
Multiversal Travel System

I would like to point out that this is in fact a Remastered version of my other Fan Fiction (Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System) I feel lost when trying to write new work and feel I have no inspiration, and I know this fic had a lot of problems that I want to fix and make better in hopes to re-spark that flame of inspiration within me to make more works, This fic will hopefully be longer than it's predecessor and I plan to make some major changes and add more worlds to visit, will also not limit the harem unless y'all get too wild with it... Feel free to give me ideas to implement that you would have wanted to see in the last fic and enjoy my remastered work as I roll out the chapters for it.. *You will notice a sense of familiarity in some of the dialogue as it will be reused and changed up to fit what I'm trying to convey* Synopsis: A man was masturbat- *ahem* hanging out in a construction site when a building collapsed and crushed him beneath the rubble, due to circumstances, God has decided to grant him 3 wishes before reincarnating him into the multiverse. Join our main character as he travels the multiverse powering up and picking up chicks along the way for an action packed journey to Godhood, what will await him as he jumps from world to world... Again, I'll be making this longer than I originally had made it, and will also be adding more worlds to visit, open to suggestions

southgamez · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Armament Haki

The match ended with Soren being named the victor as the referee made the official announcement and walked towards Soren with a small hand held label printer in hand, and after punching in some numbers, he handed Soren his ticket while informing him of what to do next.

[Congratulations!... This here is your ticket, I've bumped you to floor 50 as I believe you're better suited there… You can take the elevator to the floor indicated to find your waiting room, and make sure to receive your reward from the receptionist]: ref

After taking the ticket from the referee, Soren started making his way towards the receptionist desk, but before he could get far, Wing had approached him to talk.

[Hey, slow down a bit, kid]: wing

Upon hearing Wing's words, Soren slowed down and let Wing catch up to him, but stayed silent as he waited for Wing to speak his mind.

[You're really skilled in Nen even at such a young age… You said you've read your family's books related to Nen?... Then did one of your family members awaken your aura nodes for you?]: wing

Hearing Wing's question, Soren began to reminisce back to when he was four years old. He had begun reading the basics book which explained about the four disciplines, but he realized he needed a method to unlock his Nen first, so he grit his teeth and bought the beginner book which listed out different methods of meditation to feel the aura flowing through the body, and after an entire year of meditation, he felt the aura's flow and used it to open all of his aura nodes which took another 6 months, and from then on up to the present, he had been practicing using his Nen to obtain better control.

[No, I opened my aura nodes myself through meditation books… If there's nothing else, I'll be going]: soren

Seeing as Wing didn't have any value to him, Soren wanted to leave, but Wing seemed to hesitate before shouting his offer.

[W-Wait!... Why don't you train under me!... I can help you grow stronger, so let me be your teacher]: wing

Soren stopped and thought about it for a moment, but after realizing that he could achieve more with the help from Sakura, he decided against it and continued walking while throwing out an offer to make Wing give up his pursuit of him.

[If we meet in the future and you're still stronger than me, then I'll become your student, but if not, you will forget all about me]: soren

Hearing Soren's answer, Wing felt a spark of hope as a smile took the place of his previous frown as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and turned around to walk in the opposite direction while mumbling to himself.

[Then I look forward to our next encounter]: wing

As Soren made his way to the reception counter, he began to check the rewards for the quest he completed earlier, and needless to say, he was happy with the outcome.

{Quest: Defeat Wing - Difficulty: B-

Reward: 1x Power Lottery, 5,000 system points}

'Sakura, what is a power lottery?': soren

Soren could vaguely understand what it was by the name, but he wanted more information, so he decided to ask Sakura for a description.

{A power lottery draw is another side of the lottery function, you might get all kinds of different items related to the lottery function in the future, so be prepared to see just how expansive the lottery function's coverage is… But the power draw is what it sounds like, it will give you a random power, and if it's something you already have, it will give it a power boost}

Soren was contemplating when he should use it when he saw Killua waving him down in the distance, already waiting at the counter for him.

[Ren! What took you so long? Did you get lost or something?]: killua

Soren snapped out of his thought process when he saw Killua and only gave him a smile before explaining the situation in detail before Killua consoled him.

[So he was that strong huh?]: killua

[Yeah, the aura he gave off felt similar to Illumi… Like a slimy octopus was trying to suffocate me with it's tentacles]: soren

Soren began to recount the feeling he felt before he used Ten to fend off the pressure, and began comparing it to the pressure that Illumi naturally gave off.

[Woah, so you're saying he was as strong as Illumi!?]: killua

When Soren heard this, he almost choked on the juice he bought from the vending machine with the prize money upon hearing Killua's question as Soren had to correct him.

[Not even close!... I said the feeling they give off has a similar presence, and by that I mean they both feel gross to be around]: soren

Hearing the explanation, Killua nodded in understanding as he took a sip of his juice as the last of its remains began flowing down his throat as he crushed the empty can and threw it in the air before kicking it into the recycling bin before looking over to Soren.

[Hey, if you're not gonna finish your juice, hand it over]: killua

Killua noticed that Soren's can was still around half full as his sharp eyes tried to force Soren to hand it over, but Soren met his gaze with a similar stare as he spoke.

[You want my juice?... You can take it over my dead body]: soren

Killua then retrieved a small hidden blade from his pants as he spoke in a playful tone.

[That can be arranged]: killua

Both of them began laughing as Soren decided to finish off his drink in one go, causing Killua to gasp as he watched Soren polish off the rest of the juice with a sense of hurt in his eyes.

[Well, enough playing around, let's go wait for our next match]: soren

Killua could only grumble away his complaints as he began following behind Soren with his hands crossed over his chest and a grumpy expression plastered on his face. Meanwhile, Soren was spinning the Power Lottery ticket in his mind as he watched the gigantic wheel with hundreds of powers begin to spin at a blinding speed as he mentally crossed his fingers hoping for something good.

'Please be something good!': soren

As the spinning board began to slow down, Soren watched as the names of the powers came into view as one by one they passed by the ticking arrow as the board was slowing down to a halt.

'Saiyan Physique, One Punch Man Powers, Kryptonian DNA… Fuck! All the good ones keep passing by!... Shinigami Powers, Death's Notebook, Firebending, Magic, Flight, Phasing… Oh no, the more useless powers are coming up!': soren

Although the board was slowing down, tens of powers were being skipped over due to the shear size of the board, and the needle was currently glossing over the more useless powers like telepathy, flight, invisibility, and a few others, but as the needle came to a stop, Soren couldn't be any more surprised and happy at the same time.

{Power Draw- Armament Haki}

'Haha!... I got something so powerful!? Albeit, it's not the best thing on this freakishly massive board, but it could be considered one of the better defensive and offensive combo abilities, and the added effect of being able to damage intangible objects is a bonus': soren

Soren was happy as he was able to see the armament haki get added to his status page, as he couldn't help but decide to look at his status after such a long time.

{Name: Soren Zoldyck

Age: 6

Str: 4530

Dex: 3280

Agi: 5120

Int: 3890

Cha: 100

Luc: 100


-Open to View-


-Open to View-}

After checking his status, Soren nodded his head in approval as he pushed open the door to the waiting room and saw a few people already occupying the place, and without much thought, both Soren and Killua sat down and waited for their numbers to be called. After a few minutes, the intercom went off calling for Killua's number, and as he got up from his seat, he turned to Soren and spoke while giving him a thumbs up.

[I'll wait for you at the reception counter, see ya later!]: killua

Killua's smile was a smug one as he felt that Soren was falling behind him in this little race they were having about who would reach the 200th floor first, but Soren didn't have to wait long, as his number was called just minutes after Killua left the room, and upon reaching his designated stage, he was met with his opponent. A large rotund man wearing a tight red tank top that exposed his belly, and a pair of black pants, his forearms were covered in hair, and his bald head gleamed with the light coming down from the ceiling.

'I guess this will be over quite quick then': soren

While Soren thought this, when his opponent saw him, the same thought ran through his head, but once the referee started the fight, Soren lunged forward and gave the fat man a single push with the palm of his hand that sent him flying out of the ring, as the referee looked towards Soren in utter amazement with a mix of confusion before announcing to the crowd the results.

[Winner by point and ring out, contestant 3589!]: ref

Soren gave a quick turn around for the crowd as they all went from their stunned silence to a rowdy cheer as a big grin appeared on his face, while the referee printed up a new ticket and handed it to Soren while the medical team came in a large group to pick up the fat man on a stretcher and carry him out.

'I wonder if Killua finished his match already': soren

As Soren thought this, he began walking towards the elevator where he took the elevator to the 60th floor. There, he walked up to the counter and prepared to hand in his ticket, but was caught by the familiar voice of Killua, as he turned around to greet him.

[Seems I beat you this time, and you were called before me too]: soren

Upon hearing this, Killua could only complain as he told his side of the story.

[No fair, my opponent took his own sweet time to get to the stage, and when he got there, he argued with the referee for another minute about not wanting to injure a child, but the referee told him if he didn't fight, he would automatically forfeit and drop to the 45th floor, so he agreed to fight only to lose the second the match started… What about you?]: killua

Soren began to tell him about his opponent and how he beat him in a similar instantaneous fashion while the two of them laughed and handed in their tickets and received their prize money.

[You boys are now registered to fight on the 60th floor, here's your prize money, a total of 50,000 jenny]: rep

When Killua heard the number, his eyes almost flew out of his head, and when he looked at Soren, he could see Soren had the same amazed expression, but this was only a facade that Soren had to hold to not seem suspicious about his knowledge of the prize system beforehand.

[Wow! I didn't know making money would be this easy here, why don't people just drop floors to continue fighting weak people and continue making money like that?]: killua

When the receptionist heard Killua's question, she couldn't help but sigh and explain the prize system to the two of them.

[Once you claim your prize, you cannot claim it again unless you enlist as a new participant, but even that has its limits, we won't tolerate fighters extorting the loopholes in the rules, so if we deem your commitment to Heaven's Arena to be lacking, we will revoke your right to participate ever again]: rep

Hearing this, Killua nodded in understanding, while Soren could tell that the receptionist was trying to put on an act to scare the two of them from thinking about extorting money from their business, and instead of thinking about it, Soren just pulled at Killua's collar and began walking away.

[Come on, Kill, we need to get to the waiting room now]: soren

Both Soren and Killua made their way to the waiting room and began to converse with each other about what they would do with all the prize money.

[I don't know how much we can make here, but I know what I'm gonna do with my prize money, I'm gonna buy all kinds of toys and candy, what about you, Ren?]: killua

Soren thought about it for a moment, but not seeing any real need for anything, Soren decided he would save it until he wanted something.

[I don't know what I want, so for now, I'll just save it up… Maybe buy a new game]: soren

[That's lame!... Why don't you just give your money to me, then?]: killua