
Mutant Spider

Peter Parker is your average nerd, he is super smart but physically weak, he has no friends besides his friend ned, but that all changes when he gets bit by a spider it gives him super strength speed reflexes durability bio electricity he can stick walls and even has stringers coming from his forearm but this also unlocked his X-gene the ability to assimilate any organic and inorganic thing, how will he deal with all these new things in his life read to find out.

TM_Orbit · Cómic
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5 Chs



Its been around two days since I have found this new power. it was hard to get used to mainly because I have to eat people to get more BIOMASS. it had me terrified the more I thought about it, but as I sat there thinking. I thought about what would tony stark do, and the more I thought the more I realize to do the greater good I may need to hurt the bad people even kill them if necessary. I don't think it will get easier but I know in the end it will help more people. And that is what counts.

As I'm swinging I hear the police communicator

"10-65 do you copy"

" There is a code 211 I repeat a code 211, all police in the area go to 2261 1st Ave, I repeat go to 22611st Ave."

Looks like I need to go to Harlem.


I can hear large shockwaves and shots going back and forth and as I am approaching the bank I can see this yellow and brown figure with fishnets on the arms and legs. the arms have this type of gauntlet.

Spider-Man " Aye wannabe stripper how about you turn off those gauntlets and we can talk about this."

Shocker " the name is shocker, and I don't think I wanna do anything a wannabe superhero tells me to do so how 'bout you go ahead and crawl back into your little web spider."

Spider-Man " so it seems your gonna take the hard route but fair warning I heard this hurts."

As I say those final words I let my legs, and stingers out.

'Alright peter all you gotta do is knick him with your legs then slice the open wound and slightly paralyze him'


I zoom straight to him with my legs and stingers ready. but the gauntlets turn blue and im pushed back into a building.

Shocker" that's what you get with messing with the shocker."

He turns and runs away jumping from building to building with his gauntlets.

'Ahhh my first supervillain and I f up of course peter.'

But as he looks in the distance he can see that the man didn't make it that far.

' I guess that this is the time to practice that new form.'

" Doku Rajin Form shoutou."

{AN/ this is basically like his first power up kinda like kaokien this makes him gain a ton of speed and he gains 2 short swords from his mutant powers. The name in English is Venom Lightning God form Short swords }

As those words leave my mouth I gain red lightning on my suit and in my hands are 2 short swords which I put on my back and start running to the shocker.

it doesn't take me too long to catch up to him. This form gives me x10 to all base stats, and I get lightning on my spider legs and the stingers as well for like a stunning effect.

I get super close to him and sucker punches him in the head as he starts falling over I try to use my swords to stun him, but he tries to use his gauntlets to hit me but my spider-sense warns me and I'm able to dodge. As he is going back up he keeps launching the blasts never-ending.

Shocker" Give up spidey I ain't going down,"

Spider-Man " are you sure? I'm pretty sure I and your mom tucked you into bed last night.

The shocker gets riled up and focuses on one blast at me and the buildings but I'm able to zip away at a light post. I hear some metal screeching and I can see that his gauntlets are donezo, so I'm able I go in with my lightning sword and can stun him long enough for me to Webb him up I leave a not and take the tech away from the shocker.;


I'm at the garbage dump where I tested my power and something weird is happening each time I go near the gauntlets some black goo goes and tries to eat the tech up. I have been contemplating whether or not to let the black goo go and eat the gauntlets but I don't want to pass out like last time so I go grab a couch and move it over.

Then I let the goo go wild, and it straight up absorbs it but before I'm able to react I pass out.



I can see the options from last time but something new was added

BIOMASS ACCEPTED 150/750 - forms

[AN each time he gets more biomass it goes up by 250 and the more he gets the higher it goes up.]

- Sword

- Knife

- Shield

-Shockwave Gauntlets

- get more biomass for new forms

'This is great you can even do technology I wonder what starks tech would do to it???????


an hey guys and gals thanks for reading thanks for almost 20k views btw my last book got 100k even though I have not written anything for it in months but that aside thank you, you guys are the best ill try to get a new chapter out next week no promises but catch yall next time.