
Life of Muhammad (SAW)

A professor writes that it has been a long time

That is when I visited Liaquat Medical College in Jamshoro

When he was marrying, the boys recited the Prophet's biography

Held a conference and invited all the teachers.

So I met Dr. Inayatullah Jokhio (who is evil

participated in this conference along with This

Aqdas in the presence of a lecturer of Islamiat in the sitting

A detailed account of the Prophet's private life

And tell the details of each of your marriages

Why did you get married and how did it benefit the Ummah?

The statement was so motor that the audience applauded it a lot

Saraya, at the end of the conference when we both left Jamshoro

Dr. Inayatullah Jokho was coming to Hyderabad by car

He said something strange

He said that

Tonight I became a Muslim again

When I asked for details, he said eight years ago

went to England for FRCS from Karachi when he

The journey to England was a long one by air

Bosalis sat with me.

After being aware of each other's situation, this woman

He asked me what is your religion.

I told him that Islam asked the name of our Prophet

Hazrat Muhammad - made, then this girl asked what

You know that he had eleven marriages with your Prophet


When I showed ignorance, this girl said that this is true

And it is true. After that, this girl said about the Holy Prophet

I (excuse me) except for the grain of the desires of the flesh

Make three more accusations, which my heart after hearing

I (Nu'uz b'Allah) developed hatred towards the Holy Prophet

And when I landed at London airport I

He was not a Muslim.

A Muslim during his stay in England

I did not get it, even until the Eid prayers

I used to go to churches and the Muslims there used to call me a Christian. When I returned to Pakistan eight years later, I became a specialist in bad joints and started working at Liaquat Medical College. I had the same habit here too. Listening to this lecturer tonight, my heart was cleansed and I read the word again. Consider how a few words of a woman misled a Muslim and if he did not listen to this statement of Dr. Inayatullah today, then what happened to me? The reason for this is the lack of knowledge of us Muslims. We are present

They neither read nor know about the life of

let's try .

In many meetings, when someone says such a thing, Muslims

They don't answer, they avoid. Objection to that

The morale of those who do it gets high.

So it is very important that we study this topic

And tell people the truth on occasion

I was once traveling from Bahawalpur to Multan

There was a man who told the people about the marriages of the Holy Prophet

was misleading about When I started talking to him, he became silent and the rest of the people also moved around. People have sacrificed their lives for the honor of the Holy Prophet. Don't we have enough time to memorize the salient points of this subject and to tell people on the spot? I realized this by a friend of the doctor who met me in England and came here with a group

Were Many friends of the doctor in England

Belonged to religions, he them on this subject

Keep providing correct information.

He gave detailed points, which I served

doing On Sunday, Dr. Sahib to his friends

Rea goes to church, there his introduction and prophet

Introducing Karim A. Christians especially

Masturat objects to your marriages. Dr.

The answers given by Mr. are as follows

My beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in Alam Shabab (25 (1)

Hazrat, an elderly widow aged 10 years

Married to Khadija. Hazrat Khadija

It was 40 years and until the age of Hazrat Radiyallahu Anha

Khadija's mother, may Allah be pleased with her, got married there

Did not

Until the age of one year, you heard about a wife. (If 50

If a person is dominated by mythical desires, then he is a scholar

Shabab for spending 25 years with a widow

Not content with the death of Hazrat Khadija

After that, due to various reasons, you got married. Then Dr. Sahib asked the same assembly that there are many young people sitting here ... which of you young man who will marry a 40 year old widow ....? Everyone was silent. Dr. Sahib told them that Lein Kareem had done this, then Dr. Sahib made everyone think that all the eleven marriages that he had done except one, all the others were Logan and everyone was surprised to hear this. Then he told the assembly that in the battle of Uhud, more than half of the seventy Companions were martyred, more than half of the families became helpless, and there was no support for the orphans. To solve this problem, the Prophet ﷺ‎

He asked the Companions to marry Begum.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to encourage people


Hazrat Souda (RA) (2) -

Hazrat Umm Saad (may Allah be pleased with her) and (3) - Hazrat Zainab bint Khazeem at different times. The Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw you and married a widow, due to which they settled in the houses of Isra women. Second (5) - Bringing the tribes closer through marriage and promoting Islam was now their goal. Dr. Sahib said that it was the custom of the Arabs to fight against the person who became their son-in-law

Considered against honor.

Abu Sufyan before converting to Islam

He was the fiercest opponent. But when his daughter Umm Habib

This enmity took place when the Holy Prophet (sws) got married to the Holy Prophet (sws)

decreased. What happened was that Umm Habiba (may Allah be pleased with her) initially

After becoming a Muslim, she migrated to Abyssinia with her Muslim husband, where her husband became a Christian. Hazrat Umm Habiba (RA) separated from him and reached home with great difficulty.

The tribe of the father of Hazrat Jawiriyyah (6) -

Mustalaq was the chief of the tribe of Makkah Mukarramah and Madid Munawwara

Lived between Jihad is less than this tribe

Was their leader killed?

Hazrat Jawariya, may Allah be pleased with him, was imprisoned and became a Companion

Come to Allah's side. Companions of the Prophet

After consultation, the marriage of the Sardar's daughter with the Holy Prophet

And with the blessing of this marriage, hundreds of families of this tribe

They were freed and all became Muslims.

The Daughter of the Jewish Chief in the Battle of Khabar (7) -

Hazrat Safiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) was imprisoned and became a Companion

Come to Allah's side. Companions of the Prophet (may God bless them)

He got her married to Hazrat Akram on the advice of

Similarly, he married Mason (may Allah be pleased with her) (8).

Due to the spread of Islam in the area of ​​Najd, these marriages

The purpose was also for people to be close to the Holy Prophet.

They can observe the morals of the Prophet so that they can be guided

Be a slave.

Marriage with Hazrat Maria (RA) is also the same (9) -

It was a chain link. You were the first Christian and their relationship

One was from a royal family. The Byzantine king Shah

Muqawqas sent your service to the Holy One as a gift. From Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh (10) What to do to break the ritual of marriage. Hazrat Zaid (RA) was called the son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He got married to Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh. When it was not suitable, Hazrat Zaid took her and divorced her. Dr. (11) - Maya is the source of Islamic knowledge, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet

The biography of Aqdas ﷺ is pure.

In order to preserve every aspect of his holy life, men, especially the Companions of Safa, took an active part. It was difficult for a woman to work with a divine companion for this task. For the completion of this work, you asked him for many marriages. He had instructed the wise wives of the purified ones to take note of everything that they saw in the darkness of night, Hazrat Ayesha who was very pious, shrewd and understanding. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught Aba specifically about women's rulings and issues.

After the death of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Hazrat Aisha

Lived for 48 years and 2210 Hadith Ab Allah Anha

Narrated by Radiyallahu Anha.

The Companions, may Allah bless them and grant them peace, say that when

If there is any doubt in any issue, then Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

Anha would have known about it.

Similarly, the traditions of Hazrat Umm Salama (RA).

The number is 368. These circumstances showed that the house of the wives of the purified ones was a religious seminary for women because this education was for the Day of Judgment and for the whole world and the media was limited, so how hard it must have been done. , it cannot be predicted today. In the end, Dr. Sahib said that in the above statement, I recite it to the people in the churches and they listen. The rest of the guidance is in the hands of Allah Ta'ala. If educated Muslims remember these points and an innovator attacks the person of the Holy Prophet, let us all defend him.

May God reward our master Muhammad, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, for what - -

Is it his family?

At least it has its own group WhatsApp Facebook and all

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May Allah help us all and make us do it.
