


The Proposal

New York

The staff was all over the place, busy at sweeping, dusting and wiping the floor of the mansion. No one broke sweat under the scrutinizing eyes of Rupali Gupta. The clutter of dishes could be heard from the kitchen as the maid scrubbed them and rinse them under the clean water.

The party that Mr. Ramesh Gupta threw in the honor of his niece has come to an end and the guests have departed a long time ago. It was midnight now and cleaning was on peak. Rupali, the mistress of place supervised everyone and yelled at those who slacked at the job.

Though the maids were confused over the sudden fuss of cleansing but didn’t show it in front of the mistress. It’s not like her to order everyone out in the middle of the night to mop the area. Usually, such activities are accomplished during the early hours of the morning.