
Multiversal Spa Resort

A hot spring addict from Earth finds himself in a strange Spa Resort that can travel between worlds. Follow his journey as he satisfies his guests, levels up his Spa and fulfills his desires. / / / * This novel contains R18 content. * Cover artist is BoDam. * Currently on HIATUS

SnowLust · Cómic
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17 Chs

Quest Grinding

[After completing quests you can obtain techniques to make it easier for you to satisfy your customers!]

"That's not what I asked. What am I supposed to do with a fingering technique...?" Moon voiced his confusion to the system.

"I thought this was a spa, not a brothel."

[The Multiversal Spa heavily encourages the art of sexual satisfaction!]


Moon was not unfamiliar with the subject, even though he preferred the touch of a warm hot spring, his good looks attracted a fair share of partners throughout his life.

In the end, as long as the system could get him what it promised, he would do anything to get to it as fast as possible.

Even if that meant using... unconventional means.

But that would all come later, for now he had a quest to complete.

"So you wanted a name for this place, huh? I'm actually pretty good at naming stuff…" Moon muttered out as he fell deep into thought.

Truth be told, Moon was, in fact, not good at naming stuff.

The name of his childhood pet fish was "Swimmer".

His car was bestowed the name "Boom Boom".

And the toaster in his kitchen was labeled "Sir Toastalot".

His naming sense could be called horrible at best, but this did not mean that a one in a million event couldn't happen here. 

If he thinks hard enough, he may be lucky and accidentally stumble upon a fitting name. 

Especially, when the success of his spa venture might depend on the impression the name conveyed to the guests from various dimensions.

Who knows what the Goddess of Luck will have in store for him?

After several moments of contemplation, Moon's face lit up with inspiration.

"I've got it!" he exclaimed, a newfound confidence in his voice.

"From this day forward, this place shall be known as The Wet Oasis!"

…It looks like the Goddess of Luck was not on his side today.

[Registered name: The Wet Oasis]


[Quest: Name your Spa Resort - (COMPLETED)]

[Received 100x Spa Credits, 1x Basic Fingering Technique]

"Phew! That was exhausting, can you send me to a hot spring now? I need some time to relax~" Moon shamelessly asked the System, whilst taking a seat on a dusty chair.

[The Wet Oasis does not currently possess any hot springs.]

[To unlock more Spa Facilities, you have to follow the quest line and satisfy your customers!]

[The cheapest Hot Spring currently available costs 2000 Spa Credits.]

"Urgh! Fine... Just give me the next quest then!"

Moon was determined to get in a hot spring as fast as possible, so he tried his best to rush past these annoying quests.

[Searching for Quests…]



[Quest: Clean up the Lobby!]


[Obtain cleaning supplies (0/2)]

[Mop up the floor (0/1)]

[Clear the cobwebs (0/1)]


[Spa Credits x200]

[SpaWatch x1]


Wasting no time, Moon began to look around the lobby for cleaning supplies.

After a few seconds, he was armed with a mop and a bucket filled with water.


[Obtain cleaning supplies (2/2) - (COMPLETED)]

With efficient movement, Moon dipped the mop into the water and began gliding it across the worn floor. 

The speed at which he was working could make anyone confuse him with an experienced janitor.

As the last stroke of the mop left the floor gleaming, the holographic interface signaled his progress once again.

[Mop up the floor (1/1) - (COMPLETED)]

His attention then turned to the corners of the lobby where big strands of cobweb hung.

"I hope there are no spiders in this place…" Moon whispered out in a nervous tone, before charging towards the webs with a battle cry and efficiently sweeping them away.

[Clear the cobwebs (1/1) - (COMPLETED)]


[Quest: Clean up the Lobby - (COMPLETED)]

[Received 200x Spa Credits, 1x SpaWatch]

After the quest was completed a blue glow engulfed Moon's right hand, before fading away a few seconds later.

Moon looked at his wrist and, to his surprise, found a sleek, futuristic device attached to it.

"I assume this is a SpaWatch? What does it do?"

He had already managed to rewire his brain to ignore these seemingly magical feats, like things appearing out of thin air.

Currently, all his mind was focused on was progressing through the quests as fast as humanly possible.

[To assist you on your journey, you have been granted a SpaWatch! It will display vital information about your guests and much more.]

As a response to the System's words, the SpaWatch beeped softly before a colorful display popped up on its screen.




[Inventory] (?)

[Guests] (?)




To understand how this strange watch worked, Moon decided to click through all of the available options.

He first pressed on the large "Status" button, which opened up another window on his SpaWatch.



[Name: Moon]

[Rank: Owner]

[Age: 21]

[Gender: Male]

[Strength: 12]

[Speed: 15]

[Magic: 1]

[Charisma: 26]

[Techniques: Basic Fingering Technique]


After glancing over the page and not finding anything of interest, he moved on to the inventory page, which he found was completely empty.

He returned to the main menu and clicked on the large red question mark next to the inventory button.

[The Inventory lets you store your items, equipment and resources in a safe space that's only accessible to you.]

[To store your items in The Inventory you need to visualize the objects you want to deposit in your mind.]

"In my mind? Great, it can read my thoughts..." Moon seemed more annoyed than surprised, as his mind focused on the mop and bucket next to him.


The mop and bucket were sucked into his SpaWatch, only leaving behind a small pool of water.

After checking his inventory tab again, Moon confirmed that the mop and bucket were now both displayed on his screen, whilst also giving him the ability to withdraw them back to the real world.

Unsurprisingly, the "Guests" tab was also empty, making Moon press the help button again.

[The Guests tab will show you vital information about your guests and their satisfaction percentage.]

He would check it again when he got his first guest, but for now he clicked on the remaining "Store" option and was pleasantly surprised when he saw a colorful interface pop up on his watch.


(Store) (SC: 300)

[Daily Products: 20:54:17]

[White Robe - FREE]

[Bamboo Sword - 1000 SC]

[50x Scented Candles - 500 SC]


[Hot Spring (Lv. 1) - 2000 SC]

[Sauna (Lv. 1) - 5000 SC]

[Massage Room (Lv. 1) - 10 000 SC]

[Tentacle Room (Lv. 1) - 25 000 SC]






"Ahh, there's the hot spring I want!" Moon exclaimed, a fire burning in his eyes.

"But what the hell is a tentacle room…?" His excitement grew into confusion as he read through the rest of the store.

"...Why does this System have to be so weird?"