
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Cómic
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200 Chs

Speedrun 8

(Stargate – Andy's POV)

Yet another explosion sent a rain of shrapnel through the spaceship corridor, as my spell impacted and blew a hole in the gaudy golden ceiling. Slowly but surely, I was forging my way upward, my goal set on reaching the lair of the System Lord whose ship I was currently invading.

These pyramid vessels were proving to be anything but straightforward. Their design was ostentatious, with a liberal application of gold on everything. But what truly irked me was their lack of conventional means to traverse between floors. No stairs, no elevators—just long-ass ladders in narrow air vents and those awful teleporter rings.

I had strong reservations about utilizing the latter, as I was unsure about their interaction with the system or better yet, my [Blessed by Death] title. Using them might just end up killing me, or perhaps even cloning me and I wasn't exactly eager to experiment.

Emerging through the newly created opening, I was greeted by a batch of confused little cookies, their energy weapons pointed squarely at me.

"Ah, finally!" I couldn't help but exclaim cheerily, though I promptly cleared my throat and replaced my grin with an enthusiastic wave. "Greetings there, esteemed Jaffa!" I addressed them with feigned warmth. "Could any of you delightful folks kindly point me towards your higher-up, boss, leader, deity, or whatever title you prefer for the big cheese?"

A series of perplexed glances were exchanged among the genetically engineered, or should I say, freshly baked, Jaffa soldiers, the question seemingly taking its time to settle in their minds before sparking a wave of indignation. They conferred among themselves in their native tongue, arriving at the collective decision to do their master the favor of dispatching me.

"Easy now," I chimed with a smile, lifting my hands in a faux gesture of surrender as their energy weapons hummed to life, each one targeting me. "Is there any chance we could come to a peaceful resolution?" My smile persisted as I continued, "All I'm here to do is rid you of your master. Once that's done, you're free to do as you please."

Hope briefly flickered in their eyes, but it was swiftly extinguished as the first volley of plasma bolts hurtled toward me. With a resigned sigh, I waved my hand, dispersing the incoming projectiles in a display of casual power. Simultaneously, I activated [Mental Domain], delving into their consciousness for any valuable information.

Alas, their position at the bottom rung of the hierarchical ladder meant they possessed nothing but the knowledge of their assigned duties—guarding toilets, of all things.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I realized just how close I had come to being immersed in literal excrement. "Who the fuck builds toilets in the middle of their ship?!" I exclaimed rhetorically, my expression morphing into a wry smile as the pitiable Jaffa soldiers continued their feeble imitation of combat, their plasma weapons directed at me.

Initially, my plan was straightforward: infiltrate the starships, eliminate the leaders, and liberate the oppressed. I even activated my [Breaker of Chains] title, anticipating that it would heighten my favorability with the Jaffa. Yet, as I continued to board successive spaceships, a somber realization began to take hold. The fear they felt towards their masters seemed to outweigh their yearning for freedom.

"Gentlemen," I nodded, as their weapons disintegrated in response to a tender application of [Overhaul]. "With that action, your existence is forfeit. Farewell and good luck in your next life." A smile lingered on my lips as the gravitational force intensified around me, forcing them to their knees.

Fear flashed in their eyes for a fleeting moment before [Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation] sprung to life, ripping out the bioelectricity from their bodies, and making them fall to the ground lifelessly.

"Hmm," I mumbled, my thoughts voiced aloud, "I should practice more with this skill. Fine control is trickier than I anticipated." My focus intensified as I supercharged the ball of bioelectricity hovering above my palm, and then propelled it toward the ceiling. The resultant blast blew a hole through the ceiling above, paving my way to the next level of this peculiar pyramid.

"Compared to something like [Annihilation], its effect against objects is relatively limited. However, when it comes to living targets..." My words trailed off into a mumble as I surveyed the melted gold residue pooling around, my shoulder rising in a casual shrug. "It stands as one of my most formidable skills," I muttered, my gaze fixed on the aftermath.

"Although, when it comes to sheer adaptability, there's hardly any skill that rivals [Mental Domain]." A smile tugged at my lips as I expanded its reach, extending its influence across the entirety of the spacecraft. Minds disintegrated upon contact, save for one distinct consciousness resting at the apex of the pyramid.

"Well, that would have been quite the trek upward," I chuckled, the humor lacing my voice. With a single thought, [Mental Domain] meticulously extracted every memory that Ba'al had ever held or would hold, leaving his mind a blank canvas.

Aware that the Goa'uld possessed the capacity to revive individuals, I recognized the necessity of eradicating Ba'al at a molecular level. My index finger extended, pointing in his direction, while above it, a black sphere of [Annihilation] coalesced, brimming with anticipatory cracks that signaled its latent potency. It hung in readiness, poised to fulfill its defining purpose once released.

The moment arrived with a resounding discharge, the force of which warped the surrounding walls outward and triggered blaring alarms throughout the ship. The sphere of annihilation, measuring five meters across, surged forward at the speed of light. Propelled by my [Kinetic Energy Manipulation], it pierced through fifty-eight floors with unstoppable momentum, obliterating anything unfortunate enough to cross its path, and instantly dissolved the body of the fake god.

The sphere's relentless trajectory extended beyond Ba'al, carving a path through two additional pyramids before finally consuming itself and dissipating into oblivion.

Among the Goa'uld fleet, an air of urgency permeated as the remaining vessels redirected their focus toward the flagship. Weapon systems hummed to life, primed for engagement, while frantic attempts were made to establish contact with the helm. Yet, the calls went unanswered, the void of response hinting at the grim reality: no one remained to answer.

Ah, did I forget to mention? Following my infiltration of those mining ships, I employed a variety of persuasive methods, including a healthy dose of [Mental Domain], to extract information about the architect of that scheme and his concealed location. Armed with this knowledge, I exploited the Stargate coordinates available on my watch to infiltrate his vessel.

As it turned out, the entire debacle had been triggered by a territorial dispute between two arrogant System Lords, one of them a fake god called Ba'al.

The Jaffa rebellion was yet to happen, leaving the System Lord's influence still at large. So Ba'al's solution to the disagreement had been to strip mine not only the contested planet but the entire solar system, leaving no stone unturned.

If memory serves me correctly, and I do sometimes need to purposefully let go of certain details (like my stress relief ball named Kai, left in a self-sustaining sphere to 'thrive' indefinitely), one of the quests within this world involved assisting the rebellion. Frankly, I found myself rather indifferent to the matter, particularly because the WP rewards were insignificant, and I had stumbled upon something genuinely intriguing about the Goa'uld.

[Goa'uld (T3) slain (10,000) 10,000 XP Received]

[Goa'uld (T2) x3,791 slain (37,910) 3,791 XP Received]

[Class: [Artificer] has reached Level 99]

[Class: [Physicist] has reached Level 34]

In stark contrast to everything else I had encountered within this universe, Goa'uld symbiotes offered experience. So... A bit of selective intervention might be necessary—a sort of pruning if you will.

It all boils down to my pure yearning to safeguard the universe and its inhabitants.

Pure unselfishness is the driving force behind my goals...

Nothing else...

Therefore, I warped myself out of the flagship, a fraction of a second before the cascade of weapon fire converged upon its hull.

Halting the progression of time, I activated [Gravity Manipulation] and [Space-Time Manipulation] in tandem, forcing the fabric of space to contort under the influence of intensified gravity.

Gritting my teeth, I continued with [Mana's Blessing], birthing a gigantic gravity well at the heart of the armada. The very fabric of space fractured as gravity bore down like a titanic hammer, unveiling the voracious abyss of the void.

In an instant, an artificial singularity emerged, sustained solely by my mana.

Clenching my jaw in concentration, I rotated my palm, concurrently activating [Kinetic Energy Manipulation] granting the maw of the void theoretically impossible angular momentum.

Space itself convulsed, reality distorting at the seams, as the colossal gravitational well ushered nearby atoms into the ravenous embrace of the event horizon. In an infinitesimal fraction of a second, as I perceived it, planets, moons, the sun, and every other cosmic entity in the solar system fragmented into oblivion, not even allowing light to survive.

Even within the vacuum of space, a symphony of sound unfolded—a cacophony of shrieks and pleas as space itself seemed to wail. An area spanning half a light-year was ensnared in the gravitational tempest, drawn inexorably toward the gaping maw of the artificial singularity.

Not even I wouldn't have been spared, if not for [Dimensional Wave Manipulation] separating my existence from the confines of this reality.

[Goa'uld (T2) x158,421 slain (1,584,210) 158,421 XP Received]

[Class: [Artificer] has reached Level 100 (Max)]

[Class: [Physicist] has reached Level 36]

"Yeah, perhaps I went a tad overboard," I admitted with a wry smile. "Though I must say, this clarifies matters—my next course of action will be a comprehensive pest eradication mission." The cheerful note in my voice contrasted with the sight of the artificial singularity beginning to destabilize.

A new thought surfaced, prompting me to muse aloud, "Should I devise a strain of airborne bacteria or virus tailored to target only the symbiotes?" My chin received an absentminded scratch as I pondered, yet I swiftly dismissed the notion with a shake of my head. "Considering the tendency for mutations in such organisms, who's to say it won't inadvertently mutate into an unstoppable galactic plague?"

Exhaling a sigh, I conceded that manual intervention was the only viable route.

"Or was it?" I wondered aloud, as a nascent idea bloomed within my mind. My lips curved into a smile as the concept coalesced. "That skill could use some refining anyway," I remarked with enthusiasm, retrieving the replicator from my inventory.

Setting it into motion, I initiated the replication process for a Zap-gun. "Time to engage in some research!" I declared with newfound determination, ready to analyze the electromagnetic spectrum of its projectile and use it to my own benefit.

While the replicator continued its work, my attention turned to my four available class slots. A sense of familiarity guided my choices as I opted for Necromancer and Soul Mage—two classes I had been contemplating and planning to integrate into my skillset.

[Necromancer 0/50]

+2 INT, +2 WIS, +1 VIT per level

- Gain the skill [Raise Dead], allowing you to reanimate fallen creatures as undead minions under your control.

- Gain the skill [Soul Harvest], which allows you to absorb the essence of defeated foes to restore your own health and mana, depending on their strength.

- 30% reduced magical damage received from dark and necrotic-related spells.

- 25% increase in damage received from radiant and holy-type spells.

[Soul Mage 0/50]

+1 INT, +3 WIS, +1 VIT per level

- Gain the skill [Soul Manipulation], granting you the ability to tap into the energies of souls.

- 30% reduced magical damage received from soul-based attacks.

- 25% increase in damage received from physical-based attacks.

The next selections were somewhat spontaneous, yet well-founded. I opted for Arcanist, a recently acquired class following the maxing out of the Spellthief class. While on the surface a simple one, the skill it granted provided the user with a capacity to amplify any mana-based ability, which made it extremely potent.

As for the fourth class, I chose Tailor, a level 25 maximum class. On the surface, it might not appear to hold great significance. However, considering the tendency for classes to lead to further, more powerful iterations, I anticipated a wealth of potential waiting to be unlocked down the line.

[Arcanist 0/100]

+1 DEX, +5 INT, +6 WIS, +1 VIT, +1 PER, +1 M. Res per level

- Gain the skill [Arcana], allowing you to enhance your spells and abilities temporarily by channeling additional arcane energy.

[Tailor 0/25]

+2 DEX, +1 PER per level

- Gain a 25% increased dexterity while working with tailoring equipment.

The skills granted by the newly acquired classes largely spoke for themselves. [Raise Dead] proved to be a skill that could be leveled, while also allowing the user to employ mana as the conduit to reanimate a deceased creature. It didn't restore it to life, but effectively morphed its existence into an undead entity completely under the user's control. Hopefully, the skill would synergize well with my creator titles, and maybe even my [Master of Natural Creation] skill.

[Soul Harvest] shared a similar level-up potential, enabling me to absorb souls for the restoration of health or mana. It was this skill that held my primary interest, as I intended to evolve it to passively absorb souls, thereby augmenting my own essence.

The Soul Mage class introduced an intriguing caveat—a heightened vulnerability to physical attacks. However, my selection was driven by the presence of the levelable [Soul Manipulation] skill. Presently, it permitted manipulation solely of "Free Souls," those untethered from their mortal coil. This feature was already of great utility, but with the guided evolution system, its potential would undoubtedly be transformed in the future.

Lastly, the skill procured from the Arcanist class stood apart in its own league.

[Arcana LVL: N/A]

- Unlocks the deep connection between the caster and arcane energies.

- Temporarily enhances the potency, range, or duration of the caster's magical effects by channeling additional mana into mana-based abilities.

- The potency increase scales dynamically, providing a boost of up to 1,000% based on the caster's mastery of [Mana Manipulation] and the complexity of mana-based abilities.

- Expands the effective range of mana-based abilities by 1% per point of Perception, enabling the caster to target distant locations with greater precision.

- Extends the duration of magical effects by 1% per point of Dexterity, allowing longer-lasting buffs, debuffs, barriers, and other enchantments.

- Grants the caster the ability to effortlessly shift their mana between gaseous, liquid, or solid states, enhancing their spellcasting capabilities.

- While in the solid state, the user's mana-based abilities gain a 50% increase in Magic Penetration.

- In the liquid state, the user's mana-based abilities gain a 100% increase in Damage.

- When in the gaseous state, the user's mana-based abilities experience a 50% reduction in Mana Consumption.

- Shifting between states can be executed at will, but requires an initial investment of 50% of the user's total mana.

A single mental command set the skill in motion. In an instant, 11 million mana points evaporated into the void, only to be regenerated three seconds later as my mana reserves restored and solidified. However, the transition from its gaseous form to a solid state brought forth a challenge. Manipulating solidified mana was akin to attempting to shape steel with bare hands—a laborious and strenuous endeavor.

Struggling against the exertion, my will eventually coalesced into a small yet radiant sphere of yellow flame—the quintessential spell of spellcasters, the Fireball. Despite the heightened potency of my skills, the absence of instantaneous casting was a hindrance. As the spell took form, [Mana Manipulation] experienced level ups, twice in a row.

"Yeah," I sighed, reverting my mana to its original state and attempting to dismiss the conjured fireball with a casual wave of my hand. My frustration surfaced as the spell persisted, ignoring my prior attempts to dispel it. "I need to level up my [Mana Manipulation]," I grumbled, my dissatisfaction evident.

As I observed the spell before me a sudden revelation hit me, and astonishment etching itself on my features. The issue didn't reside in my inability to manipulate the spell, but rather, the present gaseous state of my mana struggled to interact effectively with the spellform of the solid-state mana.

"Fascinating," I muttered, my curiosity piqued. Enveloping the spell with my mana, I meticulously chipped away at its construction. The puzzle began to unravel as my mana particles slowly and delicately attempted to interact with the spell's foundation.

My mind wandered further, contemplating the implications. "I wonder if enchantments would differ based on the state of mana—liquid or solid," I mused aloud, a hand absentmindedly scratching my chin in deep contemplation.

My contemplation came to an abrupt halt as the replicator's chime sounded, signaling the successful completion of the replication process. "Well," I exclaimed, the excitement palpable in my voice, "I'll reserve further experimentation for later. For now, it's time to delve into the world of electromagnetic waves capable of destabilizing atomic structures," I declared with an anticipatory tone, rubbing my palms together in excitement.

(Tales of Demons and Gods – Olivia's Perspective)

"I'm so utterly bored!" I exclaimed with an exaggerated sigh, my impatience evident. "It feels like I've been sitting here for an eternity. I can't even feel my legs!"

"Please, My Lady, let's not exaggerate. You've been cultivating for merely half an hour," Serena swiftly corrected.

"But seriously, this is mind-numbingly dull!" I retorted, my frustration undiminished.

"Take a look at Miss Sky; she's fully immersed in the cultivation process," Serena remarked, her tone matter-of-fact. I followed her suggestion and observed Sky sitting in an impeccable lotus position, with her tail happily wagging.

"She's asleep," I deadpanned, skepticism lacing my voice.

"I believe she's entered a state of profound enlightenment," Serena countered, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her response.

"Oh, come on. Let's be real. She's got a snot bubble forming," I retorted with a chuckle, shaking my head in amused disbelief.

"Um, well... yes," Serena stammered, her confidence faltering. She continued, "I mean, you're absolutely right. Further analysis confirms, with a 98.4% certainty, that the young wolf, affectionately named Sky, has indeed dozed off."

I raised an eyebrow, humor playing in my expression. "And what accounts for the remaining 1.6 percent?"

"There's a remote possibility she might have been exposed to a sleep-inducing toxin. However, a more in-depth assessment is required to ascertain this," Serena conceded, her tone thoughtful.

"Well, then, let's put your theory to the test," I quipped with a chuckle.

Gently reaching out, I playfully booped Sky on her nose, prompting her to topple over and jolt awake. Her confusion was evident as she rapidly surveyed her surroundings, seemingly on high alert for the source of the disturbance. However, her gaze eventually settled on me, and she responded with a quizzical squint before launching into a tirade of barks, directed my way in apparent annoyance.

Amidst the subdued rumbling of the volcano beneath us, my laughter erupted uncontrollably. "Serena, you win this round," I managed to say through my laughter. "Sky was clearly in a profound state of enlightenment."