
Murder Academy

Follow Magnus as she uncovers the dark secret of the Academy she's attending.

ElwynnPrins · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Where Is She?

I sit worried at what could have happened. I she's doesn't come back tomorrow, I'll have to look everywhere I can. The next morning with zero hours of sleep I saw that she hadn't returned. Time to skip class. The first place to check was obviously at Mr. Mord's place. On arrival the door was still busted open without a trace of either of them. I searched the whole place empty and still found nothing. The next place was The Academy. During Mr. Mord's period I waited for the bell to ring. After it finally happened it seemed like he expected me to stay back. Without letting me speak he told me he doesn't know where she is. I don't believe him. After all lessons have ended I sneakily followed him. He ended up bumying cigarettes and smoking every single one in one sitting. After that he got in a car and drove away and I couldn't catch up. Now I know where he parks. Strange thing I realized is that Mr. Mord drove in the direction of the Academy. Back at home I couldn't stop thinking about her. How great Torree was. I just wished I she could've been back by now. The next day I pickup on any strange behavior of Mr. Mord, but he seemed so casual, almost too casual. Another day of defeat. The days go on for 4 more days until I find news. The headline reads "Female almost dead with 16 cut wounds found in River" I instantly rushed to the hospital they said this "Female" was transported to. After arriving I ask them if there is anyone called Torree Galligher in a room. "Yes ma'am, do you wish to see her?" . I say yes with no hesitation. after having been questioned on how I know her they finally let me through. There she is, unconscious. I sat next to her listening to the beeping hoping it wouldn't flatline. After a couple hours they asked me to leave. I kindly respected them, but told them that i'd be a regular. The next day I skipped the Academy, bought some chocolates in a heart box and went to the hospital for a visit. Unfortunately she wasn't awake so I just left the chocolates by her table. Day after day I'd go there bringing gifts without her waking up until 9 days have passed. She was finally awake. I instantly gave her the biggest hug and asked her what happened. She told me that she doesn't remember so we talked about other things not injury related. The whole conversation through I wanted to confess my feelings, but I was scared what she'd say or think. When darkness came I was asked to leave and left Torree with a big hug. Every day I visited her and every day she looked better and better. The nurses started to get used to me and the second they saw me they'd instantly lead me to her. Torree randomly asked me how the Academy was. oh shit. I completely forgot about the Academy! The next morning I rushed to the Academy. When our first lesson started Mr. Mord said out loud "Welcome back Magnus, almost thought you were doing a Torree" and laughed slightly. That infuriated me. After the day ended I left a nice note on his desk with his license plate on. He's a secretive man so I knew this would get him. When my little stunt ended I left visit Torree. We spoke for hours, but she seems a bit off and mentioned that she kept seeing faces by the window. I suspected it to just be the medicine so I didn't think to deep about it. After leaving back home I was debating if I wanted to confess my love for Torree. I decided that it was finally time to tell her. The next morning I was super excited to finally tell her. I drove to the hospital and when I got to the reception desk. They just stared at me in despair. I asked them what happened and after a couple seconds they just said "Sorry for your loss." I broke. I instantly started balling my eyes out. the nurse comforted me. holding like a mother holds her child. After 4 hours I could contain myself long enough to get out of the hospital. In the car I instantly broke down again. I cried the whole day long. The next morning, not knowing any other escape, I went to the Academy. before our first lesson started he asked me "Where is Torree Today?" He did it. Son of a bitch!