
Chapter 6 We Are Engaged

Bella was still looking at the shadow of Shawn that she didn’t notice the detest in James’s eye as he spoke to her.

She was thinking of how much he has really changed.

He has become more of a gentleman than the last time and didn’t pay attention to James at all.

However, after making that statement, James abruptly pulled her closer to him. "Miss Bella, what are you doing". He couldn’t be subtle or hold his question, he immediately had to attack her

"Exactly Mr Gibson, what are you dragging me on the streets, I don’t remember giving you permission to do that"

James was not really comfortable with the look she was giving him.

He had instinctively done that so that she would finally take her attention from Shawn’s Lamborghini.

"Miss Bella, I just wanted to remind you that it is I who you are engaged with so even if you like Shawn. You’ll just have to give up the thoughts of him after all. He is two years younger than you and it would be hard for you to marry into his family"

James still had a straight face as if he was just reading the news when he said it.

But Bella was stoned when she finally connected his action and his previous word.

It turns out he had thought that she was in love with Shawn.

And wanted to remind her of the bitter facts of their engagement.

She wasn’t even married to him and he acted so childishly.

Bella was really not in the mood to even correct his assumptions.

She just went ahead and entered into the car leaving him standing in the street like a fool.

James on the other hand took her silence as the forbidden answer that she could not give him.

He thought her silence was just a confirmation of his stipulation and he felt sad at the realization.

After standing for a while, Bella stuck her head from the car and asked if he was going to enter the car or not.

He didn’t answer her but still moved and enter the car.

Even as the car moved to the Gibson residence.

None of them spoke to each other, they all just went to their rooms.

At night, James was in his room but he couldn’t sleep. He turned and turned on the bed and finally gave up the idea of sleeping and finally got off the bed like usual.

When he was thirteen years old, he was attacked by some kidnappers. He was locked up in a dark room and beaten for many days. He had tried to escape then. But he was not saved immediately.

He’d had to suffer the wrath of the kidnappers and also the danger that waited for him at night while he was still a captive. Even after he was saved, the incident had left a big whole in his life.

This constantly comes back to hurt him especially at night so that he couldn’t sleep until he got used to insomnia.

He decided to talk a walk in the house, but when he came out.

His leg involuntarily took him to the front of Bella’s room.

"Why did I come here all of sudden" He asked himself when he realized where he was.

The only logical answer that came to his mind was that he was here to make sure she was sleeping peacefully while in fact.

He couldn’t stop thinking about here ever since that night when they got entangled together and had sex.

He recalled sleeping so soundly after the act that he didn’t even wake up if not for Sabrina’s interruption of his sleep.

His mind suddenly went back to the exercise they had, he was drunk then but he could remember some certain things,

Like the way she smiled at him, the way she hugged him so tight and begged him to have her, with her soft silky hands.

It had felt so good to hold her then and all of a sudden he craved her and he wanted to do it so bad.

But then he remembered the way she looked at Shawn earlier in the afternoon and thought he would teach her a lesson.

He paced around kind back and forth in front of her room until he finished two sticks of cigarette,

At the end, he stretched forth his hands and entered the room.

He quietly walked into the room and examined her beautiful long legs that were sticking out from the duvet and he started craving her.

But he knew that he couldn’t make the mistake of waking her to satisfy his desire now.

He could only lay down beside her and hold her tight so that she would get used to that fact that they were engaged.

After dragging her so that she was completely wrapped up in his strong and masculine arms.

It didn’t take him much time to sleep again as he immediately drifted to sleep,

He comforted himself with the thought of waking up before her so that he could go back to his room.

The next day, Bella thought someone had come into her room.

But when she checked the side of the bed, there was no one there,

And the bed was made in such a way that she believed it was just her mind playing tricks with her.

The next few days was particularly peaceful as Bella continued to focus on her work and so did James.

But even at that, Bell always missed her life in the past.

It was much more comfortable to travel around the world and stay in the estate.

Soon, the Gibson Enterprise were celebrating its anniversary.

Bella had to attend not only as a secretary and staff of Gibson Enterprise, but also as it’s President’s fiancée.

The Gibson family paid special attention by hiring hair dressers and beauty perfectionist to make her up for the event.

She looked so stunning with her Luis Vuitton mermaid dinner gown that hugged.

All her curves and made her look very elegant and irresistible to the eye.

Even the arrogant James who was also dressed in a custom made suit that matched her midnight blue gown couldn’t help but compliment her beauty.

"Thank you" she said and took his hand as he lead her into the grand hall.

Soon the ceremony had started and James was so busy greeting guests and welcoming the renown partners that came to attend the function.

Seeing that he was busy, she got tired of standing with him and decided to walk around and take the opportunity to adjust her makeup.

She signaled him that she was going to the restroom, he nodded and continued talking with the partners.

In the rest room, just when Bella was done adjusting her make up, she heard someone call her name.

"Are you Bella Eugen"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

She turned around and saw a young woman like her also dressed in a branded haute couture, looking very classy and elegant as well.

"We’ll, my name is Sophia Anderson"

Bella immediately recognized the name,

Sophia Anderson was the lady who had been the only woman that had grown up with James since childhood.

She had live in the Gibson family for a while and had also heard about the rumors that the two used to be the perfect couple.

They were going to end up with each other before Bella suddenly appeared from nowhere.

Even after knowing her, Bella pretended not to understand who she was or what she wanted with a fake smile on her face.

"We’ll hello Sophia Anderson, how may I be of help to you?"

Sophia had been waiting to hear this question. She also smiled in a fake manner and brought out a good card from her purse.

"I know you must have heard of me, here’s two million dollars inside this card, take it and dump James, cancel the engagement."

Bella suddenly laughed at the statement, everyone seemed to want to give her money.

Unfortunately the money is nothing compared to what she has.

Sophia was surprised when she heard the gentle laughter of Bella.

She immediately tried to be encourage her to take the money.

"Don’t be adamant, this money is enough to take care of you for life. James only agreed to this engagement because grandpa Gibson is in the hospital. You’ll be gone as soon as he recovers for James is not going to marry you, better to be safe and take the money."

"How ridiculous of you to think that two million can take care of me for life. It can not even cover my expenses for a month." After saying that, she picked her purse, adjusted her cloth and left a dumbfounded Sophia.

Sophia wondered how two million would not be enough to take care of the expenses of an ordinary country girl like her.

But it doesn’t matter, if she still wants to be so egoistic and adamant, then Sophia was ready to teach her a lesson.

By the time Bella reached the hall again, Hames was no longer engaged,

He had forgotten that she motioned to be going to the restroom because she had been gone for long.

So he didn’t tell Joana and she spoke to her harshly to her.

"Sit quietly so that you don’t run around and end up disgracing the Gibson family"