
Mushoku tensei: Reincarnated 100 Years Before The Main Story

In "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated 100 Years Before The Main Story," we follow Edward, a young boy with memories of his past life in a modern world. Reborn in a time long before the main events of the beloved fantasy series Mushoku Tensei, Edward begins his new life as the child of simple farmers in the quaint village of Buina.

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Chapter 3: Learning magic

Days passed, and I realized that to survive in this dangerous world, I needed to become stronger. My parents were just ordinary farmers, and I couldn't expect the same level of help and training that Rudeus received. I was on my own.

The stories my father told me about heroes and battles were more than just tales; they were a stark reminder of the world's harsh realities. Monsters, bandits, and other dangers lurked beyond our village. If I wanted to protect myself and those I loved, I needed to harness the magic that lay dormant within me.


One afternoon, while accompanying my mother to the market in a nearby town, I spotted a small, worn book on a vendor's stall. The title read "Basic Principles of Magic." My heart raced with excitement. I knew that buying such a book was beyond our means, but desperation drove me. When the vendor's back was turned, I slipped the book under my shirt, feeling a pang of guilt but also a surge of hope.

Back home, I hid the book under my bed and waited eagerly for nightfall. When the house was quiet, I lit a small candle and opened the book, diving into its contents. The book was filled with basic incantations and explanations of how magic worked. I read about the importance of focus, the need to visualize the desired effect, and the power of incantations to channel magical energy. It was fascinating, and I felt a growing sense of hope.

I remembered how Rudeus, the protagonist of "Mushoku Tensei," had learned magic. He was taught by Roxy Migurdia, and he practiced diligently, eventually mastering the art of chantless magic. I didn't have a mentor like Roxy, but I had determination and the knowledge from my past life.


With the book as my guide, I began to practice in secret. Every evening, I would sneak away to the creek or the woods, honing my skills. I knew that, like Rudeus, I needed to build up my mana pool before I could effectively cast spells. The first few weeks were frustrating; I could barely manage to summon a spark or a small puff of wind.

I focused on meditation, trying to sense and accumulate mana within me. Each day, I would sit quietly by the creek, closing my eyes and concentrating on drawing in the ambient mana. It was slow work, but I started to feel a slight tingling sensation whenever I concentrated.

After a month of diligent practice, I attempted my first real spell. "Water Ball," I whispered, focusing intently on the water in the creek. To my amazement, a small sphere of water rose shakily from the surface before collapsing back. It was a start, a tangible proof that my efforts were bearing fruit.


As weeks turned into months, I noticed that I had a stronger affinity for wind magic. My attempts at casting fire or water spells were clumsy and weak, but wind spells came more naturally. I wondered if this was due to my mother's elven heritage, as elves were often associated with nature and the elements.

I practiced tirelessly, honing my wind magic. Small gusts of wind became controlled breezes, and I eventually managed to create a Wind Blade, slicing through a thin branch with ease. My progress filled me with a sense of accomplishment and encouraged me to push further.

I remembered Rudeus' unique approach to magic. He had learned to cast spells without chanting, a technique that made his magic faster and more versatile. If I could master chantless magic, it would give me a significant advantage. The idea intrigued me, so I began to experiment, trying to cast spells without speaking the incantations. It was challenging, requiring intense concentration and mental discipline. My first attempts were clumsy and ineffective, but I didn't give up. I visualized the spells, focusing all my energy on manifesting them without words.


Months turned into a year as I persevered. Slowly but surely, I made progress. I managed to create small gusts of wind without chanting. The effort was exhausting, but each success filled me with renewed determination. I practiced whenever I could, always careful to avoid detection.

One day, while I practiced in the woods, I managed to create a sustained wind current that swirled around me. It wasn't perfect, but it was a significant improvement from where I had started. My mana pool had grown stronger, and my control over wind magic had increased considerably.


The rest of the year passed in a blur of practice and discovery. My magical abilities continued to grow, and I became more proficient in chantless casting. My parents remained unaware of my secret training, which was a relief. I used magic to help with daily tasks, making our lives a bit easier without drawing too much attention.

One evening, as I practiced by the creek, I decided to attempt something more advanced. I had read about healing magic, a skill that could prove invaluable. I found a small cut on my hand from the day's work and focused on it. "Heal," I whispered, channeling my energy into the wound. A warm, tingling sensation spread through my hand as the cut slowly closed. I stared in awe at the healed skin, the reality of my abilities sinking in. I could do this. I could truly harness the power of magic.


This was my journey, my quest for strength and knowledge. In this world of magic and danger, I was determined to carve out my own destiny. With each passing day, I felt more prepared to face whatever lay ahead. This was my new life, and I would make the most of it, one step at a time