
Chapter 4 Always let me see sincerity

Seeing her back against the door panel, like a little milk cat who had to blow the hair but had to press the fire.

Fu Huai'an deep black eyebrows under the eyebrows bowed slightly, the throat was slightly rolled, and the smoky point was a little bit ash: "From the group called your mother, you are more suitable than the smoke. Although Miss Lin is beautiful, I also like it very much. Miss Lin, but not non-Min. Miss. Miss Lin is not willing, no one can reluctantly, go back to the room and rest well, when nothing has happened."

Lin warms his ears hot, secretly gives Fu Huai'an a crowned beast. Adjectives, Fu Huai'an speaks straightforwardly, making people angry and embarrassed.

Lin warmed up for a long while, and Fu Huai'an took a picture of his side, indicating that Lin warmed up.

Lin did not move, see Fu Huai'an deep eyes focused on his own hidden secrets, remembering that he is asking for help, can only adjust the mood, and walked toward Fu Huai'an direction.

At the age of twenty-four, Lin Wen can be responsible for his actions.

From going out of the room, into the door, and saying these words, Lin Wen knew that he would remain proud and turn and leave. Either let go of self-esteem, leave a request for help, and let Fu Huai'an give it to him.

They are all adult men and women. Even if Lin Wen is not personnel, they know the words of lonely men and women, bedroom and midnight. They can outline what makes people think about it.

Lin Wen is wearing a men's pajamas with a neckline that is too wide. Her long, narrow neck and beautifully-concealed clavicle are completely exposed to the eyes, with some inexplicable sensibility.

Her skin is too white, and now through her slightly red skin and red eyes, she has already discovered her inner struggle.

Fu Huai'an patience is surprisingly good today. He looks at Lin Wen and is not in a hurry.

Lin warms the inner world to fight.

In the end, the self-esteem was lost to Gu Hanyan. I didn't want to wait for Wen Mo to come back, but found nothing.

Lin warmed his fist and stood at the coffee table. He did not sit on the sofa beside him like Fu Huai'an.

Lin Wen himself is a proud girl.

It is now a challenge for her to find Fu Huai'an, which is contrary to her inner compromise.

"Lin warm we are all adults, since you have not left to choose to come over, meaning ... we are tacit, you should let me see sincerity instead of grievances..." Fu Huai'an voice is still as mellow, not too slow .


Fu Huai'an's sincerity means that Lin Wen understands that the cheeks are hot.

As if I had exhausted my life's courage, Lin Wen walked closer to Fu Huai'an and sat down at the position of Fu Huai'an. The nose was

all masculine with Fu Huai's taste of cigarettes, calm and restrained, full of strong pressure.

The word of restraint is absolutely not overemphasized at the moment.

She hangs her throat, obviously close to the movement, but the body keeps a distance from Fu Huai'an, trying to make herself look like a natural one.

Fu Huai'an removed the corner of his lips and shredded the scarlet cigarette. He held the cigarette on his back on the back of the sofa behind Lin Wen, and the body leaned in the direction of Lin Wen.

The fragrance of the shower gel on the man is mixed with the smell of tobacco into the warmth of the forest, the restrained and calm manly, and the forest is warm and tight.

Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen were very close, and Fu Huai'an gradually took a heavy breath, which made her mess up and her heart was like a drum.

"Don't wear underwear... um?!"

Fu Huai'an is quite squatting under the eyebrows. It's hot, full of mellow sound, a bit hoarse, nice and sensual, but the content makes Lin Wen shame a mess.

Lin warmed from the toe red to the hair, yes... she did not wear it.

Because she understood Fu Huai'an's suggestion, she came with the idea of ​​grievance and devotion. She didn't want to give her a way back...

A woman, wearing a man's pajamas, vacuum inside, sitting on his sofa, what is this sincerity, Fu Huai'an should understand.

She was ashamed to face Fu Huai's deep shackles and noticed that Fu Huai'an's breathing was close. She was nervously licking her clothes and red eyes.

"Lin Wen..." Fu Huai'an's thin lips touched her ear bones. Lin warmed an electric current through the spine, straightening the soft body, and the ears were red.