
Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas (Old)

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you guys on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. Is that weird? Anyway, welcome to my story where you will see me do a lot of crazy things. I was just a normal person losing my mind in total darkness. See, such a normal thing to do on your holidays... Also, did I mention that when you die you lose your mind in the void and then dissolve into nothingness? Looks like our fate isn't just flowers and unicorns. A being came and transmigrated me to do what I want in different worlds. Basically, mess up the canon in these different parallel earths which contain fictional stories. Easy, right? Oh, how wrong was I..... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker and The Boxer 3. ??????? 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 7 Ch/Week 3. No romance in the first world. Maybe later. 4. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction : Multiverse of Sword and Magic

East_Wind_Took_Me · Cómic
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63 Chs


'___': Thoughts

"___": Speaking

[1193 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

After Felix explained the idea he had thought of, all of them were in silence due to the absurdity of this plan.

Gerard broke the quietude as he voiced his concerns, "Isn't that risky? I mean what if he betrays us? Won't our whole scheme be destroyed?"

The rest of them also nodded to show their agreement with Gerard's opinion.

Gray said in an anxious tone, "Felix, this is a really huge gamble. He has a very chaotic and unpredictable behaviour."

Felix calmed down all of their worries in a nonchalant tone, "Don't worry. I will handle it. I will visit him tomorrow. You guys should also at least train 1-2 hours a day if you want to win against The Union."

"Yeah, We will try to make ourselves stronger."

"Anyway, bye all of you. Let's meet after I come from visiting him tomorrow."

"Bye Felix!"


At Ganghak High School,

Felix stepped out of the taxi and paid the fares to the driver.

Felix had a mask, a sports cap and sunglasses on his face to prevent anyone from recognising him. In case, a person is spying on Wolf Keum under the orders of Donald Na.

Felix entered the school stealthily and searched for a covert way to reach the roof without running into the goons of Wolf Keum. He had already got the information about Wolf hanging on the roof in his free time.

When Felix was looking around the school, he found a pipe that went straight to the roof. It was a perfect course to reach the destination.

Felix stretched his muscles before grabbing the pipe. He used his leg muscles as well as his arm muscles to propel himself upward and started climbing.

Thankfully, no one was able to spot it because a stranger wearing an obvious sketchy get up climbing a pipe in a school will be extremely dubious and suspicious.

As soon as Felix had scaled the pipe, he peeked from above the wall.

He could see Wolf Keum smoking and talking to the orange-haired guy, Hwangmo. Also, the door was locked from Wolf's side. It was a perfect situation.

Felix jumped up and landed on the roof smoothly. This did not go unnoticed by Wolf Keum and Hwangmo.

Hwangmo dangerously said in a low voice, "Who the fu** are you?".

Wolf didn't say anything but just looked at Felix playing his 3-second game. Felix in a mood to have some fun also looked at Wolf's eyes.

As soon as 1 second of locking their eyes had passed, Felix darted towards Wolf and socked him in the face.

As Wolf was thrown against the railing, Felix cracked his knuckles and humorously said, "Wolfy boy, are you still playing your stupid game? Didn't I warn you before?"

Recognising that voice, Wolf, as well as Hwangmo, exclaimed, "You-"

Before they could say anything, Felix took off his lousy disguise and beamed at them with a sunny smile. Though, that might have been the smile of the devil itself for them.

Both of them had their hands on the back and stood in a line while looking downwards.

Felix sauntered toward them as he said, "It's been such a long time since I have visited you guys, right? We had an awesome time when we met for the first time. Oh, I am feeling so nostalgic..."

"The times when I used to crack your fingers... smash your head against the wall.... twisting your arms... And the good old punching you in the face."

Both of them flinched at every word Felix uttered.

Though there was no response from them. They felt like they were walking on pins and needles and a slight misstep might ensue something terrible for them.

"C'mon, You guys don't need to be so uptight and scared. It's not like I will eat you. You know what, Wolfy, sit with me and I will tell you why am I here. The Orange haired guy can be on the lookout to prevent anyone from coming."

Hwangmo looked at Wolf silently asking for permission. Wolf nodded his head without a second of delay and Hwangmo followed the orders.

As we sat down, there was a really long silence where Wolf was looking at the ground and Felix looking at Wolf.

"Wolfy, I am sure that you must have many questions about why I am visiting you. Be assured that nothing will happen to you if you accept my offer readily."

Wolf gulped and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't I tell you that I am here to offer you a deal, dumbass? What's with that stupid question?"

"Uh...what is the deal you wanna offer?"

"Wolfy, that is not the right question to ask. The question you need to ask is why am I offering a deal to you....."

Felix grabbed Wolf's shoulders and whispered to him, "Wolf, aren't you tired of Donald Na now? I have seen how he treats you....like a dirty mutt. He plays you with his sneaky tricks. Wasn't Jared Sun like Donald too? Making a fool and manipulating you. And see where it landed you... In a hospital for 1.5 months. What is the guarantee that because of Donald Na, you won't end in a worse place?"

Wolf voiced his concerns then, "But I don't think that anyone can beat Donald Na... Who will be able to take him down?"

"You are seeing the person in front of you. Don't you want to go back to the days when you had your full freedom and you could fight to your full? Do you really want to be restrained by The Union's stupid rules?"

Wolf almost entranced by Felix's words shook his head.

"See, it's simple. You just have to be my spy in The Union for a month. And you have to report only once a week."

Wolf got out of the stupor and said with a perplexed expression, "What? How will I do that?"

"Message me, idiot. Just message me when the Union becomes active against Cheonggang."

"What the heck is Cheonggang?"

"I am not gonna explain everything to you. But it is an organization in our neighbouring area and there is a chance for it to have a big fight with The Union soon. You have to report me the moment Donald calls the big three in to fight them. Also, make sure no one else except you and that orange head knows about this deal. Donald might have planted some spies in your group. Just act normally and message me every week."

Wolf overwhelmed by the sudden overload of information just nodded his head.

"See, so easy. Save this number."

As Wolf saved the given number, Felix wore back his disguise and as soon as he started to go down the pipe, Wolf asked, "What if you don't allow me to go back to my past days? What is the assurance that you won't betray me?"

Felix stopped for a second and then smiled at Wolf, "The point is Wolfy, you don't.....Just make sure to choose the right side."

Saying that ominous sentence, Felix descended leaving Wolf with a chill running down his back.


(End of the Chapter)

Did you expect this or not? Say the truth!

Another Fun Fact - Wolf's birthday is on April 13 which might be today and tomorrow for some.

Also, vote!!! Drop some power stones! This is the first time this story has entered the top 200!

If you liked the story, then add it to your library and write some reviews. Bye!