
vanquishing voldy

after thinking of that I start to dress up

cant have me looking bad for my first villain vanquishing and official introduction to this world now can I?

15 min later

dracule can be seen looking into the mirror narcissisticly hes wearing a black suit with a black dress shirt with the first 2 buttons open the compliment his white hair and red eyes perfectly along with that he also wears two white gloves on his hands

dracule :aaaaah how am I so good looking


dracule who had forgotten about ai immediately blushes and acts like nothing has happened

dracule:ehm Ai I'll be leaving to deal with some business so please take care of the shop

and immediately without waiting for a response he teleports out

At godrics Hallow

you can see the once homely cottage that was filled with happy laughter in shatters with fires raging here and there and the only laughter to be found the cackling of a mad man


I was begging the madman the absolute bastard who had killed my husband to kill me instead of my baby to just let him live when it seems like hes finally had enough and turns towards me chanting those godforsaken horrid horrid words

avada kadevra

just as a green light shoots at me and I close my eyes to accept my wretched fate..I'm surprised becouse I'm not dead yet instead of hearing the sound of my body hitting the ground I hear Voldemorts sharp intake of breath instead. I open my eyes to see that same green ball of death..not heading towards me but instead held in a white gloved hand instead!! how is this possible!! I look to the owner of said hand and see a handsome white haired youth with red eyes like those of Voldemort..no not like those of the fiend who's eyes are sharp and filled with malice his eyes are bright warm and filled with majesty and power while he looks at Voldemort as if a God looking at a mortal

he then looks around to see the dead body of my husband and grimaces but then right after that his eyes firm and begin to show anger.

he snaps his fingers and brings....HE BRINGS MY HUSBAND MY JAMES BACK TO LIFE!!!

I don't care who he is God or not all I know is that from today onwards house Potter owes him a debt that can never be repayed.

dracules pov

I look at lily potter who ran to James the moment I resurrected him and now they are both currently hugging and staring at me and Voldemort looking stunned.cant blame them really.

but just the fact I had to revive James pisses me off what was i doing when I knew a family was about to be attacked getting fkn dressed and admiring myself in the mirror but it taught me a important lesson I cant take the lives of those around me for granted they may have been just characters before but now they are living and breathing people before I can think further Voldemort interrupts me looking wary but angry nonetheless

Voldemort:whooo arssss you do you know the consssequamces

I dont let him finish and obliterate him and his Horcruxes from existence by snapping my fingers

then I look toward the potters who are looking at me with deep greatfullness but also deep fear which again honestly makes sense

dracule:theres no need to worry mr and ms potter my name is dracule D dohvakin i am but a humble cafe owner and I mean you no harm I just came today to prevent a tragedy from happening and do get rid of a great evil.

the potters look a bit confused over the cafe owner part but less fearful now

James:lord dohavkin I dont no how you did it but you brought be back to life,I was dead and you brought (he chokes up a bit theres) you brought me back to my family so I dont care who or what you are if theres anything you need please just ask house Potter is at your command

i just smile at the man and hand him the card I'd created while he was talking it was a simple Matt black card with dohvakins denn engraved on it in white

dracule:well i wouldn't mind some patronage you could even be my first customers.

I say and snap my fingers fixing the house and pop away leaving a dumbfounded Potter couple and a smiling baby harry.