
Cruelty of the Food Chain

Several minutes of the beaver happily feasting when it sensed something ominous around it.

The beaver looked into the sky but it saw nothing, after a minute of scepticism it got back to eating.

Unbeknownst to him high in the sky above the clouds, there glided a large bird. It looked down to the earth investigating every kilometre. The bird is 60 metres with a wingspan of close to 100 metres. It was a Krieger eagle.

This eagle was sometimes referred to as the crazy eagle die due to its appearance. Its eyes resemble google eyes and it has a large powerful tail. It helps them with balance and pick up speed. The birth was colour and had biochrome feathers, it was because of this why they learned to fly at such high altitudes.

The Krieger eagle hid above the clouds. The Krieger falcons eyes were moved erratically as it was searching for a meal, soon it found its prey. It looked upon the unsuspecting beaver as it glided higher in the air to erase his trace.

The Krieger eagle flew with speed directly over the beaver. The Krieger shut its wings and dive down, it flapped its strong feather tail and dived at Mach speed. The bird's eyes locked onto the beaver and with its massive talons, it grabbed the beaver from the ground.


The Krieger sharp claw pierced through the beaver and its dinner and they soared to the air. The quick rise in altitude made Jacob pass out again. The Kreiger escaped into the mountainous lands.

The Krieger made its way many kilometres into the forest. The beaver bled to death by this time and was going home to be able to eat its kill. It looked like it didn't matter that it had picked up some unwanted good with his kill.

It flew deeper into the mountain where it was lush and green and looked like a totally different world. The Krieger saw its destination and descended slowly, it was on the home stretch as it soared across a lake.

The Krieger was sailing smoothly, a sinister feeling welled up in his stomach although there was nothing it could do. With incredible power, from the depths of the lake. A 100-metre crocodile appeared out of the water. It had some form of camouflage power making it easier to catch the Krieger.


It snapped the bird with its powerful jaws and dragged it back into the water. The crocodile thrashed like mad doing his death roll before swimming him down below. The water bubbled constantly after several minutes before it stopped.

The crocodile swallowed everything down to the banyan tree beast and the beaver-like it never cared. It was satisfying and relaxing under the water.

The crocodile entered a state like hibernation where it only focused on digestion. The crocodile stayed like this for days only going up for air. On day 30 the crocodile walked onto the lake banking and passed its faeces.

It blew from its nether regions, it passed a mountain of faeces. After it finished, it swam away into the water where it lurked mysteriously in the water.

Some more hours passed before Jacob jumped up. "Argh!" Jacob panted heavily as he got up, he shook everything off him. "Where the fuck…...the tree..then beaver ….then I was flying…..then everything went black". Jacob couldn't process what had happened to him.

Some minutes passed then a sudden fright took him. He searched around for a while before he found his bag again, all these gene cores were gone and absorbed, all high ant eggs were digested as well and the bag he had was barely intact.

"Dammit, everything is fucking gone" Jacob found his shredded bag, but there was nothing inside. Jacob looked all around and gathered his lost things. All he had left were some slightly damaged genling roots.

"Shit, it's all fucking gone" He smacked his bag to the ground when he found out it was all empty, gone or destroyed. He gathered all his things and it was mostly all gone.

"There is no point in sulking over it," he said in a depressed tone. He moved to the lake and washed everything off him. "What just happened, I had to have died at least 100 times. This Forest is too dangerous. It just goes to show the cruelty of the food chain."

He finished cleaning himself then left the lake. He weaved another bag for himself.


During his process, he saw something pushing up from the ground. He watched the dirt rise, soon he saw the familiar larvae poking out of a hole. "You stayed alive after all that? Well I don't have anymore gene cores, Leave with your life while you still can" Jacob sent condescending, but the larva ignored him and followed him.

"Tch, Not my problem" Jacob never worried about the larvae if he failed to listen. He continued to weave his bag from long leaves and made a suit of clothes for himself. His clothes fit perfectly and looked like armour.

He packed his bags with stones which he planned to use to throw on plants to see if they were dangerous. To prevent history from repeating himself. He washed the little genling roots that managed to escape digestion and ate them on the spot, there was no point in carrying them. He would have to look for more in the future.

"This should be me" Jacob was packed with everything that could benefit him. "I need a plan, I can't go in these places blind" Jacob learned his lesson easily, he was truly weak compared to the creatures in the man beast forest that were evolved to kill.

Being arrogant in a place like this would easily get him killed. So he started making plans. "The sun should be some kind of indicator of where I should go". Jacob used a stick and dictated north by using the shadows and labelling the points.