
Multiversal Lord of Lust

Killed, murdered, assassinated? Whatever you want to call it, the main character, Ryan King, gets killed. All because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Waking up, he finds out that since he fucked so many women and cucked so many men, the Lord of Debauchery is giving him another chance at life with plenty of power. This time nothing will stop him as he fucks and cucks his way through the multiverse. WARNING!: There won't be any netorare but there will be a whole lot of netori. If this isn't your cup of tea the read at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, this book has lots of sex and other adult things. On top of that, this is a wish fulfillment story. One you read with your brain turned off. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

LordofDebauchery · Cómic
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12 Chs

Capturing a King

"So, why did you want to see me, Ichimaru-san?" Sona asks me.

I'm currently sitting in her office at school in front of her desk, Judging from the casual and cold attitude that she usually has, I think it's safe to say that Rias hasn't told her anything about me. This should be good.

"I wanted to get to know my Rias's rival a little better. She hasn't told me a lot about you so I wanted to see what kind of person someone she deems her rival is." I say and her eyes narrow.

"Your Rias?" she says and I smile.

"It seems that she also hasn't told you a lot about me either. She and I are currently in a relationship." I say and Sona looks surprised for a moment but she quickly hides it.

"Is that so... has she perhaps told you abou-" she starts but is unable to finish as I interrupt her.

"Her engagement with Riser, yes she has. That won't matter though. I originality was going to fight him in a rating game with my peerage but after some thought I realized that there is no need to." I say and she looks confused.

"A rating game? Then you're a devil with a peerage? Why haven't I heard of you?" she asks and I smirk.

"There are no rules that state the peerage has to be a devil one." I say and she stares at me.

"I see... and this other method? What could it be?" she asks, making me smile as I lean back into my chair.

"Tell me Sona, if Rias could marry someone that isn't Riser, and that marriage would lead to peace between two different factions as well as a great amount of benefits that would affect the Devil race as a whole. Would they cancel her engagement with Riser to allow her to marry this other person?" I ask and Sona falls into contemplation.

"If... the benefits were truly that great, and the peace between the two factions was a guaranteed one without any complications... then yes, they would. The marriage between Riser and Rias is also for the future of the Devil Race... or so they say. So if someone else can prove to be a better choice..." she says before looking at me.

"Are you saying that is something you can provide?" she asks me and I smile. I snap my fingers and two people appear behind me.

"You have summoned us, Lord Ezekiel?" Michael asks me as he and Gabriel kneel.

I see Sona's eyes widen and she takes a defensive stance at the sight of two holy beings appearing.

"Angels! What are you doing here!?" she yells and her peerage comes into the office, weapons drawn, upon hearing her shout. I smile and look at her before speaking.

(A/N: Pictures Here)

"Sona, meet Michael and Gabriel, two of the four great Seraphs." I say and she looks completely shocked.

"What!? But, they... Who are you?" she asks and relaxes. She's still a bit tense but she can tell that if I wanted them dead, there's nothing she can do about it.

"I am Ezekiel, known outside of heaven as Roku Ichimaru, and I am the current ruler of heaven." I say and she falls back into her chair lost in thought at the revelation. Her peerage start putting their weapons away, coming to the same conclusion Sona did. However they refuse to leave the room. Quite loyal they are.

"What are the benefits that you mentioned we devils would receive should you marry Rias?" she asks me after a few moments of thought. She really is smart, she wants to know as many as details as possible so she can report to her sister who is the current Leviathan, one of the four Satans.

"For one, Information. Heaven has to watch over and maintain the human populace. We answer prayers and offer assistance to those who believe in God. As such we have a great amount of knowledge of what is occurring in the world at all times." I say and Sona thinks for a bit before nodding.

"The second benefit would be a military alliance. We would assist against any battles you find yourself in against another faction, such as the fallen angels. Furthermore, while you still won't be allowed in churches, due to your nature as devils, a select trusted amount of you will be allowed free passage through angel territory." I say and Sona nods again.

"Lastly, I can offer, only to the ones I select, Immunity to holy light." I say. Sona's eyes widen greatly as she stares at me incredulously.

"Are you serious?" she asks me.

"Of course, but like I said I can't offer it to everybody. There are too many devils who would take advantage of it. I'll give it to those who I deem to be trustworthy. Sirzechs or your sister for example." I reply and she nods in understanding.

"If these are what you're offering in exchange for you marrying Rias then they will absolutely agree. The benefits are far greater than anything that the Phenex family can offer." she says and I think for a moment. After a bit, I raise my hand and speak.

"Create Phoenix Tears." I say and a bottle appears in my hand. Sona looks at me like I'm crazy but I just smile.

"Michael." I say and he understands what I want. He cuts his arm and hold it out to me. I uncap the bottle and pour a bit oh his wound. The cut closes immediately. I look up at Sona with a smile.

"As you can see, I can offer real Phoenix tears, and in much larger quantities." I say and she shakes her head with a wry smile.

"The Phenex family never stood a chance." she says and I chuckle.

"Say... while we're here talking why don't we entertain ourselves." I say making Sona raise a brow. I look around the room for a bit before finding what I'm looking for.

"I see you have a chessboard here. How about a game?" I ask and Sona smirks at me.

"Alright, I wouldn't mind a game of chess while we talk." she says and we make our way over to the small table with the board on it.

Since I have the white pieces, I go first. I make my move and she makes hers and soon enough we're playing casually while talking.

"So, how do you think the Phenex family will react? I'm guessing that Riser will want to fight me anyways even though it won't change the outcome, win or lose. Of course, he'll lose." I say and Sona smiles as she moves a piece.

"For the most part, although they might complain a bit, they'll quietly back down after hearing what you're offering. Riser and Ravel on the other hand, will react as you just described. Riser, because he's a lecherous, prideful, idiot and Ravel because she'll do anything he says." she replies and I nod my head, capturing one of her pieces as I do so.

"I assumed as much. To be honest, I hope he does try to fight me. It would give me a good chance to show off my peerage." I say and Sona giggles.

"If they're anywhere even close to as powerful as you, then Riser is in for a bad time." she says with a smile. Our conversation goes on like this for a while until she suddenly freezes, making me smile.

"Is something the matter, Sona?" I ask with a knowing smirk. Her eyes are moving about the board in between us as she tries to find a way out of her current predicament but it's futile. I will win this match.

"I.... I.... I lose." she says and I notice the rest of her peerage tense.

"We can have a rematch if you like." I say and she looks at me. After staring at me for a bit, she shakes her head with a smile.

"There's no need. Perhaps if you were a bit different, I would have demanded several rematches but... if it's you..." she says and I feign ignorance.

"If it's me what?" I ask and she giggles.

"I decided and announced long ago that anyone to best me in chess will be my husband." she says and I fake a gasp.

"I see... then that means I'll be marrying both you and Rias." I say and she nods.

"Indeed, to be honest, I don't really mind. It's ironic that we'll be marrying the same man but It's also quite fitting. Don't think we won't fight though. There's no way I'm letting her be the main wife." she says and I smile.

"I'll let the two of you work that out." I say before I start releasing pheromones.

"Why not another match, just for fun. I enjoyed playing with you." I say and she smiles at me.

"Sure, we can... Do you... need help with... that?" she asks as she stares at my crotch, which is now pitching a tent.

"Sorry, hearing I was to marry both you and Rias got me excited. I'm still a man after all." I say and she giggles.

"I understand, I can... take care of it... before we play, if you want." she says, biting her lip.

"No it's fine, Gabriel can do it while we play." I say and said angel perks up at that. Sona frowns for a moment before looking at Tsubaki.

"How about... Tsubaki take care of it instead..." she says and I raise a brow while Tsubaki looks shocked.

"I... very well, Sona-sama." Tsubaki says as she settles herself on her knees, between my legs.

She fetches my cock out of my pants and starts to stroke it slowly as Sona makes her move first, being white this time. I make mine and use my other hand to caress Tsubaki's head. She brings her mouth to my dick and starts licking it, moving from the tip all the way down to my balls.

I do my best to ignore the pouting Gabriel behind me as the game progresses and Tsubaki swallows my cock. Although I can tell it's her first time, she's obviously studied on how to suck dick before. She knows what to do and is quickly improving by observing my reactions. By the end of the second game, I have won again and am very close to cumming.

"Ohhh, that's it Tsubaki... I'm about to cum." I say and she pulls my dick out of her mouth and starts jerking me off towards her face. After a few seconds, I start cumming and the first few shots, instead of landing on her face, shoot past it and onto the chess board. The rest land where they were intended to and very quickly, Tsubaki is covered in my seed.

"Sorry Sona-chan. It seems I've sullied your chess board." I say and Sona giggle.

"It's fine Roku-kun. I enjoyed watching you orgasm. It makes we want to try it myself..." she says with a small blush. I smile and gesture down to Tsubaki.

"There's a face full of cum here if you want a taste." I say and she blushes before nodding. She motions for Tsubaki to come to her and the girl obeys. She wipes a bit of my cum off of Tsubaki's face using her finger before licking it off and letting out a moan as she does so.

"Wow... I was told that a man's cum would taste salty and disgusting but yours is sweet and delicious..." You've trapped Rias's Rook with this haven't you?" she asks me with narrowed eyes and I let out a chuckle.

"You got me." I say while raising my hands up and she shakes her head before wiping up a bit more of my cum and tasting it again. Soon enough, at Sona's behest, all the girls in her peerage are tasting my cum. I smile, knowing that Sona is every bit of a pervert as her sister, she just hides it better.

I motion for her Knight, Tomoe, to come to me. she makes her way to me nervously and stands in front of me, between me and the table.

"Bend over the Table, Tomoe-chan." I say and she does so with a blush on her face. I stand up and lift her skirt before moving her panties to the side.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask her as I take my cock out of my pants and she nods her head shyly. Seeing the confirmation from her, I slide my cock into her and push my way past the barrier inside her.

She lets out a yelp, followed by a moan as I piston in and out of her. I look up at Sona who is looking at me with a lustful gaze as I fuck her Knight.

"Are you enjoying the view, Sona-chan?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"Yes... It makes me want it for myself." she says as she slides on of her hands down between her legs and starts pleasuring herself. I smile at her and decide to speed this up. I have five more girls in her peerage to go through before I get to her. After a short while, Tomoe has cum three times and is sleeping on the floor with my cum leaking out of her.

Before I can say anything, Momo, one of Sona's Bishops is bent over the table and ready to get fucked.

"It's clear you want all of our virginities before you take Sona-sama's. So I decided to not waste time." she says and I grin before proceeding to fuck her too. Things continue like this and soon enough, Tsubaki, Tomoe, Momo, Reya, Tsubasa, and Ruruko are all on the floor with cum leaking out of them.

I look over to where Sona is sitting only to find it empty. I turn my eyes around the room until I find her on her desk, laid out on it on her back with her legs spread.

"Fuck me, my dear fiancee." she says and I grin as I position myself between her legs. I slide in and let out a groan. The others in her peerage were tight but Sona is on a whole other level.

"Damn it Sona-chan, you're so fucking tight." I shout as I ravish her on her desk. The next two hours are spent with me fucking Sona in various positions around her office. Currently, she's riding me in her chair. She quickly proves that she has more stamina than her peerage members and even as I arrive close to my orgasm, they still haven't woken up.

"I'm about to cum Sona!" I shout as I thrust up into her and she moans loudly in response.

"Inside! Do it inside me!" she screams in pleasure and I give her what she wants as I Unload directly into her womb. After the euphoria from my orgasm recedes, I pull out and she slumps on top of me.

"That... was... amazing... ~" she says as she tries to catch her breath. I chuckle at her words before looking around the room.

"... I forgot you two were still here..." I say as I see Gabriel and Michael in the corner. Michael lets out a wry smile as he looks at me.

"You haven't dismissed us yet." he says and I roll my eyes.

"You can go." I say and they both disappear.

"That's embarrassing..." Sona says with a blush on her face.

"Don't worry, those two won't tell anyone." I say and she nods her head before burying her face in my chest.

That's the student council under my control now. After this, I'll just get some of the clubs under me as well as some of the staff and I'll have control over the academy.

It's a long day ahead of me still...

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- A/N: That's that chapter done, finally one that is around the length I intended it to be. After this, it'll just be a scene with the kendo girls and the Aika scene before he finally gets back to his peerage. The rest of the girls in the school will just be a quick overview as they're not ever discussed in the show. Other than that, I've decided that the pawns will be Jeanne, Jalter, Medusa, Jack, Nero, Okita, and Raikou. The knight will be Musashi.

~ Please forgive spelling and grammar mistakes ~