

In the heart of the city's financial district stands the towering headquarters of Sterling Enterprises, led by the formidable CEO, GABRIEL KNIGHT. Known for his ruthless business acumen and icy demeanor, Gabriel r is a force to be reckoned with in the corporate world. Enter Parker Elena, a dedicated employee who never expected to find herself walking down the aisle with her CEO. When a sudden twist of fate leads to a fake engagement between Elena and Gabriel, they must navigate the challenges of blending their personal and professional lives. As Elena and Gabriel embark on a whirlwind journey of wedding planning and public appearances, they find themselves drawn to each other in unexpected ways. Despite their initial animosity, sparks fly between them, igniting a passion neither can deny. But as their fake relationship begins to feel all too real, Elena and Gabriel must confront their own insecurities and fears about love and commitment. With the eyes of the world watching, they must decide whether to follow their hearts or succumb to the pressures of society and business. "MR CEO, MY GREAT ENEMY " is a heartwarming and romantic tale of love, loyalty, and second chances, where two unlikely souls discover that sometimes, the best partnerships are found where you least expect them.

sunmisolaligali · Ciudad
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55 Chs


I woke up to the faint sound of birds chirping outside my window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I glanced at the clock and groaned. It was still dark outside, far too early for my liking. But today was an important day, and I couldn't afford to waste any time.

Throwing off the covers, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, my muscles protesting the early hour. Olivia was already stirring in her bed across the room, her eyelids fluttering as she began to wake up.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I greeted her with a yawn.

Olivia stretched and yawned in response. "Morning, Elena. What time is it?"

I checked my phone for the time. "It's 6:30 AM. We need to get ready to go see Clarina at the hospital."

Olivia's eyes widened in realization. "Right, I forgot how early it is. Let's hurry and get ready."

We quickly dressed in comfortable clothes suitable for the hospital visit, making sure to grab our jackets as it was still chilly outside. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and splashed some water on my face to wake myself up.

As we made our way downstairs, the house was quiet, the only sound coming from the soft hum of the refrigerator. Mom was already awake, preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom," I greeted her as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, girls," Mom said with a warm smile.

We nodded in unison. "Yes, we're ready," Olivia replied.

Mom gestured to the table, where she had laid out a spread of toast, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. "Well, before you go, you need to eat something. You'll need your strength for the day ahead."

Gratefully, we took our seats at the table and began to eat, the warm food and hot coffee helping to wake us up. Conversation flowed easily as we ate, the familiar routine of breakfast bringing a sense of comfort amidst the early morning rush.

Mom grabbed her coat and car keys from the hook by the door. "Alright, let's go."

Mariana stood up, her backpack slung over her shoulder. "I'm ready, Mom..mom can I follow you to visit clarina "

Mom bent down and touched her cheeks " clarina is okay baby , you need to go to school "she said and Mariana nodded in understanding

Mom packed some snacks and food for clarina to take with us

With our bags packed and jackets on, Mom drove us to Mariana's school first, dropping her off with a quick goodbye and a reminder to study hard. Then we made our way to the hospital, the quiet morning streets passing by in a blur. The sky was just beginning to lighten as we arrived, the early morning sunlight casting long shadows across the parking lot.

As we drove towards the hospital, a thought crossed my mind. "Hey, Mom," I said, turning to her in the driver's seat. "Do you think we could stop by a gift shop on the way? I want to get Clarina some get well soon cards and maybe a few other things to cheer her up."

Mom glanced at me in the rearview mirror, her expression softening with understanding. "Of course, Elena. That's a wonderful idea."

Olivia nodded eagerly from the passenger seat. "Yeah, I think she'd really appreciate that. Maybe we could find something to make her laugh too."

I smiled at the suggestion, grateful for Olivia's optimism. "Definitely. Let's see if we can find something that'll bring a smile to her face."

With our plan set, Mom adjusted our route to include a detour to the nearest gift shop. When we arrived, we quickly browsed the shelves, searching for the perfect items to lift Clarina's spirits.

Olivia picked out a silly stuffed animal with googly eyes and a cheesy grin, convinced it would make Clarina laugh. I chose a stack of colorful get well soon cards, each one adorned with cheerful designs and heartfelt messages. Mom found a bouquet of fresh flowers, their vibrant colors sure to brighten up Clarina's hospital room. We entered the car with our items and drove to the hospital.

As we entered Clarina's ward, I was struck by the sight of her lying in the hospital bed, surrounded by machines and monitors.

It was jarring to see her like this, so frail and vulnerable, hooked up to all those wires and tubes."You didn't tell me it was this serious," I said to Mom, my voice barely above a whisper.

Mom's expression softened with regret as she reached out to squeeze my hand. "I'm sorry, Elena. I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. But Clarina's condition has been deteriorating, and the doctors are doing everything they can to help her."

Tears welled up in my eyes as Mom apologized, her words weighing heavily on my heart. I needed a moment to compose myself, to gather my thoughts and steel my resolve for what lay ahead."I need to see the doctor," I murmured, my voice barely audible above the hum of the machines. Mom nodded, understanding flickering in her eyes as she reached out to brush a stray tear from my cheek.

With tears glistening in my eyes, I made my way to the doctor's office, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and hope.

Olivia walked beside me, her presence a silent source of strength as we navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital.

When we finally reached the door marked "Doctor's Office," I paused for a moment, gathering my resolve before pushing it open.

The doctor looked up from his desk, his expression sympathetic as he took in the tear tracks on my cheeks."Can I help you?" he asked kindly, his voice gentle and reassuring. I took a deep breath, willing myself to stay composed as I spoke.

"Yes," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "We're here about my sister, Clarina Parker. She's in ward 7."

The doctor nodded, gesturing for us to come in and take a seat. Olivia and I exchanged a glance before stepping into the office.

"I'm Dr. Richards," he began, his tone gentle yet serious. "I've been overseeing Clarina's care."

I swallowed hard,my voice trembling slightly as i spoke. "Can you tell us what happened to my sister?" I asked, my eyes pleading for answers.

Dr. Richards hesitated for a moment, his gaze sympathetic. "Clarina experienced a severe asthma attack," he explained gently. "It caused her airways to constrict, making it difficult for her to breathe."

The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. "Asthma?" I repeated, my voice barely a whisper.

Dr. Richards nodded solemnly. "Yes, it appears that Clarina has been struggling with asthma for some time now," he confirmed. "Unfortunately, her condition has worsened significantly, leading to the current crisis."

A wave of guilt washed over me as I thought back to all the times Clarina had mentioned feeling unwell, the moments when I had dismissed her complaints as mere exaggerations. "I had no idea," I murmured, my heart heavy with regret.