
Multiverse: Gacha system

1st world: Highschool of the dead 2nd world: JJK 3rd...

Blank_Number · Cómic
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3 Chs


Class was pretty nice today, I had a battle with a few Juniors and won back to back so I was very excited, they didn't want to continue fighting so I just ended up practicing, by the time I knew it class finished once the clock hit 4pm.

I wanted to stay longer and practice but that piece of shit teacher Shido came,

" Is it okay if I stay and watch Saeko~? " Shido asked with a smile that was disgusting, I could feel a bit of lust.

' If I can lure him a bit…' I shook my head and decided to just go home, her mood was ruined.

' You decided to never do that again, even though that bastard deserves it, I don't want to go deep into that hell.

" Sigh, if only there was some type of tragedy that allowed killing to be okay. " I said looking at the sky, seeing how beautiful it was I smiled before looking forward.

I remember visiting this house before when i was very little but i stopped to focus on my training. I was curious last year and checked through the window to see some idiot dirty clothes, dirty room, playing games, his hair and face said that he hadn't slept for a few days nor showered.

Losing my curiosity i left and didn't bother caring, the guy never came out and always had food shipped to his house so he's obviously just some pathetic piece of shi-

As i almost finished with my thoughts the door opened gaining my attention, white hair flowing beautifully, black eyes, a oversized hoodie, black joggers, and some running shoes.

He looked healthier, cleaner, better.

' Did he work out for the past year straight? '

As her thoughts were trying to understand this situation they both met eyes for a few seconds before he left after getting himself fixed,

' Did I just feel fear? You're telling me some pathetic gamer weeb worked out for a whole year and is able to threaten me? Someone who trained for years? ' A excited smile and blush appeared in my face, I wanted a fight.

" Maybe I should've Atleast said hi, oh well. " Akira slowly increased his speed, easily outclassing professional runners, keeping his speed and even increasing as he parkoured his way through the city, finally setting eyes on a abandoned building.

" Even though I was given knowledge on the abilities when I recieved them experiencing them myself would work better. "

There wasn't anything much to test in this abandoned building, he focused on the simple abilities, like climbing, webs, etc.

As he entered the building he put his hands on the wall slowly climbing to the top of the wall, wanting to test more he stood up on his feet before walking on the ceiling, though it was a bit weird he felt comfortable quite fast, placing one hand on the ceiling as he let his body go handing on with just that hand.

" Let's see how strong this is. " he slowly started letting go, first the pinky, 4 fingers held him up, then he let go of the thumb, 3 fingers kept him up, letting go of the middle finger he still kept hanging, letting go of his index finger he was able to hang on with his ring finger but it was a bit difficult, to keep testing it he tried slowly moving back and forth and swung forward to attach himself into the wall again which he succeeded.

Back flipping down he landed perfectly,

" That's very fun! " He said to himself as he aimed his hand towards a wall making the signature hand sign 🤟.

The web shot out and hit the wall, using it to pull himself forward he flew toward the wall landing neatly, he grabbed the web again before jumping off and using all his strength to pull the web he managed to pull out part of the wall before he landed on the floor.

" I guess the wall is too weak to handle it, my goal was taking down the whole wall. " Akira sighed but he was still happy.

" There's no use testing the web swinging, in this day and age they'd easily catch me even if I wore a mask. They can easily track me down from the end to the beginning. "

( A/N I just went through Earth 616 abilities and bro is basically wolverine with more abilities 😭 Amazing strength agility etc, amazing regeneration, Spider sense, Night vision, stinger, and that's only his 2nd evolution being able to use strength of 20 tons 💀 or Atleast lift up 20 tons, bro is still struggling against his villains with this😭 This is " The other " evolution, and ima use this, there's more evolutions but they're too Op. )

" I can try out spidey sense, night vision later, and the stingers later. " satisfied he ran home at full speed getting there in 10 minutes even though he was 2 hours away.

It was about 9 so he continued cleaning the house, it was a complete garbage dumb so it took 3 hours to completely finish, when he was done he took another shower and went to sleep.

As he was going to sleep and turned off all the lights, night vision was pretty useful happy he knocked out right away.

( A/N by the way I kinda fucked up, so fast into the story💀 There was a whole month more before school started but I made school start already with Saeko, ima just say he didn't go the first day because he read the calendar wrong. )