
Multiverse: The Titan loli!

Ana was a young girl with loli syndrome who fell victim to truck-kun and was reincarnated. Now armed with a mastered system and the desire to acquire the most delicious stuffed bread in the Multiverse, she had traveled through anime, series and movies in search of her dream.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Cómic
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3 Chs

1- truck-kun attacks again.

Hi everyone, this is the author and as you know me well you know that I have a thing for making cute girl stories.

And today's story I promise to try to make it interesting for you but expect a Slice of Life from a loli and with a hint of violence.


(Note: The first world will be Demon Slayer.)

Ana was a 17 year old girl who had peculiar characteristics for someone her age, for starters she had a body appearance that anyone would mistake her for a 10 year old and thanks to her rather low IQ she was often mistaken for a girl. A real child, however make no mistake because deep down there was a powerful will moving the little girl that she was.

"I want stuffed bread." Ana spoke as she raised her hand and put the money counted on the counter for the Uncle from the bread stand who gave a genuine smile to see little Loli looking so fervently at her buns, " Two stuffed buns coming out on the whim!" He screamed and with extreme speed and an effort above his ordinary he made two buns filled with cheese and handed them to Ana who had her eyes shining with stars.

" Thanks Uncle!" Ana thanked her as she bowed her head slightly before shoving one of the buns in her mouth and starting to eat fervently, "Oh these kids these days." The man thought and gave a happy smile when he saw Ana eating her buns so happily that she was even sad when the candle was heading towards the street and a runaway truck heading towards her, "WAIT THERE!" The tent uncle shouted and immediately pointed at Ana.

"TRUCK" He tried to warn her but unfortunately Ana was so focused on eating her cheese stuffed bread that she didn't even notice when the kun-truck hit her and the next thing she knew everything had gone black and cold.

She felt her body pass through a kind of snowy place for a moment before she heard a noise in her head, "(Loli system mastered, download complete! Please open your eyes hostess." Ana was confused by a voice coming from inside your head but you just ignored it and kept your eyes closed trying to get to sleep.

(Please open your hostess eyes.)

The system spoke again but Ana pretended not to hear and tried to move her body to make it more comfortable and allow her to take a good nap enjoying the cold air around, "(Host refusing to cooperate, starting reward system.)" O system realizing that Ana would not get up on her own reproduced the smell of a bread fresh out of the oven and like a hungry animal Ana opened her eyes and started to smell the air looking for the bread but only found a blue screen glowing in front of her along with snow under its feet and several trees around it.

(Welcome host, to start the system say status!)

The voice sounded along with the letters written on the blue panel but Ana ignored it and kept looking around, "Where's the bread?" She questioned the system while looking for her stuffed bun but when she didn't find it she started to get a little sad.

(Warning: the smell of bread was a system reaction to wake her up.)

The system said coldly as if it didn't understand how important stuffed buns were to Ana who started sobbing, "So you don't have any buns?" She said between sobs and before the system could respond she started crying out loud.


The system went into despair when it saw its host crying and activated its state of emergency looking for a solution and in less than a few seconds a freshly baked hot bun came out of the blue screen and fell into the snow awakening Ana's instincts and she immediately grabbed the bread and started to chew it with a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you blue screen!" She thanked the system as she chewed and could hear the system sigh in the background when dealing with this situation, "(Changing default program, adding additional settings)" the system seeing that her original programming would not work with Ana quickly changed her basic protocols .

(Mission: Say Status and get a hot bun

Fault: no hot roll.)

"More rolls?" Ana wondered when she saw the alert issued by the system and after she finished eating her first loaf of bread followed the system command, "Status!" She muttered and the screen shifted as she projected yet another hot roll which Ana happily picked up and started to eat.


(Lolis Dominated System!)

( Status

-Name: Anna

-Age: ?

-Class: None

-Race: Human (Author's note: For now Muhahaha!)

- Skills and spells: None

- Statistics:

(Note: Average human average is 40 and HP is 1500)

HP: 450

Mana: 0

Strength: 22

Constitution: 30

Agility: 16

Dexterity: 24

Intelligence: 8

Willpower: ???

- Inventory: Starter pack of Gacha tickets.

- Gacha:



Bloodlines and Spells.)

(The host has been found to be much weaker than a normal human, activating bonus packs!)

(You have received a Legendary Starter Pack!)

(You have been given an opportunity to change the system to your liking, Do you want to use it?)

Ana looked playfully at the screen which continued to relay the information and waited for the screen to generate more hot buns however when it didn't she was sad again, "I want stuffed buns!" Ana stated as she looked at the blue screen that she was without any reaction for a moment and if one could feel the feelings of a machine they heard the system gasps again.

(Do you want to change the system to give you stuffed buns as a reward?...)

"If that gives me hot stuffed buns then yes!" Ana spoke and again you could hear an electronic sigh and one could hear a system crying in the background and getting ready to deal with a troubled loli from now on.


Para agradecer o autor pelos capitulos digite.

"Glory to the stuffed buns!"