
Multiversal Survival: The Maker.

Follow Micheal on a journey that will span through the Multiverse entering worlds and learning all he can and stealing everything of worth to him to fund his little ‘hobby’ of creating creations of mass destruction. —First World: Resident Evil[Movie-Verse] —Second World: Pending[Go to my pat- to vote for the second world.] [—Tags: Morally Grey/Evil MC, Some Lemon's,Underage,Killer, Cold MC,Dark Fic.]

WillowingWriter · Cómic
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17 Chs


*Large Inhale.*

Taking a huge amount of air in my lungs I looked around myself and found that I was inside the white room where my background had been assigned.

" Huh? I thought I died?." I muttered with a frown but then out of nowhere a new screen suddenly appeared before me.

[—Ding! You've completed your first mission!

—Calculating Rating.....

—Rating Finalised!

—Rating: SS-

—Rewards: 10,000 O-Coins!, Black Treasure Chest.]

" Huh what the fuck? I survived?" I thought with a shock apparent in my voice before a grin graced my face.

" Fuck yes!!" I exclaimed with a grin but said grin was slapped out if my face by the next screen.

[—Due to the nature of your rating and actions alongside the world you have 1 hour before you are sent back into the Residents Evil World due to a Chain-Mission.

—World Chat Function Unlocked!

—O-Store Function Unlocked!]

" Oh come on! Can't I catch a break just for a couple more hours??" I muttered surprised as yes I knew that the plot for the RE world didn't end there but I thought I would at least have a say in when I wanted to continue into that world.

' Fuck it then I might as well but some things that will help out and maybe I should check the world chat first...' I thought and immediately with an instinctive click I summoned the World Chat Function.

[— Chamille: Why is gods name would people resurrect the fucking dinosaurs and think that shit wouldn't bite then in the ass huh?!

— Jason: You dealt with dinosaurs? Bitch I had to fight an undying motherfucker wearing a hockey mask!

— Gudu: Chainsaws....so much blood and guts.

— Justin: Lucky...I was chased by an army of mutated humans that fkr some reason hated the sun.

— Jane: Didn't some of y'all have joint missions? I was sent into this world where we had to kill this gods avatar....we lost half our members.

— Wayne: Anyone got a joint in this motherfucker?

— Zara: Buy a bag of weed for just 1 O-Coin bruh, I know I did.

— Haru: I was also part of a joint mission but our mission was to escape the country as everything was sinking under the ocean and the only safe place was Africa.

— Gideon: I just wanna sing bruh so why am I getting pitted with a ghost? Thank Hera I bought an enchanted sword and was able to deal with it.

— Kane: I got 700 O-Coins, what should I spend it on?

— Wayne: I got 3,000, I'm buying a mana core and some magic books.

— Amber: I have 5,000 from an A- rank and a brown chest and inside I got a Tome filled with water spells....now I have to buy mana attributed power system if I want to make use of it.

— Jason: I got a B+ Rating and gained a white chest, inside was a plasma gun....not fair I want to throw spells too!

— Natasha: I got a S- Rating and a Gold Chest and inside I gained a legacy of an ancient fairy cultivator.

— Xiao-Pe: Cultivators are a thing in this?

— Patrick: Yeah... almost every power system imaginable is for sale here and shouldn't you know this as you're Chinese and shit?

— Xiao-Pe: Firstly, Racist, And I haven't checked the Store yet so fuck you.

— Oliver: '-') I got an F+ rating and only got 100 O-Coins....this is shit.

— Wayne: If you had actually helped us out in our mission instead of hiding maybe you would have gotten a better rating and some gifts Oliver :)

— Oliver: Hah! Fuck that! Did you see how that hillbilly shoved a pointy stick up Emilie's vagina and out of her mouth? I'm good with my rating then dealing with that shit!

— Amber: ...

— Suzanne: .....

— Natasha: :) if I meet you in the future Oliver I'm driving my new Chi-Spear up your ass for that comment.

— Oliver: Huh? The fuck?? I didn't do or say anything wrong though!

— Natasha: You have sullied this lady's mind with such vile thoughts....you must take responsibility by dying.

— Oliver: Bitch you ain't a Wuxia Cultivator and you ain't Chinese! That's so cringe.

— Wayne: Bro is digging his grave deeper with these comments XD.

— Oliver: I ain't even say shit though and already I have Opps gunning for my head!.

— Shirokuro:.....please someone kill this guy already.

— Oliver: Sucks for you as I'll be here until the next mission so you better get used to me!

— Amber: Said mission is in 1 week so that gives us time to buy and get acclimated with anything we buy from the store.

— Soren: I bought a robot with a the greatest pussy I've ever had...best 300 Coins I've ever spent.

— Vera: .....

— Amber: .....

— Natasha: Another one who shall meet the pointy end of my stick I see.

— Soren: Hahah baby you don't have to but if you insist, how about you come hold this wood instead?:)

— Wayne: What is with our species and having low self preservation instincts bruh XD.]

Groaning in amusement trying to stiffle a laugh at that I simply shook my head and looked at the mental clock going down in my head.

' 53 minutes left.' I thought with a sigh.

' A'ight then let's first open my treasure chest.' I thought with a grin before mentally willing for the treasure chest to appear and then found that right in the centre of the white room lay a beautiful embroidered chest.

' Beautiful....' I thought with a grin before walking over to it and opening it.

[Ding! You've obtained the following items—

—The Makers Legacy[S+]: A legacy belonging to a once grand creator who sought give life and meaning to his creations and with it, power.

—Dimension Claim Ticket[S+]: Grants the user claim over a random dimension for the user to do as he pleases inside.

—World Cube[SSS+]: A cube containing the densest space energies known to the multiverse able to traverse anyone into any Universe they have visited with no restrictions.]

' Oh I gained a legacy....and a a dimension?.' I thought wondering how that worked before looking at the last item.

' A world Cube able to bring me back to worlds I know?, couldn't I just use it go back home then?' I thought with frown but immediately shook those thoughts out of my head.

' Alright then I guess I should use the legacy and then look into what else I can buy to enhance myself.' I thought with a grin before mentally willing the legacy to be used and just like that I sat in a daze as memories, experience and skill was slowly ingrained into my body and mind.

After a couple minutes later I pulled myself out of the daze before suddenly my Sacred Gear reacted.

[—Ding! You've gained new skills]

[—Ding! You've gained new traits.]

' Heh.' I thought with a grin before immediately opening my status screen and Skill Tab.

[— +100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter.

—+10 Reviews = 1 Extra Chapter{Maximum: 3}]

[—Please support me and my work in my pat-reon and enjoy advanced chapter's before regular upload!

My Pat: —pat*reon.com/Willowing_Writer(Remove the *)]