
The Giant Blob, A Impossible State of Partial [Manifestation]

Day 341 - 2:10 PM - Toyosu Ruins, Reclaimed City, Ruins of Tokyo

A giant blob rose from the waters, eating the Serpent God's elemental spheres. This scene caused turmoil to everyone who witnessed it.

Furthermore, describing the blob with nothing but the word "giant" would be an understatement.

The Serpent God was flying more than a hundred meters in the sky as it spewed its most powerful attack at Ariake. 

Yet, the blob outstretched itself out of the water, elongating its body more than a hundred meters to the sky before swallowing the Serpent God's attack. If its body only elongated as thin as possible to reach that height, it would not be as terrifying, but from the water to the sky, its elongated body did not stretch any thinner than the Serpent God's body.

The blob was more than just gigantic. Whatever this blob was, it was much, much, much larger than the Serpent God.