
Multiverse of V

"The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, "Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.”"

Diobutstronger · Derivados de juegos
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8 Chs

World of V 2 (Edited)

Vincent paused as he stared at Uryu. His mind raced as he looked for command seals on Uryu's hands. He let go a sigh of relief as he didn't spot any. He then slowly approached Uryu.

"Oi uh, can I call you demon-san? I have a sacrifice prepared for you! If you follow me, you can have all the blood you want! It would be so COOL!" Uryu said giddily as he danced around with a crazed smile.

Vincent reached intimate distance with him, lifted his cane up with his meager strength, and stabbed him through the heart. Vincent guessed the bastard had never expected an outcome like that and was unprepared to the point he couldn't react. Vincent would have felt bad about it, if he hadn't known what a monster the being Uryu Ryuunosuke was. He murdered children for fun and anyone who did that should be punished accordingly.

Uryu's blood splattered across the floor, mixing with blood that already soaked the floor. Vincent removed the cane from Uryu's body, and let it fall to the floor. As Uryu fell down he chuckled "This is so COOl!"

Then Uryu's eyes closed, seeing no more. Vincent returned his cane to his side to use as support for walking. He Looked around the blood stained room and sighed.

"A murderer? Quoth the raven, nevermore."

Vincent decided to look for the nearest bathroom. He walked into the hallway and just outside the door, there was a young child with brown hair, tied up with a gag over his mouth. He was dressed in a blue coat and had a pair of grey jeans on. Vincent kneeled down near him and started to untie the rag around his mouth. Vincent made sure to smile to convey his harmlessness to the child. After the rag was untied, the tears started to trail out of the kids eyes. The kid started wailing and Vincent in a panic untied the rope binding the kids hands and feet and gave him a hug.

Vincent hated seeing children cry. However, what Vincent hated even more than that was assholes like Uryu Ryuunosuke who killed and tortured them to get off. He wants to make people like Uryu pay. He patted the kids head for a while, letting the kid slowly fall asleep in his arms.

He slowly set the kid down on the floor, before hoisting himself up quickly with his cane. Vincent wobbled to the door which he assumed was the entrance to the bathroom. He promptly went to the mirror to get a look at himself.

In the mirror, staring back at him was a tall slender man with black hair and green eyes. he wore a long, open sleeveless leather coat with the sides tied together by strings, inside pockets, and a sewn-in, corset-like vest in the front. He also wore black pants with a silver chain made up of skulls on the right side of his belt and a fingerless glove on his right hand. He wore a spiked silver bracelet on his left hand as well. He was heavily tattooed all across his body, the tatoos forming small crescent arcs,

The most astounding thing was not that he knew it was not his body, but that h recognized himself in the mirror. The human half of Vergil from the devil may cry series, the mysterious one, V.

Not only was he in a world of magic, he was transported there in the body of an almost-cripple! The most worrying thing was the fact he might be a servant. The thought made him uncomfortable, so he decided to shelf it for now. He took his cane off of the bathroom counter and headed back into the hallway.

He decided to get the hell out of the home as he didn't want to deal with the bloodstained mess of the room and sure as hell didn't want to deal with any police either.

He walked over to the kid on the floor hoisted him over his left shoulder and made his way out of the front door of the home. He made a mental note to get out of fuyuki as fast as possible, due to the shit show of a war that was about to take place. Of course he wouldn't want to deal with a sadistic priest, a man who kills magus for the hell of it, two extremely powerful magus, and a prodigy named waver velvet. Not to mention their bullshit servants.

He walked through the streets of fuyuki not minding the concerned stares he got from passersby. Vincent had hoped the child he was carrying on his shoulder didn't attract much attention, but fate decided to shove his hope up his ass.

Which resulted in him getting lost and looking for a place to rest for the night. After a while, Vincent found the perfect place to hide. An abandoned warehouse in the middle of a city. No one would ever think to check in the warehouse right? Vincent throwing the clique aside walked up to the glass window of the warehouse and broke it using his cane.

He climbed through the broken window into the warehouse and observed the inside. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary he looked for a comfortable spot to set the child down, and found a clump of blankets in the corner of the warehouse. He set the brown haired child down and decided to stand guard until the child woke up.

........Time skip, sometime between 221 hours, 36 min., 1 second and 174, halfhour, Vincent/V. ......

Vincent had been waiting for a while for the child to wake up, before the child finally started stirring from his slumber. Vincent walked towards where the child was sleeping and waited for the child to wake up. As the child started stretching, Vincent noticed something weird on the back of the child's right hand.

As clear as day, vincent could see the red markings on the back of the child's hand. Vincent started chuckling, before coming to a realization. The child was about to ask Vincent a question, before Vincent cut him off with a perplexed sigh.

"Are you my master?" with just those words, a chain of events started that would send the world spiraling.


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