
Multiverse with Two Systems

Just a random fanfic novel with two cliché systems and big plot on the way. ------------ All pictures that taken and the disclaimer from the novel's are not from me. I'm just taking them as a reference. ------------ This is my first ever novel writing and my english is my second language so you may see some grammer mistakes in the novel so do let me know. And if your enjoying what your reading, you might as well drop some stones and cheer me up to continue the novel!

HollyRisk · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs

Izanagi Ryuu

In a sunny, warm day that shines upon millions of people where you could find walking happily in the streets, while some are drunk in the sideways and some are laughing with each other.

A peaceful sight that you wish to see every day which showed how people living without any sort of problems.

In a far convenient store, you could find a young boy shopping for today's launch as he ran out of ingredients.

He was picking few vegetables, a chicken breast, a nice pack of rice, alongside with other aromatic ingredients such as cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, cardamon, and cloves. (A/N: Indian style rice if you're wondering)

He was planning to make curry rice for the lunch today.

It was one of his favorite foods that could be easily made with the cheapest items you could find in the grocery store.

After he finished with collecting the ingredients, he made his way to the counter to pay off for the stuff he packed in his basket.

A young woman could be seen behind the counter, with uninterested face, bored with the life she had. She was swiping the food in the counter as fast as she can so she could go home to play her newly paid video game that went out recently in the market.

"How much is it?" the young boy asked the counter lady while he was picking up his wallet from behind his back. He wasn't even looking at the young girl in front of him.

After the young woman finished swiping the food, a number appeared in the cashier machine as she read out loud "it will be…"

The young boy picked the wallet and reached out his bank card to pay "how much?"

He lifted his head only to see the young woman dazed while staring at his face.

"…uh ahem" the young boy coughed a little to bring the young woman back to the reality.

She blushed as she was staring at his face for quite a bit of time "Ah sorry, uh it will be 5,400 Yen" The young woman said while she was still staring at his face with blushy cheeks 'So handsome…'

The young man handed his bank card as the counter lady took it and fully touched his smooth and hard hands from him.

"…" The young boy sighs inwardly at her action as if it was expected to happen.

After she finished with the payment she returned his card back to him "Thank you and come again!" Smiled sweetly at him with rosy cheeks.

The young boy smiled and left as he took the bags which the counter lady helped packing the items for him earlier.

He made his way back to home walking in streets which is 10 minutes away by foot from the convenient store while thinking 'It would be nice if I had a bike…'

It was quite annoying carrying the bags while walking with a lot of people beside him.

You could even find some women sometimes gazes at him from time to time while blushing and some men was casting jealous eyes at him because of his looks which even the idols don't have.

The young boy sighs again while continuing walking back to home.


10 minutes later…

The young boy reached his home which consists of 2 floors with a small backyard. He picked up the keys from his pocket to open the door "I'm home!" The young boy said loudly.

"Oh! Welcome home Ryuu!" The young boy heard a gentle and charming woman's voice from the living room.

He entered and made his way to the kitchen to put his purchased items down on the table.

After he finished he went to the living room to see an adult woman watching a drama show. He smiled at her "Your back from work?"

"Yes, came home just earlier actually" The adult woman said. "I don't want to miss your cooking after all" She looked at him with gentle gaze and smiled.

The young boy came in and sat in the couch beside her and said "haah.. Why don't you cook for just at least once? You won't be able to find a husband for yourself if you keep this lazy nature of yours" The young boy sigh at this lazy lady who could only go to work late and come back home early just to stay with her younger brother longer.

The adult woman pouted "Muu.. Why would I even cook when I already have such an outstanding chef like you who would cook for me every day? That would be a waste of time"

"Besides, I don't think my cooking that amazing compared to yours" The adult woman said.

"Don't say that, some of your cooking is delicious too that I sometimes crave for" The young boy smiled at her.

"Hehe then this big sister will cook dinner for you tonight" The adult woman smiled with rosy cheeks.

"Alright let me go shower and change my clothes pretty quick so we can have lunch" The young boy said and stood up from the couch "We are having curry rice by the way" He said as he went upstairs and made his way to his room.

"Really! Thank you!" Said the young woman and laughed a bit for hearing the chef who's gone to cook her favorite dish today.

In the young boy room which had a big bed that 2 people could sleep in easily. A cabinet with a large mirror, a computer desk, and an empty study desk beside it. It was such a simple room with simple stuff as the young boy liked to be a minimalist. The walls have a colorful painting as the young boy liked to draw as a hobby.

He went to his private bathroom to have a quick shower which he took 5 min just to cleanse his body a bit. After he finishes his shower, he went to the cabinet as he saw his reflection in the mirror.

He was a handsome young boy with a short black hair with obvious purple eyes that could illuminate in the darkness, chiseled with 8 packs muscles and lean hard body that could charm girls easily with how strong his body looked like. Standing in 178 cm tall.

The young man name is Izanagi Ryuu.

As Ryuu opened his cabinet he took out and wore simple clothes which consist white shirt and black jeans and shoes that has a nike logo. After he's done he went to his study desk and picked up his necklace that he always wore ever since he was a child.

The necklace itself was a beauty magnet that any woman would love to have and wear as it was in gold color and chiseled with strange small structure. And at the end of the necklace has a large light blue gem that looked like a drop of a goddess tear that came down from the heavens. This gem itself was what could make people mesmerize and charmed about it. It was quite strange gem that even Ryuu was confused about its origin. He thought of asking about the gem in a near gold store for a moment but then shook his head as it was a dumb move. He might even label as a thief if people saw him asking about some gem which could easily charm people. It could even attract rich people who would annoy him for owning such a gem and ask for a price for it.

Ryuu remembered his mother words as she was the one who gifted him the necklace in his younger days "Ryuu my child listen to me, I want you to keep this necklace with you at all time and never lose its sight. It will help you a lot in the future and help you answer some of your question later on okay?" Ryuu's mother helped Ryuu wear the necklace while having a loving gaze and a gentle smile on her face.

Ryuu was confused about her words at that time as he was still oblivious of her words back then.

He shook his head while equipping the necklace and came down stairs to prepare the lunch for the day.

Creation is super hard, Cheer me up folks!

Got some ideas for the future? hit me up in comments!

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