reason. Finally, they begin to get to the heart of the matter. In fact, he almost appreciates her honesty.

Larissa doesn't care that he's fucking her students. She doesn't care that he's giving them detention and then punishing them with corporal punishment as well as sexual torture. In fact, it looks like she really HAS been getting off on her fantasies of what he's been doing with her female students. However, she's pushing past that to focus on the responsibility she has to Nevermore.

… The Principal really does care about this school, Harry realizes. She's so passionate and devoted to Nevermore Academy that she's putting aside her own wants and desires in order to try and make sure they survive in an ever modernizing world. Harry can easily see where her concerns are coming from. Nevermore has survived a long time, but with the town of Jericho growing larger and larger over the decades, the school of 'outcasts' is easily outnumbered by the 'normies' with every passing year.

And while that might seem more like an inevitability than anything else, it still could become a problem, especially if the denizens of Jericho decide that they're not content with having the weirdoes of Nevermore in their backyard anymore.

Weems' resolve is almost admirable… if one ignores the glaring elephant in the room. Taking a step forward, Harry sighs and shakes his head.

"I appreciate your desire to protect this school, Ms. Weems. Really, I do. But you're operating under a common misconception. Take it from someone who spent my entire childhood in the grasp of 'normies' who knew exactly how much of a freak I am. Nothing you do will convince them to peacefully coexist with you forever."

Larissa frowns at that, letting her guard down even as he gets closer and closer to her.


But Harry cuts her off with a sharp hand gesture.

"Oh sure, they might leave you alone for a time. They might allow you to think you've convinced them of your long-term usefulness. But you've said it yourself. Nevermore Academy is an academy made up of outcasts. Freaks. Outsiders. You and all of your students will never be anything BUT 'other' to the denizens of Jericho, Ms. Weems. And when push comes to shove, when the going gets tough… the tribe turns on the 'other' first."

"Y-You can't possibly…"

"I've seen it happen more times than I can count, my dear. So yes, I can possibly know what I'm talking about. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do. So long as you are special or different in some way… you'll be the scapegoat for all their problems. You might have a tentative peace right now, but that will only last until the next tragedy, disaster, or crisis pops up. And then… then they'll need someone to blame. They'll need someone to point the finger at."

He's right in front of her now and even though Larissa Weems is physically much taller than him, Harry looms over her with his presence if not his actual physical nature.

"Do you really think they'll point the finger inward? Do you really think they'll pick one of their own to blame? No, of course not. They'll blame you. They'll blame your students. They'll tear Nevermore to the ground and say it was only ever your own fault for being… different."

He can tell his words have struck home, because Weems is positively trembling before him, her arms uncrossed and her hands clutching at the edge of the desk behind her as she shivers and shakes. Finally, her lower lip quivering, she speaks.

"B-But then… what do we do?"

Harry grins, knowing full well that his next words will incite violence. But that's okay, because that's precisely what he's going for.

"What else? You embrace your freakishness, of course. Especially you, Ms. Weems. Oh sure, you might think your abilities allow you to blend in with the 'normies' better… but face facts. You'll always be a freak. You'll never be anything BUT a freak."

As expected, her features twist in anger. Being called a freak directly to her face makes the Principal lash out, her hand coming up to try and slap him. But of course, Harry stops her with his magic, not even having to reach up with one of his own hands. Instead, he grabs hold of her with unseen force, causing her eyes to widen as he easily manhandles her.

"L-Let go of me!"

Harry laughs, his empty hands coming up for him to show to her as his eyes glitter with glee.

"But I'm not even touching you yet, Larissa."

Then, he reaches out and yanks open her top, causing buttons to fly everywhere as he ruins her blouse before latching onto her breasts through her bra, giving them a good, hard squeeze that makes her squeal in response.

"NOW I'm touching you."

The Principal shudders, trying her best to escape his mental hold… but between his magic and his hands, she's not going anywhere. The shapeshifter grimaces as he fondles her tits, her reluctant arousal evident and growing. She wants this very, very badly… but she's a rare breed. She wants Nevermore safe more than she wants to cater to her own desires. Harry honestly finds that a little respectable. That despite her sexual excitement at the thought of him having his way with her, she's willing to set it aside to try and protect her school.

Alas, there's nothing she can do to stop him. Nothing at all. As he molests her, mauling her tits through her bra, Harry tilts his head to the side and continues their conversation.

"Like I said, you'll always be a freak, Larissa. But that's not the insult you think it is. After all, I'm a freak as well… I've embraced that aspect of myself. I've embraced my freakishness. You should as well. Hell, even if it were simply to continue protecting Nevermore and catering to the normies, you should embrace your freakishness. Imagine how many 'normie' fantasies your freakish abilities could fulfill."

Larissa's eyes widen at that and her nose wrinkles in disgust. The Principal tries harder to fight him off of her, even as she growls.

"T-That's… that's d-disgusting! I would never… I'm not someone's d-dress up doll!"

Harry just laughs. Her attempts to break free of him are laughable at best, after all. With a grunt, he pulls his hands away from her chest… and takes her bra with him. It comes tearing off her body, causing the magically bound shapeshifter to squeal some more as her breasts come flopping out, bouncing all over the place.

They're a good, sizable pair… though obviously Harry has no clue if they're her natural size or not. It doesn't really matter though, in the end. Stepping back from her, the wizard turns to regard Larissa Weems' office for a moment, considering how best to make use of the space in what comes next. Finally, he looks down at the floor and shrugs, coming to a decision.

With his magic, he forcibly walks the struggling Principal over to the center of the office and pushes her down to her hands and knees. She gasps as she's made to kneel and then plant her hands palm down on the carpet in a rather humiliating position, especially given her topless state. Of course, things can always get more humiliating… something that Harry proves when he strips her of her skirt and panties a moment later as well, leaving her entirely naked.

"S-Stop this! What… what do you think you're doing?! What purpose does this have?! You w-won't get away with this!"

Her outrage mixes with her arousal. She's turned on of course, but still doing her best to play the role assigned to her. She IS still the Principal of Nevermore Academy, which means she can't just give in to Harry or her own innermost desires. Unfortunately for her… this isn't Harry's first rodeo.

"You know, you're not the first shapeshifter I've owned, Larissa."

The Principal sputters at that, but before she can deny the claim of ownership, Harry shoves two fingers up inside of her, pistoning the digits in and out of her cunt. He also coats them with magic, smiling as her pussy walls involuntary clench down HARD around his fingers. In a few short moments, Larissa Weems cries out in an ugly manner as she reaches a reluctant, forced orgasm on his fingers, squirting all over his hand.

While she's panting and recovering, Harry withdraws his digits and runs his hands all over her shaking body, molesting her naked form to his heart's content as he continues on in a conversational tone.

"Her name is Nymphadora Tonks. She's a rare breed of with called a Metamorphmagus. Very fun, to say the least. I've done it all with her, I have to admit."

Harry smiles fondly as he thinks back to it all, even while his hands continue to play with Larissa's body. Trapped as she is in his magical grasp, the shapeshifter can't do anything to escape him. Except, that's not entirely true now is it? Technically, she COULD shift herself into something else, even a man, and ruin the experience for him. Obviously he would have to punish her severely for that… and it wouldn't work either, because even now his magic is beginning to pervade through her very being.

But Larissa doesn't know that. The fact that she's not shapeshifting away her large breasts or her pussy despite her whining protests over his molestation of both gives away just how much she secretly wants this. As far as she's aware, she could easily end this by becoming something undesirable to him. She has no clue that he's about to take direct control of her shapeshifting.

"Yes, Tonks played all of the roles I asked of her, and she did so gladly. From celebrities in both the magical and muggle worlds, to sports stars, to stereotypes like the naughty librarian, or the police officer, or the sexy nurse. She was eager to please and I happily made use of her to the fullest extent. Ah, she even transformed into my own daughter at one point. Now that was fun."

Weems gurgles at that, and despite the fact that he's bringing her to orgasm after orgasm from both his physical touch and his magical touch, Harry detects a note of disapproval in her voice at that last bit. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh, you shouldn't be so concerned with my daughter's bodily autonomy, my dear Principal. I know you're inclined to look down on me for it because of the duty you feel you have to your students… but my daughter is a full grown woman now. Besides all that… she was involved in the whole thing. Lily Luna Potter is just as much as a perverse freak as I am… it was no wonder that she roped Tonks into giving me a special 'twin' surprise."

As Weems whimpers from the explanation Harry gives her, he snickers fondly in remembrance. Indeed, it had been his daughter Lily's idea to have Tonks transform into her. And together, the two of them had been 'twins' for the night, satisfying their Master all night long. That particular burst of brilliance from Lily had then led into Harry enjoying Tonks with several of his other women. There was something utterly delectable about having twin sex on command with anyone you could possibly want.

Actually… that gave Harry an idea. A very fun, very wicked idea that… well, he just couldn't help implementing right away.

"In fact, let's recreate that fun, shall we? Come now, Larissa… it's time to stop fighting it. It's time to submit."

Reaching out to the magic that hasn't just been holding the Principal in place, but also slowly seeping into her every pore over the course of this molestation, Harry… assumes direct control. He smiles as he feels her shapeshifting abilities fall under HIS dominion. It's not quite the same as with Nymphadora, who he also has some experience in taking over in this way.

But… it's a little bit like riding a broomstick. Sure, the model might be different, but the basics are all the same. With a twist of his new control, Harry forces Larissa Weems to transform right there in front of him. She lets out a startled shout in response, shuddering and quivering as her body undulates and shifts right before his eyes, but the end result is precisely what he was going for. In an instant, Enid Sinclair is glued to the floor on her hands and knees before him.

"What… what have you done?"

Harry grins as Enid's voice comes out of Larissa Weems' transformed lips. Rising to his feet, he dispels his own clothes and strokes his cock to fully erect as he looks down at the forcibly changed shapeshifter.

"I told you before, Larissa. You belong to me now. It's already done. So… you don't have to fight it anymore. The war you're struggling with, between your duty to this school and its students… and your desire to surrender to me. You can give in. Let me take over and I promise you, you won't have to fret about a thing any longer."

Looking back at him with a horrified expression on Enid's face, Larissa shakes her head.

"N-No… I c-can't… you… you're a bad, b-bad man. I can't p-possibly give in. I can't-!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry snaps his fingers and the large double doors to the Principal's office swing open. The only two people on the other side are Enid and Divina, of course, and they quickly hurry inside at his beckoning. As the doors close behind them, Enid lays eyes on her self, naked and pinned to the floor on all fours… and she cums at the sight, shuddering her way through a wanton orgasm.

But then that's not at all surprising, given she'd been listening in on the entire conversation this whole time through the door. Divina is definitely the more shocked of the two girls, but Harry just gives the siren a knowing smile and nods his head over to a nearby couch.

The brunette hurries to obey, laying on the couch and touching herself to the sight before her. The real Enid, meanwhile, stays where she is and waits for Harry's orders.

Rather than telling her what to do, Harry looks down at Larissa and chuckles.

"Do you know how many men would kill to have such a nubile young bitch serve them… let alone two? Mm, I truly am lucky, I know."

Then, he crouches down over Larissa's transformed body, grasping the blonde by her shoulder length hair and yanking her head back, forcing her spine to arch. His cock, meanwhile, fits at the entrance of her cunt, making Larissa whimper through Enid's lips as Harry leans in close. He makes eye contact with the real Enid even as he whispers in Larissa's ear, knowing that BOTH would hear it thanks to Enid's enhanced senses.

"Surrender yourself to me, Larissa, and I promise to take very good care of both you and your students. Just give in… accept your place as my pet."

To her credit, Larissa doesn't break then and there. She whimpers some more, whining deep in the back of her throat, but she also presses her lips firmly together, obviously not trusting herself to speak. And yet, even though she doesn't surrender verbally… her pussy lips are clinging to his cockhead, trying desperately to suck him in. Ultimately, the shapeshifter, currently wearing the form of one of her students, is DESPERATE for his dick. She's desperate for this domination.

Pulling back from her ear, Harry gives the real Enid a proper wide grin as he grabs the fake Enid by her hips.

"Let's find out how much of a slut you'd be for my cock, Enid~"

And then he thrusts into Weems' transformed cunt. He fills Larissa from behind, causing her lips to fall open as a whorish moan leaves her lips completely involuntarily. She's absurdly tight, of course. Because Enid is tight. Now, Larissa doesn't have any clue what Enid's insides are like, but Harry does. And he hasn't fucked Enid yet. Meaning she's a virgin. As he thrusts deep into the Principal, taking HER currently transformed virginity, Larissa shrieks, howling as he begins to fuck her with hard and fast thrusts right then and there.

There's no adjustment period. There's no hesitation and no mercy. His massive, fat, bitch-breaker of a cock goes barreling into Larissa's transformed insides. The Principal, forced to take on the form of one of her own students, can't even loosen up her cunt either to make it easier on herself. Harry still has complete control of her body and her shapeshifting. He feels her fighting against him, of course. He feels her struggling to break free.

… But to no avail. In the end, Larissa Weems is trapped by his magic and by his grasp. As he fucks her as Enid Sinclair, she can do nothing but squeal, scream, and moan in a wanton manner, her body shaking and spasming beneath him as she cums again and again and again. After all… Enid herself would definitely be on a hair trigger right now, finally getting to have her first time with her Master. So it only makes sense to put Larissa on a hair trigger as well.

Of course, fucking one copy of Enid while watching the real one react in real time is… exceptionally arousing. It really does take Harry back to all those times that he had Tonks turn his other women into one half of a pair of twins. Right now, Enid and Larissa are twins. And he's fucking one of them in front of the other while the other, a huge slut and desperate for his approval, waits her turn.

… But it's more than that. Because with control over Larissa's shapeshifting, Harry can utilize her as more than just Enid's 'twin'. He can give Enid a peek into her own future as his pet werewolf.

With that in mind, Harry begins utilizing Weems' shapeshifting to his own ends once more. As he fucks her hard and fast from behind, pounding her doggystyle on the floor in the middle of her own office, he also forces her to transform her Enid body into more and more of a whorish, horny slut. It starts with the obvious things, of course. Aging Enid up a little bit, giving her bigger tits, wider hips, a fatter ass. Then, going a step further and making her lips plump and pillowy, perfect for cock sucking.

He even goes a step further than all of that, snapping his fingers and magicking up some slutty make-up and hooker stockings onto Weems' increasingly whorish body. Then, he gives her a tramp stamp of his initials, complete with the lightning bolts coming down off of the H and the P. And for good measure, a couple more lightning bolt tattoos emblazoned on each of her ass cheeks.

All the while, he keeps fucking Larissa. All the while, he forces her through orgasm after unwanted orgasm. His bitch breaker does what it does best, slowly breaking her down and making her accept her fate as his plaything. He'd been considering how he would eventually turn Larissa Weems into his toy. He'd known that it would eventually come to this… hell, he'd known that HE would force it to come to this, even if Larissa never confronted him, even if she stayed holed up in this office for the rest of his stay at Nevermore.

Because let's be honest… Harry wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to add another shapeshifter to his stable. Larissa's base form… it didn't matter to him all that much. Her tall and imposing stature was meaningless to someone as powerful as Harry. But her ability to become anyone and anything… now THAT was attractive. So attractive that really, this was always where they were going to wind up. With her under him, transformed into whatever the fuck he wanted her to be transformed into, getting railed on the floor of her own office.

That said… breaking Larissa Weems upon his cock was one thing. An inevitability, one might say. On the other hand… there was the template for her current form to consider. Harry looks up as Enid slowly approaches, watching in amusement as she stares with fascination at her own face transformed and slightly aged up to look like such a whore. And he waits to see what her ultimate reaction to what he's done will be.


Enid Sinclair, the real one of course, watches enraptured as Professor Potter fucks… her. It's not really her, but it might as well BE her. She hadn't known that Principal Weems was a shapeshifter, truth be told. As far as Enid was aware, no one knew. They all were aware that the Principal was an alumnus of Nevermore Academy, and so she had to be an outcast just like them, but her shapeshifting abilities… those, Weems had kept under wrap.

And yet, Professor Potter had known. Of course he had. Professor Potter knew everything and once again he'd proven that he was large and in charge. Even Principal Weems couldn't stand against him. He hadn't even had to say anything to make her turn into a sluttier and sluttier version of Enid. A whorish version of Enid… a future version of Enid.

Slowly, the young blonde werewolf finds herself creeping closer. It might have started out as just Weems being her twin and getting the dicking from the Professor that Enid herself desperately wants… but it's transformed into something beyond that now. She's literally watching her future play out right before her eyes.

As Weems' face, transformed to look like a slightly older Enid and dolled up in whorish makeup, contorts in ecstasy and pleasure, Enid can't help but crouch down before her, getting nice and close as Harry continues to relentlessly fuck the shapeshifter from behind. She reaches out after a moment and takes Weems' transformed face in her hands, trying to memorize every detail of the other woman's features.

This, of course, causes the Principal's eyes to roll forward again, snapping to Enid. She hadn't realized how close Enid had gotten until she touched her. Moaning up a storm like the wanton whore she is, Principal Weems nevertheless tries to beg Enid for help, both with her eyes and with her words.

"M-Ms. Sinclair… p-please-mmph!"

But Enid cuts her off, slamming her lips into Weems' lips and forcing her tongue into the Principal's mouth. It's not something Enid would normally ever be willing to do under most normal circumstances. Kissing the Principal against her will?! She'd be expelled! Besides, Enid was supposed to be a Good Girl. But in these circumstances… well, it only seemed right. How could Principal Weems ever complain, really? Not only was Professor Potter completely taking charge of the encounter… but also, Weems had taken Enid's form. And then transformed into a total WHORE. Frankly, if Weems wanted to be upset at Enid for taking part in this debauchery… well, she could just go ahead and shove it, because obviously she didn't have a leg to stand on.

Kissing her 'future self' deeply, tongues entangling with one another as they swap spit, Enid slides underneath Weems and wraps her legs around the other woman's waist. She moans as she makes out with the frozen shapeshifter, her Principal largely unable to stop Enid from having her way with her… just as she's unable to stop Harry from having HIS way with her either.

On that note, Enid eventually pulls apart from her 'future self' for air and looks past Weems' shoulder to make eye contact with Harry. Licking her lips, Enid ponders how to address him for just a moment… before deciding it was finally time.

"Master… please… please fuck 'me' silly. Please breed 'me'. I want to see what I'll look like impregnated once I'm fully yours. Once I'm just a bitch in heat for you to knock up! Please… please show me more of what my future as your pet will look like!"

Harry pauses for a moment… and then lets out a boisterous laugh, his emerald eyes twinkling with amusement and affection. Enid, meanwhile, luxuriates in the feeling of 'rightness' that comes with finally addressing the Professor as her 'Master'. Because that's what he is. That's what he's supposed to be. And his pet… his 'best girl' is all Enid Sinclair wants to be in turn.

With a wide and wicked grin, her Master proceeds to oblige her, smacking her 'future self' on the ass a few times and fucking her even harder, even faster.


In response, the transformed Principal squeals all the louder, her eyes rolling up in her head once more right in front of Enid's face. Who knew Weems was such a slutty, whorish cunt? Who knew that beneath that imposing, authoritarian personality, she was really just a bitch in heat like Enid was? It was so fucking hot, watching her Master dominate the Principal like this.

And then, with a grunt and little other warning, Harry proceeds to cum inside of Weems. He pumps a hot, thick load right into the womb of Enid's 'future self'. Enid can only watch, eyes growing progressively wider as this prompts another transformation for Weems. From identical, to slightly older and far more whorish… and suddenly, incredibly pregnant. Enid feels as Weems' body shifts, her tits becoming much fuller and suddenly squirting milk against her own teen body, while her stomach grows and grows until Enid is pressed flat to the floor of Weems' office.

The faux pregnancy is rapid in its deployment, and so insanely hot to witness from an outsider's point of view. Knowing that she's going to one day look like this sets Enid off in the best way possible. However… what really seals the deal for the blonde werewolf is the final piece. Something that isn't part of Weems' shapeshifting abilities but conjured up by her Master's magic.

A collar appears around the neck of her 'future self'. A large, thick dog collar. And on it… the words 'BEST GIRL' are emblazoned.

Enid's breath hitches at the sight, and then she shrieks in ecstasy as she comes explosively. Squirting uncontrollably as her dream came true right before her eyes, the werewolf loses all semblance of thought for a brief second. But at the same time, her resolve crystallizes inside of her. Her determination hardens and calcifies into something impossible to set aside.

… It was time. No matter what, it was time. As she squirms out from under Weens' insensate form, Enid just hopes her Master agrees.


Harry watches in amusement as Enid goes from seemingly losing her mind… to becoming more determined than ever before. It's like a switch has been flipped from the young werewolf, as she crawls out from under her Principal's catatonic body. Weems is in no state to stop Enid from reaching down and quickly unbuckling and then ripping the dog collar he's conjured off of her neck. She's in no state to do anything at all in fact, besides kneel there on her hands and knees, still frozen in place by Harry's power.

Sensing what Enid intends to do, Harry reaches out and twists his control over Weems' magic again, transforming the educator back into her usual much larger self. While he does so, Enid takes the collar she's stolen from Weems and wraps it around her own neck, shivering in delight as she wears the BEST GIRL collar and preens happily.

Harry doesn't call her out for it. To be fair… the collar WAS for her, so it wasn't even really theft. She'd definitely won the title of 'Best Girl' fair and square, just like he'd privately always known she would. Poor Divina hadn't even had a chance, but he might make it up to her later. For now, the siren didn't seem too bothered by all of it. She was still over on the couch, watching and touching herself as he, Enid, and Enid's 'future self' all had a moment together.

But said moment wasn't over. In fact, things were just beginning to ramp up. With her collar in place and Harry not censuring her in any way, Enid's self-confidence grows. She IS Best Girl now… and they both know what that means. Climbing onto Weems' much larger back, Enid positions herself atop the older woman's fat ass, straddling it with her long pale legs spread in each direction.

Then, biting her lower lip, the nubile young woman reaches down and splays open her virgin flower, showing it to him and letting her pussy juices all drip down between Weems' ass crack.

"Please, Master. Please make that future come true. Please make my dreams come true. I'll do ANYTHING you ask of me… I'll prove I'm your Best Girl as many times as you like. I'll turn myself into your whore, your slut, your pet bitch. I promise, I'll always be good and I'll ALWAYS do as you say… so… please show me what it really means to be your woman. Please take me!"

Well, with a heartfelt plea like that, how could Harry say no? Chuckling softly, he steps forward and brings the tip of his throbbing, hot meat rod up against her slit, pressing it into her clit for a moment before dipping it down further. He places one hand on her inner thigh to anchor her in place and wraps the other back behind her hand, his fingers sliding through her blonde locks.

Pulling her up while also leaning forward, Harry brings his lips to her ear and whispers two words to her.

"Good girl."

Then… he thrusts in and makes Enid Sinclair see stars.