
Mr. Spy Establishes An Intelligence Agency In Another World

"Terrorists planning to blow up a VIP? Just kill the terrorists first." "Powerful corrupt noble making backdoor dealings with the enemy? Make his death look like an accident to avoid political unrest." "Monsters terrorizing the countryside? Test out our latest chemical weapons on them." "Enemy nation planning to invade? Get some blackmail on them." "Demon King planning on destroying the world? Just break every law in the Geneva Convention and send them packing." This is the story of how a modern-day spy got summoned to another world and established an intelligence agency (and plans on conquering the world for Earth.)

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23 Chs

Morrigan's army

Enjento Supai POV:

The Throne Room was silent at the guard's message.

After several moments of shock, Princess Elisia was the first to break the silence.

"Enjento-sama, I presume that the Undead in the castle training grounds are the ones you asked permission to invite?"

"Indeed, your Highness."


"Guard, please go inform everyone not to attack the Undead. They are guests that Enjento-sama invited."

"At once, your Highness!"

The guard dashed out of the Throne Room to relay Princess Elisia's orders not to attack the Undead.

After the guard rushed out, Princess Elisia looked at Enjento with seriousness.

"Enjento-sama, I honestly thought I had prepared myself for every scenario, but this is beyond my wildest imagination. I was half-expecting you to hire an army of Monsters, Demons or Angels, maybe even a God, but an army of the Undead?"


"If it weren't for your status as a person summoned from another world like the Hero. The Tamashi Church might already be knocking on our doors with their elite Exorcists behind them."

"Do be careful, Enjento-sama."

On the continent, there are three religions. They are the teachings of Seinarisy, the Girishin Gods and the Tamashi.

Seinarisy is similar to Earth's Vatican during the medieval and Renaissance in the organization of religious positions such as bishops, cardinals, and abbots and beliefs like there being a Holy God who created the world in seven days.

The only differences were in the name and its leadership.

Back on Earth, the leader of the Vatican, the Pope, who was always a male, was usually elected by a group of cardinals. Due to this system, the position of the Pope was often like a presidential election. Similarly in the way, it is full of corruption and different political factions who all want power.

Here on the continent of Gaia, the Seinaru Theocracy was led by the Prophet (usually a woman). A Prophet was neither chosen by a council of Seinarisy's most influential leaders nor through inheritance, but by God himself, or at least that's how the story goes. Every time a Prophet died, an angel would come down and write the name of the next person to be Prophet on a giant stone tablet in front of the Theocracy's courtyard.

Then, there are Girisha Gods. The Girisha Gods were strikingly similar to the Greek Pantheon on Earth, with many even having the same stories and names. However, the Girisha Gods were somewhat less degenerate and temperamental. Enjento currently has no clues on how the religion is organized, but he suspects that it is similar to Ancient Greece.

Finally, there is the Tamashi Faith. Instead of calling it a religion, it was more of an army of ideological mercenaries dedicated to eradicating the Undead and keeping the balance of the world. The followers of Tamashi were similar to Earth's Shaolin monks, believing there is a balance to everything. If they deem the balance to be "broken," they'll attempt to do anything they can to "restore" it. This belief has often made the followers of Tamashi fight other religions and countries, including the Girisha Gods and Seinaru Theocracy, countless times. Due to their warring nature, they became some of the most feared warriors on the continent.

Whenever they weren't fighting another nation or religion, they were often fighting the Undead. No matter if it's something as low-rank as a Zombie or as powerful as a Lich. They will throw their lives on the line to destroy them since they believe that once a living being dies, they must stay dead. Otherwise, it would be breaking the laws and balance of the world. Their hatred of the Undead also extends to people who practice Necromancy. The most devoted believers of Tamashi will often attempt to kill anyone identified as a Necromancer on the spot. Claiming that they were "rulebreakers" and must be put down, or else the world falls into chaos.

Although Necromancy wasn't taboo or forbidden by any nation or religion, apart from the Tamashi faith, nobody practiced it openly out of fear of being hunted down by the feared Tamashi Exorcists.

Now back to the current situation.

Enjento is now standing before several organized divisions of Undead soldiers dressed in black armour and carrying an assortment of weapons, all made with the purpose of killing.

[Author's note: They should look similar to Sung Jinwoo's soldiers from Solo Levelling when he was still a newbie Monarch of Shadows.]

"All right! You weak boney tin cans! Our Mistress has ordered us to follow her Chosen's orders as we would follow hers. If I catch any of you lagging behind, I will personally oversee your re-education!"

The loud threatening voice that addressed the Undead army belonged to Morrigan's Chief Undead General, Andeddo Van Jeneraru.

General Andeddo was a tall black-armoured Undead riding atop a giant black horse with blazing red eyes that made it look like a phantom. Besides the black armour, General Andeddo also wore tattered black mage robes and a cape over his armour. He also had a beautiful black longsword by his side and wore a tall spiked helmet that made him look frighteningly similar to the Witch King from J.R.R Tolkien's "Lord of The Rings" series.

Enjento thought that if Andeddo ever met the Witch King, the Witch King might make Andeddo the tenth Nazgul and replace Khamul as his second in command.

(Although his robes make him look cool, in an actual fight, they'll only serve to slow him down, but in a world of magic, those robes might be some magical artifact that could turn the tides of battle.)

(What am I thinking right now!? I'm supposed to be giving them orders, not daydreaming!)

Enjento snapped himself out of his thoughts just in time as General Andeddo dismounted, walked towards him and knelt on the ground.

"Chosen One, I have assembled an army of my Mistress' finest soldiers as you have asked. What is it you wish for us to do? Give us the order, and we will fight against even Gods like in ancient times."

Did Enjento forget to mention that Andeddo was also quite dramatic and over-the-top?

"At ease General, my orders aren't as grand as going to war (for now). I've called you and your men here because my plans lack a workforce and require trustworthy people to be carried out."

"Your words have touched me deeply, Chosen One. I shall complete whatever task you give with my utmost abilities."

"Excellent. Call the other Generals forward and set up a temporary noise-cancelling barrier. We begin the debriefing in five minutes."

Damn! Morrigan has an army of the Undead at her beck and call. Things are getting interesting. What exactly is her background? Stay tuned for more chapters and leave a review and comment if you want frequent updates.

Fun Fact: I originally wanted Enjento to have necromancy powers, but I thought that would make him too overpowered and make him look like a certain someone from Solo Levelling, so I decided to give him a sidekick with necromancy powers instead.

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