
Multiverse Dungeon System!

Kurt was your average otaku, but no longer was average when he died . . . . . HE was lost in some type of darkness. He could see even though he didn't have eyes, He could breath even though he didn't have a mouth to breathe from, He could smell even though he didn't have a nose, he could hear even though he didn't have ear to hear from. It was all a very new experience for him. [Welcome To Multiverse Dungeon System!] *Warning* Don't expect much from me, as an Author I suck at writing, this is the first time I am using this fanfic platform other than wattpad and fanfiction, so this is a new experience for me.

PrimalX_X · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

'Domain?' Kurt asked himself.


Domain allows the user to manipulate and "remodel" the world around them in 6 meters of distance.

Kurt moved his hand towards the snow and said "Domain."

A colorless sphere appeared only visible to him, he could sense that he could control his surroundings as he wanted.

Kurt moved outside of the cave and walked into the snow. only though the snow he was walking on started to melt.

Kurt walked tiredly, but his eyes, they were having a new sense of determination even though he felt like his body was gonna give up, but he stayed strong and continued on into the forest .

He with his domain ripped the trees out of their roots and collected them one by one, and placed them together with each other to make out a somewhat of a cabin. He made the logs so that they don't fall apart.

He used the leaves to cover his body.

As he went to go to his cabin, Kurt noticed a bear walking toward him, the bear noticed Kurt and sprinted towards him, to make use of it meat.

Kurt looked at the bear with wide eyes and fear whelming inside him, he was unable to move and unable to think.

[User is in panic mode, reducing body provided Cortisol and increasing testosterone by 1600% percent and providing primal instincts to the user.]

Kurt breathed out calmly as he used his legs muscle to move out of the bears attack as the bear missed him.

As soon as Kurt did that, his legs gave out as his leg muscles snapped, rendering him out of his source of mobility.

Unable to move, Kurt grunted but looked at the Bear like a beast, his saliva spilling out of his mouths, he was close to being knocked out due to the extreme pain, but he didn't surrender yet.

The Bear roared as it again charged towards Kurt, but was smushed by a log as Kurt used his domain to control the log as soon as the bear was in his range.

[The user is injured and is bleeding internally, increasing Human Growth Hormone by 1600% and increasing testosterone slightly.]

Kurt used the domain to pick himself up and dragged the bear with him inside the cabin to make use of it.

Kurt entered the cabin and laid on the bed. Kurt used his domain to try to reattach the snapped muscles back to speed up the healing process.

It was a nasty process as he could feel his muscles cramp .

Kurt had tears streaming down his face as it was not something he was used to, it was extremely painful, that no words could express.

Kurt breathed out as he looked at his legs, they were swollen and had a nasty red-like texture to them, like they were beaten to the point where you can't use them.

Kurt calmed down as he breathed in and out, taking deep breaths.

Kurt laid down on the hard wood as he closed his eyes to get some rest. This was a tiring day.



Kurt opened his eyes as he looked at the wooden ceiling, his stomach grumbled and the smell of the bear grew near to him, but it didn't start rotting yet.

Kurt opened up the bear's insides, removed its stomach which contained acid and that is where the rotting starts from.

Kurt removed its fur and removed the blood and moisture from the fur, so it wouldn't smell. and wore it to fend off the cold.

Kurt used the domain to start a fire from the fast movement of the stick on the wood.

Kurt set the meat above the fire so he could cook it.

Kurt was feeling strange all over his body, his mind was clear, his thoughts were clear, and felt more control over his body and mind.

His leg muscles were still torn but some healing was apparent but it might take a week or two to fully heal.

His power was helpful in the healing process. It kept the tendons in the proper place so it wouldn't take too long, right now he is using domain to lift himself slightly, so there is not much weight on his legs.

After the meat was cooked he ate the meat, as complete seriousness took over him, his eyes cold, like he became a very different man and by the look in his eyes, you can tell he is angry, but the anger not apparent on his face.

"I can have much better than this." Kurt said with silent anger.

[Domain has reached the level 2]

Kurt continued eating as he ignored the bitter taste in the meat.

After eating he started to do pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups but he kept the weight off his legs.


Kurt has spent the last four months like this, Eat Train Sleep.

It was aganoising and irritable to him as he had never done that so he kept on doing it even though he hated it, the only fun part was hunting, to have food. He didn't know why but he felt like he had something of an 'instinct' like that of a predator when he saw a prey.

His body mysteriously grew to 6ft, and his body became massive, his before big belly became a six-pack, his body became like that of a tank but even though his body was strong and sturdy he was still agile, he could fight like a bear and run like a cheetah.

Speaking of bears, Kurt had with the help of his spear killed a bear, which was 2 times massive than the bear he killed before.

But as the night came, as he was walking back to his cabin, he felt a sudden chill in the dark, not from the cold but something else, it felt similar he felt before when he looked at his prey but it was like something opposite.

Kurt eyes widened