
Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures

Zephyr Potter, the soon dying and magically crippled brother of the girl who lived, decided to free his sister with the help of a mysterious otherworldly entity claiming to be a god. The catch? He had to save the multiverse. A good deal in his book, with the safety of his sister at stake. But soon Zephyr will learn that things rarely go like they are supposed to. --- First world: Harry Potter

SubtleDivinity · Cómic
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10 Chs

Gaining valuable assets.

It was time to leave this place. Thankfully, the Dursleys were not at home today, and Camellia was outside, so nobody would wonder where he vanished to. Zephyr closed the book and stood up, turning around to ask Enuma how to get out of this place. But he was not in the room anymore. Furrowing his brows, he looked around in the empty room for clues about the whereabouts of him. It took a bit because of the bad lightning, but he found a door on one of the walls, which he didn't notice until now. Realising that going through the door was his only option, he quickly made his way towards it, bracing himself for anything weird or dangerous. He stopped briefly, as he grabbed the door handle to gather himself, and then opened it. Immediately, he had to cover his eyes as he was assaulted by bright light and hot, dry air. It took a while for his eyes to adjust, but soon he was looking at a vast desert with no end in sight. He saw Enuma standing a bit away from the door, gazing into the distance. Zephyr made his way towards him, while looking around curiously. There was nothing there besides dunes.

"What is this place?" Zephyr asked. "Don't tell me the door was a gate to the Sahara."

"This place is the inner manifestation of you." Enuma said.

"So why is it so empty… and sandy?"

"That is a question you should ask yourself." Enuma shrugged. "But don't expect an answer. Funnily enough, for most people, the person they know the least, are they themselves. Chasing after things they were made to believe they should and not the things they truly need. Many of them meet their end without ever realising their folly, because the alternative is an arduous and painful path few want to tread."

"You are preaching to the choir here." Zephyr scoffed. "I've long since stopped dreaming about unnecessary things. While dreams are nice and all, that's all they are. One should always wake up before it's too late."

"What a pessimistic view on things. You know that for many, their dreams are the reason they can keep going every day?"

"It's a realistic view. One should always focus on the things they can do instead of daydreaming about heights they will never reach. Life is short, so you should quickly find what's important to you and devote yourself to it."

"Oh, and what's important to you?"

"Family." Zephyr said resolutely. "Or more specifically, my sister. Meeting you gave me the tools I need to reach my goal. I will destroy Voldemort, and the enemies you told me about, all for my sister's safety."

Yes, he did not really care about saving the multiverse and the lives in it. The only reason he agreed to become a hero was the impending death of his sister if he would not go on a journey with Enuma. Though what he truly planned was to convince the man in the coming year to go with his sister. He knew that the chances of him performing the Heaven's Feel anytime soon were near zero. It was just another dream and Zephyr was done with dreams. He was a dead man walking. His sister made for a better hero, anyway.

"How admirable, doing everything for your family. I look forward to you achieving your goal." Enuma praised him with a chuckle.

Zephyr was not flattered, though. He knew false praise when he saw it. He got the distinct feeling that Enuma was looking down on him.

He ignored it and asked. "How do I get out of here?"

"The place is now fully connected to you. Just will it to let you out."

Zephyr nodded and just did that. A pink magic circle, with an eight-pointed star in it, appeared. Soon it grew until a grown man could fit in it.

He looked at Enuma. "That's your magic circle. Just walk through it."

With a shake of his head, he went through it. Now he found himself again in their small bedroom at Privet Drive. Nobody was here besides him. He went to the windows and peaked outside. Seeing nothing unusual, he closed the blinds. Just because he saw nothing didn't mean there wasn't anything there. Briefly thinking about his next steps, he cleared his throat.


He heard a — pop! — and then came face to face with tennis ball-sized green eyes. "Zephyr Potter Sir! You have called upon Dobby?" Dobby said, looking like he was told Christmas would come early this year.

"… I did. I'm in need of your help, Dobby." Zephyr said reluctantly. He always disliked house-elves. Resenting the Dursleys treatment towards him for years, he was dumbfounded when he found out that there was an entire race that enjoyed it to the fullest. Willing slaves, a disgusting concept in Zephyr's mind. Well, at least Dobby seemed to be different. Though he was also batshit crazy…

"Dobby would be most pleased to be in use to you, sir!" Dobby nodded in agreement excitedly, his long and thin nose bobbing up and down.

"Good, I have a question… Why did the ministry only pick up you hover charm and not you apparating in here?"

"That's because the apparition Dobby uses is different. It can only be used by house-elves and reach places that humans cannot. The ministry can only detect magic they know, this is why Dobby used a hover charm!"

"I see… so you can reach places humans cannot? Does that mean it works in Hogwarts as well?"

"Yes, Sir! Normally, wards by wizards are not designed to keep creatures out."

"But that's absurd! Why does no one use house-elves to break into places then?" Zephyr asked, flabbergasted.

Dobby's ears dropped, and he said in a low tone. "Because, Sir, wizards don't think about house-elves much outside of servicing them at home." It seemed like Dobby was still uncomfortable talking about wizards badly. Old habits died hard.

"Hah… Why am I not surprised?" Zephyr could only shake his head at the wizarding world's stupidity and arrogance. But he soon refocused on the things Dobby said.

"Can you tell me how it works?" Being able to Apparate wherever he wanted without detection… That ability sounded mighty useful.

"Dobby doesn't know, he can just do it. The only thing Dobby can tell is that it only works when you do it to serve someone else." And with that, he lost all interest. An ability tailor-made for a servant. Disgusting.

"Well, whatever, thank you for clearing it up." He said, quickly getting over his disappointment. "Say Dobby… wasn't there another free elf at Hogwarts? The one Crouch kicked out. What was her name again?"

"Winky Sir, and yes, she also works at Hogwarts." Dobby said. "But freedom has not been treating Winky well, Sir. Winky is constantly sad, and she got addicted badly to butter beer… She misses her old family dearly."

Addicted to butter beer? He wanted to laugh, but he contained himself. "And is that Winky open to serve someone else?"

"Absolutely Sir. Winky would have done it way sooner, but nobody, besides Dumbledore, wanted her after the scandal." Dobby said.

"Perfect. Can you bring her here?"

"Yes Sir, she should be just about to wake up from a rough night. Sadly Dobby has not the come and go room to treat her anymore." Dobby remarked before he went out with a snap.

It didn't take long for him to return alongside another creature with a tomato-like nose and bat-like ears. It wore a blouse that may once have been pretty but now stained and burned. It came to a halt, a bit unsteady in his room.

"You asked for Winky, Sir?"

"I want you to serve me, Winky. Is that okay with you?"

Winky looked at him wide-eyed, clarity returning in her gaze. But soon it was replaced by fat tears pouring out of it. "Waa, Sir you should ask for a different elf! Winky disappointed her old master and was gifted clothes. She is the reason her family died! All the other elves think Winky is a disgrace, and for good reason." She wailed.

Zephyr bit back his annoyance and shot her a disarming smile he did not mean. "Then why don't you make up for your mistakes? I will give you the chance, but you have to lay off the butter beer!"

She threw herself at his legs after being stunned for a moment. "Winky promises, Master. Winky will be a good house-elf! Thank you. Thank you!" And with that, she completely broke down. Zephyr could only pat her head awkwardly and smile wryly. What a psychotic little gremlin. Well, no matter, he just gained a valuable asset.

After a while, Winky calmed down. Realising her behaviour, she panicked and quickly apologised. She even asked him if she should punish herself, but Zephyr waved her off. He wanted to move on and get on with his plans.

"You can go now Dobby, I will gift you some high-quality socks this Christmas."

Dobby bowed down deeply. "You are too generous, Sir, as expected of the brother of the great Camellia Potter! Dobby will always be happy to help. Don't be afraid to ask." With that, he snapped himself out, leaving him and Winky alone in the room.

"Master, will Winky be paid?" She asked, looking disgusted at the prospect.

"Of course not!" He scoffed. Paying a slave? He would never! His mother would beat him senseless if she saw that. This was the reason he asked for Winky in the first place.

Winky smiled brightly at that, but soon her eyes landed on his bed. "Master, can I have that pillowcase? I will replace it."

"Eh… don't be shy." He said, confused. But he quickly got his answer when the pillowcase replaces her blouse with a snap. Winky sighed contently.

"Winky is feeling better now, Master."

He shook his head. "I'm glad, now can you apparate me to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor in Hogwarts?"

Winky didn't even question his request and quickly snapped them out of the room.

- - -

"Well, that was bloody uncomfortable." Zephyr wheezed out, hands on his knees. "Is apparating the wizard's way just as bad?"

Winky nodded, looking guilty. "It is, but our way is worse. Winky is sorry, master."

"Not your fault." He said as he stood straight, having calmed down. "Thankfully Myrtle is not here." He was glad, he didn't want to deal with the creepy ghost heavily flirting with him and offering a place in her toilet if he ever died. He is definitely NOT going to spend his afterlife in a toilet!

"Let's get this over with." He sighed, looking sick. Nevertheless, he stepped to the sinks and quickly found the tiny snake mark scratched on of the taps. He let out some hissing noises that were forever engraved in his body from his first year. He couldn't understand it, but it didn't matter since it worked. The sink receded and revealed a big pipe. He slid and landed on familiar animal bones. Normally he would be disgusted, but Winky was here this time, so his clothes were swiftly cleaned. They walked down the underground passage until they came to a halt in front of the enormous pile of rubber that was blocking further entry. Zephyr frowned. He forgot about this, now what to do?


He got his answer when Winky fucking blew through it as easy as tripping a blind person.

He looked down at her blankly for a moment, but then decided to just roll with it. "Good job…"

"Thank you, master!"

They kept walking until they came across the shed skin of the Basilisk. Surprisingly, it was still well preserved. "Winky, can you cut off some of the skin?" Winky nodded. "Good, I will return shortly." He summoned his pink magic circle and opened a portal to his inner world. He found himself in the dimly lit room again, and he quickly walked to the table and took the urn in his hands. Enuma was nowhere to be found. Not wasting anytime he left the room and reappeared in the underground passage where Winky was floating some Basilisk skin in the air. Not knowing exactly what to do, he opened the urn under the skin and willed it to go inside. It worked. Like a vacuum cleaner, it sucked the skin inside. Zephyr closed the lid, and the urn glowed green for a moment, and then it stopped.

"Well, that was easier than I thought. Let's go Winky." After that, they made their way to the second entrance, and he hissed again. They entered and found themselves inside a temple-like room with pillars and carved serpents. The ugly stone face of Salazar Slytherin was glaring down on them, judgingly. The carcass of the Basilisk was still there, but there was a problem.

"Ugh, gross!" The corpse was rotten, with barely any flesh left. There was only dead skin and bones. And the room was reeking to the heavens. Though he soon got relief when Winky did something and the stench was replaced with a minty smell. Honestly, he needs to congratulate himself later. Acquiring Winky was a genius move.

"Open up the maw Winky." He held the urn under one of the fangs and mentally willed the poison to go into it. The urn glowed green again after that. Then he moved to the tongue. He was lucky. There was barely anything left, just a bit of rotten flesh. If he came just a little later, there would have nothing been there anymore. Luckily, the book did not speak of quantity or quality, so he fed the urn another ingredient.

"Finally done here." He said. He looked around and thought about something. He let out another hiss and waited a bit as the sound echoed through the room. Nothing. Well, it was worth a try.

"Winky, can you tell me if Fawkes spends anytime in Hogwarts during holiday?"

"Yes master, he likes to stay in the highest turret of Hogwarts, though lately he is out a lot."

"Hm, interesting. Take me there. Let's hope he is here." Zephyr said, bracing himself for another uncomfortable journey.

- - -

Luckily for Zephyr, Fawkes was there sitting on the edge of the the turret while observing the Hogwarts grounds with an inscrutable gaze.

"Hey Fawkes!" He greeted the majestic bird and got a beautiful trill as an answer.

"I know this sounds weird, but can you shoot some of your fire in this urn?" He asked, holding the urn out to him.

But Fawkes did nothing but stare at him deeply. It started to freak him out.

"Hey sorry if I offended you, but I really need your fire." Suddenly the bird sang a song. It was beautiful and, at the same time, haunting. Zephyr felt what Fawkes was trying to convey through it. He gave him his sympathy for the fate that befell him, but at the same time, he was encouraging him to keep fighting.

"… Wow, thank you, Fawkes, that was sweet of you." Zephyr said, not realising that a few tears slipped out of his eyes, still reeling from the song. Fawkes trilled at him and then flew down to him. He stayed afloat in front of him and… shook his butt?

"Okay, now you are going too far."

Fawkes trilled at him in anger.

"Oh, you want me to grab your tail-feather? Why didn't you say so from the beginning?" Fawkes didn't deign him with an answer. Zephyr chuckled and held on to the feather. It felt toasty. Though soon his chuckle turned into a soundless scream as he was suddenly standing above clouds. Fawkes bloody teleported him to a narrow and incredibly high mountain peak. He was just ready to curse up a storm, when attention was taken by a birds-nest in front of his feet. On top of it laid what looked like an ostrich egg. For some reason, he was getting hungry. Fawkes, as if he could read his mind, whacked his head with one of his wings.


But their impending bickering was interrupted by a cracking sound. The egg was hatching. Zephyr crouched down in front of the egg as the cracks on it were getting bigger. He could feel heat clashing against his face.

"Don't tell me…" His suspicion was confirmed as the eggshell burst into ashes. From the pile of ash, a tiny head peaked out. It was ugly as fuck, but ugly in a cute way, so it was fine.

"You can't be serious Fawkes…" But Fawkes only trilled encouragingly.

When phoenixes lay an egg, the father will take care of it until it hatches and reach adulthood, which would take about a week. Ironically, a life of a phoenix was short, one of the shortest out there, three months on average to be precise. But thanks to their insane regenerative abilities, they were the most long-lived animal on the planet. In fact, to this day, it was never proven if they die at all. After the newborn reached adulthood, the father goes on its own way, making the newborn develop the lonely and detached nature the phoenixes were famous for. This was the reason they got the XXXX classification despite being one of the most harmless creatures out there. They were almost impossible to domesticate. But anyone who did it was rewarded with incredible abilities and deep loyalty. In fact, they were so loyal that they would only aid anyone their master trusted and treasured, and if their master died, they would move on and never listen to anyone else in their life. And now Fawkes wanted to entrust what looked like his child to him. Offering him a great opportunity, since the chick was still impressionable. Fawkes doing this also meant that Dumbledore held him in a higher regard than he thought…

Speechless for the moment, he collected some of the fire that was still burning around the baby phoenix inside his urn. The urn glowed red this time. Then he picked up the chick and place it on his palm after he gently shook the ash off it. It looked at him in the eye and let out some gagging noises that sounded like a dying cat. Zephyr chuckled and scratched its tiny head with his finger, marvelling at the magical moment that only a few ever experienced.

"I will have Winky prepare some mashed fruits. I bet you are hungry."

The only thing he got was excited gagging noises.

- - -

Zephyr was currently tending the garden at Privet Drive, while mulling over a dilemma he encountered while looking at the spells from the transfiguration branch in his book. Transfiguration, conjuration, and animation, all useful spells. Spells he wanted. But there was a problem, the key ingredient. There were three alternative items he could use, the first two being from Hidebehinds and Chameleon Ghouls. Both are extremely hard to get in Britain. And he didn't want to waste that much time and effort on finding them, nor did he want to hunt them himself in the wilderness. The third item was more accessible for him, but it was not any easier to attain.

Hair-strands of a Metamorphmagus.

Coincidentally, he knew one. They were even friends. But getting a piece of hair from the Auror was almost impossible. Living in a world where polyjuice potion, and merlin knows what other spells, existed. People were reluctant to part with pieces of their bodies. So he couldn't ask her either. There were even grooming spells that prevented things from being left behind until someone actively tries to remove them…

"Sssir, I brought newsss." Zephyr's thought process was halted by a hissing voice. Laying inside the grass, barely visible, was a small green snake. "The ssshapessshifting woman you asssked for isss indeed here, ssshe is obssserving you not far from here."

"Thank you greenie." He thanked the small snake he summoned in parseltounge. It felt weird to suddenly talk in snake language, but he wasn't complaining. Snakes were really useful against invisible people.

For a moment, he looked thoughtful, but soon his face showed determination. "I guess I have to use some of my mother's methods on Tonks…"