
Multiverse selection 1 Fairy Tail Karna

This book is supposed to be a part of a series this book is fairy tail world based and will have a few au elements. Karna a 16 year old orphan gets killed by a truck and finds out that it was done by a god who wants him to reincarnate into the fairy tail with his magic decided just by his name. He is now tasked with changing the world's fate that is spiralling towards destruction..

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Cómic
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47 Chs

Chapter 9 normal days

Days in the guild have been going well nowadays . Cornelia's disease was bad but it was cured the cost of which was never having the ability to give birth to another child or use magic again . But they were happy about the fact that she survived that they didn't care about it . Gildarts bought a home in the city for them and even though he still goes on long missions he still makes sure to come back for them .

Cornelia joined fairy tail as a receptionist but she also takes a few classes from Porlyosika in basic medicines . Cana also wanted to join the guild but to officially join you must be 5 years of age and my case was a bit special for that .

Right now i was taking care of a small hunting quest required to hunt rabbits just a basic beginner class quest which involves hunting a few rabbits for a household in the city.

As i saw the rabbit at a fair distance of 50 meters i materialized my bow , it was golden coloured with silver string but had the additional effect of absorbing light therefore has no reflective properties thereby making sure that it is not easily noticed .

After getting a bow i found out that almost all the anime depicting bows were wrong . To use a bow you need really high strength and when we pull back the string , the size of the string remains the same but the bow bends and that's what gives power to the arrow .

As i pulled back the ordinary sharp arrow , i saw the effects of the gloves , it slightly increases stability and that way gives more accuracy and power to the arrows . It was certainly not that useful but for a novice archer like me , it is a great boon.

As i pulled back the arrow , i took a deep breath , i began concentrating while also keeping an eye on the surroundings with my magic sense. This took a lot of practice to use simultaneously with archery and also a lot of mental strain but i feel like i am getting there.

As i took aim i saw the rabbit dip its head down to eat the grass , perfect time when it lets down its guard ,i let out the air i was holding during which i released the arrow ,it went right through its head and disappeared , since i made it with little bit of magic, it won't stay for long after use. It died on the spot without pain just like i intended , i know i am a hypocrite for thinking this while hunting them but i at least make sure my kills are quick .

I drained the rabbit of its blood and took it to the client's house where i received the money for the quest . Even though i received the money, i was supposed to give this to gramps for safekeeping till i am of at least seven years of age . This was the one condition i had to fulfill to do the quests and i was only allowed to do two beginner quest per week .

As i came back to the guild to give the report about my quest Cana came running along

"did you do it " she asked excitedly

"yeah i did , it was not that hard"

"i wish i could go too " she pouted a bit , even though she had good magical amount due to being Gildarts child she still had not found her magic till now .

"cana have you tried card magic " i knew i had to give a nudge

"no, is it cute " she asked , man its good to be a child without that much worries

"well it is if you can use it well "

"hmm, i will ask dad to bring cards next time then , come on lrts go meet gramps "

She took my hand and started dragging me . Bring the only two of the same age led to us being friends fast and even though Laxus was not that interested in meeting her , he at least talked to her a bit without getting angry even once

Man he needs friends , i hope the thunder tribe comes soon.

"so you completed the quest" gramps asked

"yeah , the client was happy too" i said while putting the quest paper on the table .

In a way its been peaceful nowadays i guess, it has not been that many problems that we can't fix and the guild members were on their best behavior due to granny .

Well the guild had its yearly s class wizard quest like usual but this time too no one was able to pass, Macao and Wakaba were depressed about it for a few days .

"so , how's your archery coming along " gramps asked

"well i am improving but i need a lot of training to perfect it "

"well i won't say not to train to get stronger but still you are a child don't forget to enjoy your life as well"

"yeah gramps "

In the mountain regions of Fiore

Damn them all , ivan thought spitefully

He was able to survive Makarov's blow in the last moment because of the magic he released , he still had many injuries which has began to effect his magic

He knew he has been pushed back by several years due to the time it takes for the injury to heal and the disappearing of the fairy tail mark has also reduced his magic by a lot

I will have my revenge he vowed no matter how many years it takes , i will come back and take revenge on all of them and i will make sure to take that power that kid Karna showed by any means necessary

Tenrou island

Hmm its been a few years since i named that child , should i go and see how he is doing , since he technically carries my name , he can be considered like my child right ?

A/N- hope you like it and 100 stones gives Jason extra chapter