


Staking Territory-02


The moment the duo enters, the rest of the members stands up and settled back once Vikram took his position on the head of the table with Tara on his left. Today, the Chinese clients were here for the endorsement of their products. As the meeting proceeded, silence fell in the room and everybody got lost in the presentation. On the other hand, Vikram was on alert. He eyes all his staff suspiciously.

‘Who might that be?’

‘Who is daring enough to sell all the policies behind his back?’

As his dark gaze rolled from one face to another, stopped at him. His fingers curl on the table and jaw hardens to the point where Tara perceived the grinding noise. When others were focused on the representative, Gahlot was staring at Tara shamelessly.

‘That Gahlot! Does he carry a death wish?’