
Mr. Tycoon's Sultry Seductions

{Mature Content} What happens when everything you’ve built for the last 7 years come crashing down in one night? Mia's life was perfect until it wasn’t. Mia had married her college crush, many people called her the luckiest woman alive. She, from a lower middle-class family, got into a top university on scholarship and met him. He was her world, he was her everything, till he wasn’t. What greater pain could one feel than to find out her best friend of seven years had been sleeping with her husband since the night of their wedding? Mia, who had not pursued her career and lived her life to serve her husband, is hit with the harshest reality she could ever conceive. Will she be able to get back on her feet and get her revenge, or will she forever be at the mercy of those who betrayed her? ... ''Boss, the Miss is at an auction, and no one is bidding on her item, what do we do?'' The Bodyguard spoke as soon as Declan picked up the call; he was told to report everything that happened to her as soon as it happened and he knew he was going to be in huge trouble if he did not report this. ''What is the starting bid?'' Declan asked lazily; ''Ten thousand dollars sir; '' ''Okay, bid a hundred thousand dollars. ''

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160 Chs


She nodded, but winced as she tried to sit down. Declan's legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they moved closer to her bed, helping her sit properly. She appeared small, but felt even smaller in his hand. He tried to avoid touching any areas that were injured, but her hands, ribs, and legs all felt like they had been pricked with a thousand needles. She smelled like cake, mixed with the scent of alcohol. There was also a faint hint of vanilla that was barely noticeable under the influence of the alcohol.

"Are you okay? Can you sit comfortably now?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

"Thank you, I think I've got it," she replied with a nod. He slowly removed his hands from her, but not without noticing that his heart rate had increased for reasons beyond anger. His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything solid all day. He tended to forget to eat when he was trying to solve a serious problem, and Rohan's investigation was definitely a serious issue. If he didn't act fast, he could potentially lose all of his users to his competitor. He frowned. D'Factor was the best at everything, and he wouldn't allow any slip-ups in his office.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice sounding much better now that she was sitting.

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me. You're the one who's confined to the bed," he reassured her with a slight smile.

She introduced herself with a handshake. "I'm Mia," she said, extending her hand.

"I'm Declan. I'm glad that you're okay," he replied, shaking her hand.

"It's all thanks to you," she said, smiling gratefully.

"I'm just glad that I could be of help to you," he replied, rubbing his hand on his pants.

"I'll leave you to rest. It's getting late, and I think I should get going now. I'll check on you tomorrow," he said, surprised at his own words. Her smile widened, and he knew that he had said the right thing.

"Goodbye, Declan. And again, thank you for saving my life," she said gratefully.

He nodded and walked towards the exit. When he reached his car, he looked back towards her room, wondering if he should have waited until her guardian arrived. Did he do the right thing by leaving her there? He was confused. What was wrong with him? He had done his part by saving her. Now, it was her turn to fight for herself.

He knew that it was going to be a long night, as the accident had left an imprint on his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could see flashes of the accident, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. No woman had ever entered his thoughts as quickly as she had, and he wasn't sure if visiting her again was the best idea. But the thought of not seeing her again didn't make sense to him. He had saved her, and he felt responsible for ensuring that she was healthy until she was discharged. He nodded to himself. He was just trying to fulfill his duty as her savior, that was all.


Here's the corrected version:

As soon as Declan left her ward, Mia frowned and lay back on the bed, turning her back to the other patient in the room. Her partner had fed her first, but they were only talking now. She remembered how Beth had always avoided talking about the man she was seeing. Mia trusted Beth and believed she would tell her when she was ready to share her relationship with her. There were so many fish in the sea, but Beth had chosen hers - her husband.

Mia couldn't believe that Jack would date her friend, of all the ladies in the world. Her best friend. She shook her head, remembering the sound of Beth's voice in her bedroom. Was it really Beth?

Was it Beth that had been screaming in her matrimonial bed? More tears rolled down Mia's face, forming a pool of tears on the bed.

It was their wedding anniversary, and Beth knew that, yet she had called her husband for herself. With shaking hands, Mia picked up her phone and dialed Jack's number. She was directed to voicemail. She tried again and again but kept being directed to voicemail. She stopped and looked at her contact list until she found "soul mate". Mia had always thought of Beth as her soul mate.

To Mia, they were more than friends; they were sisters. They had wanted the same career, and many of their interests matched, so it had been easy to form a bond with her. Mia dialed her soul mate's number, but it went straight to voicemail. She whimpered and shut down her phone. It was certain that they were together. Beth was with her husband, while Mia was in a hospital bed without a guardian. Mia lay quiet, as she listened to the loud banging in her chest, and then it hit her;

She was done. She was done fighting for this thing called marriage.