
Murder Academy

Follow Magnus as she uncovers the dark secret of the Academy she's attending.

ElwynnPrins · Adolescente
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2 Chs

A Fresh Start

"Hey Magnus, Can you pass me that box over there?" Torree asked me as I was unpacking the truck. I handed her the box and continued unpacking. This might start sounding a little confusing so let me first give you a little background. My name is Magnus Hefter and my Bad-Ass Bestfriend is Torree Galligher. Me and Torree both want to be forensics scientists when were older so we are going to a Academy for our studies called Matar Academy. I come from a semi-rich paranoid family so they opted to buy a house for us to stay in while we do our studies. And now we're here. When we finished getting all the boxes in the house we started decorating our rooms. When night came we went straight to bed without eating anything. After waking up I remembered Torree was a heavy sleeper so I had to wake her up so we wouldn't be late. We got ready and drive to Matar Academy for our first day. When we arrived I realized there were a lot more people than I expected, at least 260. Which is strange seeing it's only for Forensics Science. First lesson of the day was attendance. This is where we got introduced to all of our Teachers. There was Mr. Mord, Quite an attractive early 20s fellow. Torree is probably going to seduce him. Then there is Mr. Caedes. Older not so attractive guy. Seems to be a bit sour. Our female teachers are Ms. Occisor. Terrible lady. And then there is Ms. Asesina. She's quite alright. The principal is called Mr. Mostro. They didn't let us see him though, which is quite ominous. After that the only other interesting thing for the day was the dummy they used as a demonstration looking terrifyingly realistic. After we finished all our lessons I found Torree with some dude who needed a ride home, little did I know he meant our home. That night was a tough rest. The next day was more of the same stuff which was not the most interesting thing. At least I made friends with some more people. They're names are Jensen Gorski and Shelly Monstro, which sounds a lot like the principals surname, but when I mentioned it the just overlooked it. A week later me and Torree are hanging out in the park talking about the past like the time all the kids called me Magma because nobody wanted to be close to me and Torree was the only that said the only reason why i'm Magma is because i'm so damn hot. Or the time she saved a Puppy from almost getting hit by a truck narrowly escaping with her own life. We spotted Mr. Caedes and Ms. Occisor talking at the park meaning the teachers are all probably good friends. Another 3 Weeks go by l and it's just more uninteresting stuff, but I did hear Mr. Mord mention something about "Trials" a week ago. The next day we finally find out what the trials where about. We are going to be doing various challenges to show how Logical we are and how well we Persevere. I personally think it's a good Idea, but Torree doesn't seem so fond of it. Our first Trial was a obstacle course which didn't make any sense to me or Torree. It was pretty easy. The classic jump through this whole then crawl through that tight space and climb up that rope just to have to pick between a pole, slide or jumps to get back down. Me and Torree both finished around the 67th spot. Suprisingly Shelly was the first to finish. Last place was a very unfit guy named Ellis Pens. These trials are way better then sitting there looking at a fine ass teacher demonstrating what to do on the job. This is actually physical. Our next trial was an Escape Room. We were all put into groups then thrown into a classroom which was locked from the outside. The only information they gave us was to get out by any means necessary. Listening to that info I wanted to test the teachers limits so I took a chair and broke a window with it being the first to escape. The teachers looked un-phased and the window was even fixed the next day. The trials we had for that day was a Hunt where we had to find specific pieces of evidence. The other trial was called "Logical Decisions" where we were put into groups and had to answer a bunch of questions, then we had to pick 3 people to eliminate based on their answers. These trials carried on for weeks and weeks. Then came our Final Exam of the semester covering everything we did. We got 7 days to prepare for it then we had to write. After our exams I felt pretty confident about my results. The opposite could be said about Torree. While on holiday Torree cooked all our meals and we redecorated a bit. After getting back to Matar Academy I realised there we suddenly less people. Something like 173 is my guess, Including Ellis Pens. after the next few months more and more students started disappearing. It was starting to worry me. I was curious and wanted to get to the bottom of this. I asked Torree if she wanted to help me and I could see she wanted to say no, but still agreed just to make me happy. Our plan was to plant a listening device near the Principals door to hear what they were talking about. Probably not the best plan, but still a plan. We bought the small listening device and put it in a chocolate wrapper to make it look less suspicious. Torree was tasked to walk past the Office and drop it in the trashcan. 3 Days later she finally had the chance, but Mr. Mord was there so she played it off as well as possible. She threw her paper away and then was stopped by Mr. Mord. While staring directly through her eyes he asked her how she was doing and nervously she said she was doing good. He confronted her about the nervous behavior, but she played it off well enough to avoid any more questions. When we finished all our lessons we instantly checked the for any recordings, but it said the device was "Corrupted." Mission Fail. After a week we forgot about our plan completely and just kept living life normally ignoring all the disappearances. By the time we wrote our Year Final there was only 153 students left. Torree would Seduce Mr. Mord to get him to say what has been happening, if he even knew. Our 2nd year of 4 started and we shot off our plan right away. Torree instantly started dropping hints and it seemed like it was working. After 2 weeks of seducing Mr. Mord invited her over. While she was there he said nothing insignificant. That is until bed squeaking started. Listening to this made my heart hurt, that's when I realized that I have feelings for Torree. Of course! She is literally the perfect girl. After they finished he said something about not wanting to do it to her. Do What?!  It didn't matter to me. All I could think about was me and Torree solving crimes together. When she came back I had to act like I still cared so we made speculations, like maybe he doesn't want to leave her, but Torree wanted to know for sure. Our new plan was to try and plant a listening device in his house. Before she got invited again I wanted to sabotage their relationship so after our lesson with him I said that I knew he was sleeping with Torree and he better stop. He shrugged it off and told me to get out of his class. When I got home I starting thinking of a way to tell her about my feelings, but nothing came to mind. When she arrived she told me that she got invited again. Shocker. Obviously she successfully planted the device and when the squeaking started I almost stabbed myself in then ears. After their hookup ended he said nothing interesting. Until 2 days later. We heard him talking to another female and then the bed squeaking started. It wasn't just Torree. I was quite relieved, but she got so infuriated that she instantly drove to him without letting me try and change her mind. After I heard her burst through the door the listening device mysteriously stopped working. Even worse, she didn't come back home

Starts off dull, but stay with it

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