
Multiversal gods:War of pantheons

follow Nyxar on his journey to building the omniverses strongest pantheon in a universe ruled by the gods using his ability to turn fictional character from his past lives into Gods. think jack sparrow as the god of piracy and luffy as the god of freedom and slaves. raven as the goddess of darkness and empathy. ancient one as the goddess of magic. he just needs to convince them to leave their original worlds to go to a far more dangerous and chaotic one where they will face devils, abyssal creatures and most importantly other far more powerful pantheons -(I'd like to clarify that the picture used is not mine at all and I found it on Pinterest. I don't own the characters I take from marvel, DC, DreamWorks and the like.) anyway let's get into it

Narciss84 · Cómic
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18 Chs

Journey of avatars

Near an archipelago full of small islands, Jack Sparrow stood aboard the Black Pearl, surrounded by six other individuals—five men and one woman. Following Orochimaru's advice, Jack had sought out the most downtrodden, homeless individuals on the islands. He not only fed them but also granted them a small blessing from Nyxar, enhancing their physical abilities and infusing them with his blessing of luck. The transformation was remarkable: the once frail men became lean or muscular, and the sickly woman turned into a fiery redhead whose temperament could rival that of an Uzumaki.

Presently, Jack leaned against the ship's railing, laughing boisterously while inebriated. He executed flips and handstands occasionally, eliciting cheers and encouragement from the male crew members. Meanwhile, Mary, the woman among them, shouted in concern for his safety. "Hey, get down from there! You'll get yourself killed!" Her words went unheeded as Jack turned his attention to her, sporting a smirk that appeared to be an attempt at seduction. "Oh, don't worry, dearie. I didn't earn the name Jack Sparrow by keeping my feet planted on the same ground as you landlubbers. Hahaha!" A visible vein throbbed on Mary's forehead at the nickname he bestowed upon her, and she marched toward him with determined strides. The men aboard the ship paused their cheering, giving way with amusement evident on their faces. Even in his inebriated state, Jack sensed her approach and locked eyes with her, his smirk growing wider. "Haha, I knew you couldn't resist me. Have you come to—?" His sentence was abruptly cut off as Mary's slap landed squarely on his cheek. His balance teetered precariously, and he nearly tumbled backward. However, true to his reputation, luck was on his side, and he managed to fall forward, narrowly avoiding a dip into the ocean. "Perhaps I deserved that," he muttered, gradually pulling himself to his feet.

Mary's initial scornful expression softened as she regarded Jack. She inquired, "So, Captain, where are we heading?" Jack took a moment to dust himself off before responding, "Ah, yes. What did that white-haired bloke say? We have to do something to cement ourselves as a powerful crew an—Wait a minute, WHERE'S MY RUM?!" His exclamation startled the others on board, and they all turned their attention toward the spot where Jack had nearly tumbled into the ocean earlier. The rum had indeed toppled over, and Jack's reaction was nothing short of dramatic. With widened eyes, he ran in an oddly humorous manner toward the ship's edge and leaped into the ocean with a sudden splash.

The absurd sequence of events left Mary momentarily speechless, but the rest of the crew burst into laughter at their captain's antics. Despite finding Jack's behavior both charming and amusing, they also couldn't help but think of him as a bit foolish. Of course, the majority of them had never received formal education, so their perception of intelligence was relative.

Mary's mouth twitched in exasperation, a blend of annoyance and amusement evident on her face. She had been a normal girl once, or as normal as one could be in this world. Her personality had always been brash, but she held a keen intelligence. In fact, she had received an invitation to attend one of the finest academies on the mainland—an opportunity that was meant to shape her future. Yet, fate had a different plan for her.

She recalled the day when a group of supposed "recruiters from a hidden organization of alchemists" had descended upon her town. They promised compensation in exchange for the cooperation of the citizens in an experiment. Her parents had volunteered, and that was the last time she saw them. Their house was subsequently seized, and Mary found herself living on the streets for two grueling years. Just when sickness had begun to consume her frail form and the specter of death loomed closer, a chance encounter changed everything.

A drunkard had stumbled into her life, extending a helping hand. With little else to lose, she had accepted his offer of aid. To her surprise, his cure was effortless and almost magical. A simple prayer had restored her to health, and more than that, it had bestowed upon her a strange, mystical ability—she could summon chains from her body. Overwhelmed with gratitude for this eccentric savior, she had agreed to join his crew. After all, what did she have to lose?

As Mary looked at her fellow crew members, her smile widened. She realized that in this motley crew, she might find something she had never truly known—belonging and perhaps even a kind of twisted family.

A rumble reverberated from the ocean as the dripping-wet Jack leaped out of the water like a playful dolphin, landing on the ship's deck with a flourish. Droplets of water sprayed in all directions, an unintended shower for his crewmates. "I've got it!" he exclaimed, triumphantly hoisting the bottle of endless wine into the air. Laughter erupted, spreading like wildfire among the crew as they cheered, their camaraderie undeniable. "To the nearest, most secure bank in the archipelago!" Jack declared with a mischievous grin. "We'll relieve them of their riches, and the name of Jack Sparrow will echo across the seas!" The crew responded with boisterous affirmations, their spirits lifted by their captain's audacious plan.

Amidst the excitement, a lean black man, cigar in his mouth, made his way to the ship's helm. Mary followed suit, map in hand, as she coordinated with him to chart the course. She quickly pinpointed their destination. "Alright, Qunta, head southwest. The wind's in our favor, so let's make haste," she instructed, her tone focused and authoritative. Observing the crew, one could discern their remarkable skills, each member proficient in their respective roles—a testament to Jack's luck and his knack for assembling a capable crew.

Meanwhile, in a distant kingdom, Luffy's avatar strolled through the bustling streets. Unlike his godly form resembling Joyboy or the sun god Nika, he appeared as the everyday Luffy—an enthusiastic teenager donning his signature straw hat, a distinctive X-shaped scar adorning his chest. A loose red shirt hung unbuttoned over his torso, paired with denim shorts and a vibrant yellow scarf repurposed as a belt. His carefree demeanor was reflected in the light hum that escaped his lips as he navigated the unfamiliar surroundings.

Lured by an alluring aroma, an enticing scent that filled the air and made his stomach rumble, Luffy's avatar was drawn toward a nearby restaurant. Bursting through its doors, he found himself amidst a refined crowd of well-dressed men and women, indulging in their elegant dates. The plates before them exuded mouthwatering scents that set Luffy's taste buds alight. However, the expressions of the patrons swiftly turned scornful as they eyed his unpolished appearance. Two impeccably dressed men in suits approached him, their disdain evident. "I apologize, sir, but this establishment caters to the affluent, not to commoners like yourself. Kindly leave the premises immediately, or we shall be compelled to use force," one of them declared.

Luffy's brows furrowed momentarily as he processed their words. Then, his eyes lit up with realization. "Oh, you want this?" he said, reaching into his pocket and producing a platinum card. The appearance of the card caused the waiter's breath to catch, and the previously assertive speaker covered his face and discreetly retreated. The patrons, too, reacted with astonishment, their scornful expressions transforming into friendliness. Particularly the waiter who had issued the threat seemed to melt under the influence of the platinum card. "We deeply apologize, customer. Please, have a seat."

Luffy complied, taking his seat without even glancing at the menu. With his usual straightforwardness, he shouted, "BRING ME MEAT!" His declaration momentarily stunned the onlookers, but they maintained their cordial façades. The waiter scurried off to fulfill his meaty request. Meanwhile, a portly man approached Luffy's table, gesturing toward the vacant seat across from him. "May I?" he asked, to which Luffy sized him up before responding, "Do you know where the slaves are?" The man was taken aback for a moment but regained his composure to answer, "Of course, sir." Luffy's assessment of the man seemed to satisfy him. "Alright then, you can sit," Luffy conceded before his gaze returned to the kitchen, where his awaited meaty feast was being prepared.

The portly man watched in awkward amazement as Luffy devoured an astounding quantity of meat with no regard for etiquette whatsoever. He was beginning to regret his decision to approach the peculiar teenager. Eventually, the plates were cleared, and Luffy's once-bulging stomach began to deflate. Satisfied, he flashed a grin, but his expression quickly shifted to one of intense seriousness as he turned his attention back to the man across from him. "So, where are the slaves?" Luffy inquired, his tone unwavering.

The man eagerly seized the opportunity to speak, guiding Luffy out of the restaurant after settling the bill with the platinum card. They embarked on a journey that led them to an underground bunker resembling a prison. Cages contained groups of emaciated humans, a sight that elicited a deep frown from Luffy. The man noted his expression with a nonchalant comment, "Oh, I see. Hahaha, you don't like humans. Me neither. They're too common, they breed like cockroaches." With a dismissive wave, he urged Luffy deeper into the bunker, revealing elves and beastmen confined behind additional bars, each cage guarded by vigilant guards. "Haha, so... what do you think? Do you like what you see? Now, the price might be a li—"

Before the man could complete his sentence, Luffy's fist collided with his face, launching him across the room to crash into a wall. The resounding impact left the man sprawled and disoriented. Filled with anger, Luffy's avatar shouted, "Why the hell would you do this?" His voice resonated with a mix of frustration and anger.

The tumultuous events within the underground hold had stirred up a wave of guards who were eager to suppress the uprising. However, Luffy's stretched punches rendered them all incapacitated, and the liberated slaves, despite their emaciated forms, displayed a surprising burst of vitality as they sprinted behind their newfound savior. The group battled their way out of the facility, overcoming a barrage of guards and opposition with Luffy's rubbery prowess leading the charge. As more and more slaves joined the escape, their numbers swelled.

Yet, as they neared the city's gates, a formidable figure stood in their path. Clad in the attire of a commander, the man emanated an aura of danger that was clearly recognized by Luffy's sharpened Observation Haki. Luffy instinctively halted the group and confronted the commander, Sir Berracette. The commander questioned Luffy's identity and the purpose behind his actions. In a booming voice, Luffy declared, "I am Straw Hat Luffy, and I will liberate all slaves in this world!" Berracette's raised eyebrow betrayed his skepticism at such a bold claim. That's a rather naive goal to have don't yo..

Shut Up!, no one should ever be put in a cage. My that's a shame because that's exactly where you're going The atmosphere grew tense, and without warning, Berracette's body became enveloped in a blue energy as he disappeared from view. Luffy's instinct and agility allowed him to meet the surprise attack with a strong palm strike, but the commander's power was evident as he forced Luffy back. A black substance formed over Luffy's arm. W..what the hell is that?, the commander was familiar with ki, chi and mana but he had never seen this... it as haki!, luffy shouted to his adversary, who was puzzled by this unfamiliar energy.

Not willing to back down, Luffy thrust Berracette back and sensed an approaching horde of soldiers. Swiftly blowing into his arm, he activated his transformation, shouting, "[Gear 4th: Bounce Man]!" With each bounce, his form swelled, catching the commander off-guard and evoking a look of shock on his face. The confrontation had reached a critical juncture, and Luffy's Gear 4 transformation was poised to turn the tide.

With an instant bounce, Luffy closed the distance between himself and Berracette, delivering a devastating blow that sent the commander hurtling across the kingdom. As Berracette was propelled away, the afterimage of Luffy's Gear 4 transformation vanished in a puff of smoke, reverting him to his normal state. Luffy's triumphant shout of "Let's goooo!!!" resonated through the air, rallying the newly liberated slaves who followed him in a determined exodus from the county.

As they left the oppressive territory behind, the liberated slaves carried with them newfound hope, fueled by the legend-in-the-making that Luffy was carving. The tales of his actions would soon spread, turning him into a beacon of hope for those who had suffered under the chains of slavery. Straw Hat Luffy's legacy as the bane of slavers and the light of all slaves had begun and the name of Jack sparrow was about to be spread far and wide.


[aight i apologize for almost posting at midnight but i was busy today so...yeah, anyway have a good day...or night if you're awake at these unholy hours haha]