
Mr. Mafia's Forbidden Love

Minka knows how much wealth is not enough to make her happy. What she got all this time was meaningless when her heartfelt empty. When she was longing for freedom, the second chance came at a very high price. She was forced to exchange it for her life, taken unilaterally. In an instant, her life changed one hundred and eighty degrees, from being trapped in a golden cage, now was trapped in a kidnapper's lair. Unfortunately, she has to deal with dangerous kidnappers who snatch her virginity and curse her with harsh words but sometimes accompany her to sleep with warm hugs. The kidnapper took care of her and gave her a strange sense of comfort that she could not find in her old life. Along with the kidnapper, she discovers significant facts about her family that she never knew before. Can she survive her nightmare this time?

Purple_Moonlight_ · Ciudad
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29 Chs

Endless Hopeless

I wake up in the dark.

I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness of the room. As I recall before, there was a bit of light from the lightbulb in the corner of the room. Now it doesn't exist at all. Completely pitch black.

I fainted in a state of half-standing and half sitting. This uncomfortable position made my body feel crushed inside and out. My head, body, hands, and feet all ached terribly. Especially on the ribs, which made me barely able to breathe.

I was reminded again of how hard they kicked me in the stomach. Maybe now my ribs are cracked or, worse, broken. Shit. I want to hold my stomach. This pain is truly excruciating.

My tongue tasted the salty taste of blood flowing from my nose and into my mouth. How badly did Loko beat me? Is my nose bone broken too?

Crying does not improve the situation, but at least it can be more relieved. I'm surprised. It turns out that there are still stocks of my tears. Even though I've been here for hours and even days, I've spent crying.

What time is it now? Why didn't Keenan come? Isn't he looking for me? Or did Keenan deliberately not look for me? Is he just pretending to be nice in front of me?

A series of questions went round and round in my head. I would be really disappointed if he was playing around me. If Keenan turns out to be lying, I will really hate him and will not be able to forgive him at all.

"I've been allowed by Loko. Why are you blocking me?"

Hiro's loud voice was faintly heard in the doorway.

He's coming!

Even though it wasn't Keenan, who came, at least there is still a little hope for me.

"Back up, you ugly man! I'm Loko's nephew. I could snitch on you if I wanted to, but I still have a bit of heart, so step aside before I tell my uncle." Hiro said in a high tone.

There was an angry mutter from someone outside in return. Shortly after, the lock was opened from the outside. I caught a thump before Hiro cursed under his breath.

"Shit!" he cursed. "So fucking dark."

"Five minutes!" shouted someone outside before the door slammed shut.

I tried to make a sound so Hiro could hear me, but my throat hurt as hell. I think even a single word is complicated to say. It's hard to even let out a growl.

Suddenly there is a light blazed from the door. Apparently, Hiro turned on the flashlight in his hand and shone the light on me. The boy squealed when he found me.

"Minka!" he said, surprised. He rushed to me. "Oh my gosh, Minka. Who did it?"

Hiro stood in front of me and looked at me with wide eyes. He touched my face and made me wince instantly. Instantly his hand was removed, and he brought his head closer to mine.

"Loko?" he whispered.

I nodded my head.

"Shit, I didn't bring anything for you," he cursed again. He reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of mineral water that was only a quarter full. "Drink this."

Hiro uncorked the bottle and led me to drink. Despite the difficulty, he gently pulled my head back and poured the mineral into my mouth. The water initially felt sore in the throat, but it felt refreshing after a while. I tried to clear my throat, and this time, I managed to find my voice. I desperately tried to talk to him.

"Thanks," I whispered as best I could. "Where's Keenan?"

Hiro put the mineral bottle back in his bag and gave me a concerned look.

"I haven't seen Keenan all day. I think Loko sent him out of town. I'm not sure. I only heard that you were brought to this room by Loko. I didn't expect him to beat you up like this."

I inhaled and exhaled shallowly. Trying to regulate this respiratory organ so it can last a little longer. My lips made a groaning sound as the pain in my ribs intensified.

"How long is he usually gone?"

"It's uncertain. It could be a week, four days, or even just one day. I'll tell him about your condition as soon as he returns," he replied. "Have you eaten?"

I shook my head. Feeling so tired and dizzy. I don't care about food. The important thing is I have to get out of this cursed place.

"I'll bring some food for you. Wait a minute, please." Hiro ran slightly towards the door, leaving his flashlight to accompany me in the dark.

A day passed by. Hiro didn't come back after he left me yesterday. So did today. In fact, no one had come looking for me for a second. No one, including Keenan.

On the one hand, I'm a little relieved that Loko and his men didn't come to me. However, on the other hand, they seemed to be trying to slowly kill me by letting me be in this position.

I've been standing in this room for two and a half days. It felt like my legs were about to come unconsolidated, and my hands were numb from being tightly tied to the pole. I can't take it anymore. Perhaps it would be better to die than to endure this endless barbaric treatment.


A soft voice caught my ear. I almost couldn't believe what I had just heard. Maybe it was just my imagination, but that voice sounded like a voice…



"Minka, are you inside?"

It was Keenan's voice. That's right, it's him! Thank God.

"Minka, answer me. Are you inside?" he whispered again, a little louder.

"Yes," I said. My voice was so rough and hoarse and sounded so odd.

The door opened, and Keenan rushed in with a flashlight. He closed the door slowly. His mouth fell open as soon as he turned his body to face me. He looked so surprised that the flashlight he was holding slipped from his hand and rolled to the side of the room. Keenan ran towards me.

"Minka," he whispered.

His hand gently stroked my face, and blood was visible on his fingers when he lifted his hand. It must have come from my face. I ignored his panicked face and tried to stand up straight but fell down again due to weakness.

"Hold on a moment."

Keenan rushed to untie the ties holding my hands together. His sharp eyes focused on struggling with the rope that was tightly bound. As soon as I let go, I immediately fell on his body. Keenan caught my body and took me into his arms.

Without being able to be prevented it, I cried with relief and happiness because, finally, he could come. I shed all the remaining tears in his chest. Keenan hugged me tightly while gently stroking my head.

I could be no happier than this.