
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
34 Chs


As Kei was in his thoughts he heard someone talk to him. "Kei, are you listening?" Kei snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Yuri talking to him. He looked at her with an apologetic face and asked, "Sorry what's wrong?"

"I'm asking why are you and Anna always coming together to and from school!" Yuri said with an annoyed expression.

"Hmm, You didn't know?" Kei asks her quizzically.

"Know what?" Yuri asks with a curious expression.

"Me and Anna live together." Kei tells her.

"...HUH!?" Yuri acted like her whole world just tumbled down.

Yuri looks at Kei and then at Anna who has a smug face. That ticked off Yuri so she started shaking Kei. "What do you mean she is living with you!" Yuri cries out to Kei.

"I-I mean she has been living there for a couple of months already, you know. There is no need to be so overdramatic." Kei tries to defuse the situation but he fails and Yuri starts shaking him more.

"A-a couple of m-months!? Are you insane!? A man and a woman under the same roof for that long! D-don't tell me y-you already d-did t-that?" Yuri's voice becomes smaller as her face shows a large blush.

Kei chuckled a bit and decided to tease her. "Oh, what do you mean? What do you think we have been doing?" Kei asks with an innocent and confused face while tilting his head slightly right.

Yuri started heating up and steam started coming out of her head. "I-I m-mean, y-you know, a…" Just when Yuri was going to answer, someone else spoke to her.

"We should get going or we will be late."

Yuri paused for a second and yelled, "A-a ghost!" and started hugging Kei.


The three of them were speechless. Kei looked at her and thought she was really cute at the moment but didn't say anything.

"That's rude." The voice or rather Megumi said with no change in her expression.

"Yuri, it's not a ghost, it's just Megumi." Kei tried to calm her down so she would let him go since the class is going to start soon.

Yuri, finally realizing it was Megumi, didn't say anything, got away from Kei, bowed toward Megumi, and started running to class.

Kei didn't know what to say to this and just stopped thinking about it and walked to class with Anna and Megumi to class.

As Kei got to class he sat down in his seat and took out a notebook. Now, Kei does not need to write down notes for the class since he is always number 1 in the school. However, he always does it just because it is good to refresh his mind on the information. He does not want to get overconfident with himself and besides, Anna needs the notes since she can't concentrate very well in class.

Since this is Kei's last year in middle school he has already chosen to go to Shuchiin Academy. Anna is hellbent on following him so he needed to help her study for the entrance exams so she won't fail. Utaha, Megumi, and Yuri also want to go to that school.

The bell rings and class begins. Kei starts taking notes until it is time for lunch. He then goes to meet Anna, Yuri, Megumi, and Utaha.

He goes to the cafeteria and finds the girls. He looks around and finds them. He walks toward them and greets them. "Hello everyone."

They greet him back and he sits down with them. He starts eating and they begin talking with each other but it escalates to arguing between the girls and Kei can only sit there helplessly.

His table is always being looked at by everyone because of the people on it but no one causes trouble for them. The girls are all beautiful and every guy feels jealous of Kei however they never trouble Kei.

Kei is admired not just by the girls but as well as the guys. He is a natural leader and whenever there is a school event he is always in the front so he naturally became the leader of the class. The boys may feel jealous however they also don't really mind since Kei has become the leader of the boys.

Kei himself may not realize how he comes off but he is ethereal. Kei knows he is handsome because of his looks being a young version of merlin, however, the aura around him is unreal for this world. His aura naturally makes people follow and look at him. It is not imposing but it makes people feel comfortable and people naturally gather with him. That is the reason Anna is always telling him she feels warm with him.