
multiverse: controlling Naruto world with gacha system

mc reincarnated as Kakashi. revenge against k4 and public. no hero. controlling the ninja world. possible romance with summons. no feelings towards konoha. kakashi with Sharingan to kakashi with gacha. anything used in this fanfiction belong to original owner.

gacha927 · Cómic
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7 Chs


"Alright, that's enough for today," the teacher announced, his voice carrying a tone of finality. He gathered his papers and exited the classroom.

For the past two months, I had dedicated myself to mastering the jin template. Every spare moment was spent perfecting my ninjutsu and taijutsu, while genjutsu remained untouched, as it wasn't my domain.

Determined, I followed the teacher to the staff office. The corridor was quiet, the soft shuffling of feet and distant murmurs of other students filling the space. I knocked on the office door, each rap echoing my mounting anticipation.

"Come in," came the reply, firm but with an undertone of curiosity. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the room's warmth contrasting with the chill of the hallway. I offered a deep, respectful bow to the gathered instructors, their eyes fixed on me with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

I made my way to Mirayi Sarutobi, my class instructor. Mirayi, with his stern demeanor and the same esteemed Sarutobi lineage as Asama and Hiruzen, looked up from his desk. His brows knitted together in mild surprise, and his eyes, sharp and discerning, met mine.

"What is it, Kakashi?" Mirayi asked, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue.

I stood upright, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve. "Teacher, I want to graduate."

Mirayi's expression shifted to one of contemplation. The other instructors in the room paused their work, their eyes now fully focused on me. The air grew thick with the weight of their scrutiny.

Mirayi leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming a rhythmic pattern on the desk as he pondered my request. "Kakashi, you should be aware that students typically graduate at ten."

I nodded, my expression resolute. "Yes, because they need to learn the basic skills," I paused, my voice firm, "but I have already mastered everything."

Mirayi's eyes narrowed slightly as he studied me, his expression a blend of skepticism and thoughtful consideration. "Why do you want to graduate early?"

I took a breath, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air. "I believe I need real experience instead of wasting more time in the academy. I want to apply what I've learned in the field."

Mirayi's gaze lingered on me, his face a mask of contemplation. After a long pause, he finally spoke. "Alright, I'll inform Hokage-sama of your request. But remember, don't get your hopes up too high. No one has graduated early, especially without spending a full year in the academy."

I bowed again, gratitude evident in my voice. "Thank you, Teacher."

Mirayi waved a hand dismissively, signaling the end of our discussion. "You can leave now."

As I walked out, the room buzzed with murmurs. The instructors exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from disbelief to concern. Was I too arrogant? Impatient? The questions lingered in the air, their voices a low hum as I stepped back into the corridor, my resolve unshaken.

I made my way to my Home. After 2 months the whispers have become much less but not disappeared. Although not shown on face but I was excited why because it's time for another gacha , yes my second normal gacha since i decided not to use specific mode.

As Kakashi reach his house, hokage is already being informed about his request.


In war time graduation is at 10.


Author's pov

So which template now.

Any summons ideas.

World travel.

Items and some custom cards he should get in this gacha.
