
Multiverse: The Swordmaster

Mario died and was given a chance by God to reincarnate along with a swordsman system.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Cómic
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5 Chs

2- Demon slayer World.

In a certain snow-covered forest a boy's body protruded out of the snow, he had milk-white skin and dark blue hair that was rather flashy and was quite handsome by ordinary standards.

(The system is being installed, please wait ....)



"Ugh!" I felt an intense headache as I opened my eyes and tried to move my body, "What the fuck happened." I thought trying to remember the last events but I only remembered trying to stop the wheel from turning before everything went white.

Forcing my mind to focus I took a look at my body which looked completely different from my original, I was a little shorter than I should have been and my body seemed to be quite underdeveloped.

"Looks like I'm 14 or 15 years old." I muttered and took a look at my clothes, I was wearing some kind of thick Japanese sweatshirt which was protecting me from the cold around me, "By the way where am I?" I thought and took a look around noting that I was in some kind of forest.

The ground was covered in snow and some dry branches from the trees that had trunks as black as night, "Well at least it doesn't seem like a very bad world I've come to." I played with myself before I got up and noticed that the headache was already stopping.

(The system was successfully installed!)

A voice sounded in my head and a blue screen appeared in front of me startling me and causing me to fall backwards straight into the snow, "Who's there?!" I screamed as I grabbed a branch from the ground to defend myself and looked around but kept focusing on the blue screen in front of me.

(Don't be scared host! I am the Swordsman System and I'm here to guide you on your sword journey!)

" Who?" I asked again as I heard the voice in my head and the blue screen teleported in front of me again but this time it didn't totally freak me out, "Are you like a video game system?" I asked while looking at the blue screen.

(You may think so, but I'm much better than any system!)


(What is this lack of reaction, be happy to be with me host!)

"I'm happy don't worry." I said with my face still neutral and decided to try to touch the screen in front of me.


A big moan entered my head making me jump back like a scared cat, "Why did you moan?!!" I almost screamed at the blue screen as I blushed deeply and heard laughter ringing in my head.

(It was host prank, now please say status.)

"You're not going to do anything weird this time, are you?" I asked fearing I would hear another strange noise if I complied with this so-called system's request but I heard only a voice as if it was trying to hold back a laugh.

(I won't do anything weird host, now say status.)

The system spoke once more and I had a little hesitation before saying, "Status".


"Jesus Christ in you I trust!" I screamed at the sound of another loud groan and jumped back trying to hide in the snow but I only heard a chuckle coming from the system, (Don't worry host this was the last hehehe.) The system voice sounded in my head and I cautiously raised my head and looked at the blue screen in front of me.

(Swordsman system!

Name: Mario


Age: 14 years

Body condition: 100%

Current world: Demon slayer

Next trip in 90 days.



Beginner swordsman pack


Contribution points: 0

Store: )

There was an unfathomable amount of items in the shop that made me let out a long sigh, I could buy everything from Sharingan to sword techniques and body strengthening items.

(Like what you see? This is the system store and you can buy things there using contribution points the system gives you as you train sword techniques and get stronger.)

"Ohhh, so those points must be easy to get after all a regular sword is 5000 points." I said hopefully but there was only silence from the system, "It's easy to get, isn't it?" I asked again but the System just changed the subject.

(Changing the subject why don't you open your beginner swordsman pack?)

" Okay then." I replied still suspicious of why the subject change and with that feeling I clicked on the package and opened it, there was an explosion of confetti and sparkles on the blue screen before a big one (JACKPOT) appeared on the screen.

(Congratulations! You received 2 items and 2 skills-

a Nichiri

a potion of healing

Ability (Fast Recovery): You are able to recover from any injury in a short period of time as long as you have nutrients.

Skill (Common Sword Talent): You will find it a little easier than common people to learn swordsmanship.)

"That's....acceptable." I said quietly after a long pause, I couldn't just expect items or great things from the starter pack, the recovery skill itself is something I feel I will use a lot.

(His abilities were added to his body naturally, to pick up an item just think about it.)

The system informed him and I hesitated for a moment before deciding not to withdraw anything for now, first I had to find out where I was as I had been standing in the same place for a while and the sun was already setting.

"Stopping to see I'm in the Demon Slayer world so huh, well it's not too bad but it's clearly not a positive thing." I thought remembering the various demons that roam the night and decided to look for a village or house quickly before dark.

Unfortunately I didn't know the terrain around and before I could see any trace of human civilization the sun had fully set and the cold night wind sent shivers down my spine scaring me deeply.

"I wouldn't be unlucky enough to run into an oni my first night here, would I?"